Ki throw, and what goes up...

Rules Questions

So I'm a maneuver master specializing in Ki throw. My wizard buddy hits me with enlarge person, so now I'm ten feet tall with a ten foot reach, and can throw my foe into any square I threaten. Well, since I can threaten the "squares" ten feet above me, I'll just toss the guy into one of those and let him enjoy the twenty foot drop for 2d6 falling damage.

Anybody seeing any violations with this trick? Seems cheesy as all get out, but maybe legal?

Grand Lodge

The square 10 feet above you is the 4th square from the ground. From there, a creature has 15 feet to fall.

If you're doing 1d6 damage with a melee attack when enlarged, I'm not seeing the abuse.

I guess it's the do damage and trip and reposition all in one. If one has this ability, why wouldn't one use it all the time?

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