What the hell is wrong with some people...

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As a few of you probably know, I live in Darwin (in the Northern Territory of Terra Australis). Yesterday I hear that they had two attempted child abductions and some guy stole his neighbours dog and took his child out bush and killed the dog in front of him.

WTF is wrong with people?

I was taught to put a bullet through an eye from half a mile when I was 16. I can damn well see why my father chose to teach me how to kill if this is the sort of behaviour that is going to start happening. Its like we have had an upsurge of 'animals' that need to be put down.

all I can say YD is that it's just gonna get worse before it ever gets better.

I don't want to fill up the thread with horror stories of why some people shouldn't be allowed to breed but all in all the value of human life has been decreasing as time goes on.

I am not sure as top why the value of life has decreased but it has and therefore more and more atrocities will be more common until the trend is reversed.

I think such awful things have always happened, and are probably no more prevalent today than ever. Maybe even less, since abusing animals and children is more proveable and prosecutable these days than in the past. Now that slavery is illegal, what was once perfectly okay to do to other people is now considered torture, since said people are actually considered people, lo, this past century or so.

Modern communication makes the discovery and dissemination of this kind of news easier and more common than ever. Anyone with a tv or computer can hear about it all day. As they say, "If it bleeds, it leads."

My mom likes to watch entire shows about murderers and abductors, and how the cops catch them. It's sensational enough a subject to warrant tv shows, and people will watch them and revel in the horror of it.

People love to hear about horrific crimes, and other people get paid to tell us all about them, so they do.

Liberty's Edge

Benicio Del Espada wrote:

I think such awful things have always happened, and are probably no more prevalent today than ever. Maybe even less, since abusing animals and children is more proveable and prosecutable these days than in the past. Now that slavery is illegal, what was once perfectly okay to do to other people is now considered torture, since said people are actually considered people, lo, this past century or so.

Modern communication makes the discovery and dissemination of this kind of news easier and more common than ever. Anyone with a tv or computer can hear about it all day. As they say, "If it bleeds, it leads."

My mom likes to watch entire shows about murderers and abductors, and how the cops catch them. It's sensational enough a subject to warrant tv shows, and people will watch them and revel in the horror of it.

People love to hear about horrific crimes, and other people get paid to tell us all about them, so they do.

Nails and heads and all that.

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If people commit crimes because they hear/read stories of people who commit crimes, than Shakespear must have been a menace because he gave London stories of teenage suicide, matricide, poisoning, serial killers, and a long list of other such crimes.

One of the most psychologically disturbing psychotic incidences I've ever read was written by Poe.

I don't think life is becoming cheap. It's always been cheap. The 'good 'ole days" never existed.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
yellowdingo wrote:

As a few of you probably know, I live in Darwin (in the Northern Territory of Terra Australis). Yesterday I hear that they had two attempted child abductions and some guy stole his neighbours dog and took his child out bush and killed the dog in front of him.

WTF is wrong with people?

I was taught to put a bullet through an eye from half a mile when I was 16. I can damn well see why my father chose to teach me how to kill if this is the sort of behaviour that is going to start happening. Its like we have had an upsurge of 'animals' that need to be put down.

Think about how Australia was founded, and especially where you are. Lots of folks who settle frontier areas are anti-social types whose main desire is to get as far away from civilisation and it's rules as they can do so practically. Australia was founded in the main by people where were rule or outright lawbreakers. Australia's history is a lot like Texas, only on a much larger and more global scale.

I'm not saying that most of the people who settle the Territories are sociopaths, but it only takes one in a community to spoil it and you're more likely to see one in a given number in the right set of circumstances.


Sorry to say it, but humans are a horrible, violent, expansionist primate species. Well, I'm not really sorry to say it, cuz this way we have Xbox & Sam Adams & cars, but you get the idea.

WTF is a question I ask quite frequently, especially as my work (EMS) forces me to face some of the worst, most depraved "people" I have ever heard about/read about/experienced.

Agent K wrote:
A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.

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You're right: humans suck.

If you all weren't so blinded by Paizo's flagrantly Big Lie-style propaganda, you all would realize that we goblins are this world's rightful inheritors.

psionichamster wrote:

Sorry to say it, but humans are a horrible, violent, expansionist primate species. Well, I'm not really sorry to say it, cuz this way we have Xbox & Sam Adams & cars, but you get the idea.

WTF is a question I ask quite frequently, especially as my work (EMS) forces me to face some of the worst, most depraved "people" I have ever heard about/read about/experienced.

Agent K wrote:
A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.

I agree with you and agent K's quote.

Humans are a smart aggressive species, that does stupid crap.

I think "unfortunate" behavior is not a new phenomena. I think we simply know about more of it due to the ease of information via the internet.

For the record, I agree. Humans suck.

Scary stuff. I've heard estimates from 1% to 5% of population. What's the current world population? How many psychopaths does that give us? Yeah.

The Exchange

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Historically humanity has always had its share of ineptitude, greed and sheer malcontent for no other reason than self gratification. However if you look at this from a wider perspective, we have changed drastically in the last few centuries. Not just technologically but also philosophically as well. In the last two thousand or so years, humanity has glimpsed itself in the mirror and decided as a collective group that we not only did we not like what we saw, we have tried several different methods to try and correct that. Some were mistakes, others were not. Most parts of this world and many of its peoples see and treat each other with growing respect and awareness of more than just ourselves. Beware of belittling the whole for the actions of a few.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Historically humanity has always had its share of ineptitude, greed and sheer malcontent for no other reason than self gratification. However if you look at this from a wider perspective, we have changed drastically in the last few centuries. Not just technologically but also philosophically as well. In the last two thousand or so years, humanity has glimpsed itself in the mirror and decided as a collective group that we not only did we not like what we saw, we have tried several different methods to try and correct that. Some were mistakes, others were not. Most parts of this world and many of its peoples see and treat each other with growing respect and awareness of more than just ourselves. Beware of belittling the whole for the actions of a few.

Too little, too late!

Human scum, get off my planet!

The Exchange

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Historically humanity has always had its share of ineptitude, greed and sheer malcontent for no other reason than self gratification. However if you look at this from a wider perspective, we have changed drastically in the last few centuries. Not just technologically but also philosophically as well. In the last two thousand or so years, humanity has glimpsed itself in the mirror and decided as a collective group that we not only did we not like what we saw, we have tried several different methods to try and correct that. Some were mistakes, others were not. Most parts of this world and many of its peoples see and treat each other with growing respect and awareness of more than just ourselves. Beware of belittling the whole for the actions of a few.

Too little, too late!

Human scum, get off my planet!

Oh go back into your little holes in the ground.

We had a chance. We had a real chance to overcome the shortcomings of our evolution and become a truly enlightened lifeform. A select few of our race managed to do so, and unfortunately for the rest of us, they immediately saw a distinct advantage in making sure that the rest of the species as a whole never reached that plateau. And now, thanks to their machinations, we (humanity) never will. By securing unrestricted and utterly unchallenged control over those factors that determine our outlook (education and media), they can keep us in the caves forever, so to speak, making sure that humanity as a whole responds only to its most base instincts and drives (what some call the "lizard brain").

In that respect, we are no different than cattle or sheep, and due to this understanding, we can be (and are) herded in much the same fashion.

Sieglord wrote:

We had a chance. We had a real chance to overcome the shortcomings of our evolution and become a truly enlightened lifeform. A select few of our race managed to do so, and unfortunately for the rest of us, they immediately saw a distinct advantage in making sure that the rest of the species as a whole never reached that plateau. And now, thanks to their machinations, we (humanity) never will. By securing unrestricted and utterly unchallenged control over those factors that determine our outlook (education and media), they can keep us in the caves forever, so to speak, making sure that humanity as a whole responds only to its most base instincts and drives (what some call the "lizard brain").

In that respect, we are no different than cattle or sheep, and due to this understanding, we can be (and are) herded in much the same fashion.

OK, now you're scaring me. Weirdos and perverts around every corner I can handle. But this? NOOOOOOOO!!!!

The Exchange

Um ok?!?

I agree with Sieglord. Now if your masters would just herd you out of here--leaving behind your frozen pizzas, intoxicants and video games, of course--we goblins can get down to enjoying our birthright.

I see Sieglord's point as being (please forgive me for going my own way with it) that what is needed, and possible, is a spiritual evolution of mankind that reduces our natural aggression, and that such a bold leap is so much harder to pull off in a world rife with demagoguery and its adherents, consciously or subconsciously far more responsive to and action-dictated by primal urges and fears than by enlightenment and betterment.

As consumers and citizens, we are absolutely under the mind control of a great many deliberate influencers who do so for the power and wealth it affords them.

Now does any of that have to do with pricks shooting dogs? Naw. Some people's extremely bad wiring can only be cured by two cinder blocks to the head and call me in the morning... from Hades.

However, IMO, the only people who've substantively lowered the value of human life over the last century have been the insurance companies. Really. ;) This world, despite it's many blisses and its majority of decent folk, has been a murder box since day one and human life has always been worth nothing to a select few bad apples. We should applesauce dey asses!

The Exchange

The Jade wrote:

I see Sieglord's point as being (please forgive me for going my own way with it) that what is needed, and possible, is a spiritual evolution of mankind that reduces our natural aggression, and that such a bold leap is so much harder to pull off in a world rife with demagoguery and its adherents, consciously or subconsciously far more responsive to and action-dictated by primal urges and fears than by enlightenment and betterment.

I contend we have had those. Many of them, and we are getting better. It may seem slow but in the history of humanity it is but a loud sneeze.

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There's 6 billion people on the planet. Some of them will be *&@^ in the head. Anyone with a more extensive explanation is just looking to impose order on a crazy world.

I think not having public insane asylums might have something to do with it as well where they do not lock people up for life anymore.

Dark Archive

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

You're right: humans suck.

If you all weren't so blinded by Paizo's flagrantly Big Lie-style propaganda, you all would realize that we goblins are this world's rightful inheritors.

I think you used the wrong word there it should servitors. By the way you can still run things in New Hampshire for me when I take over New England.

Grand Lodge

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It bothers me to see so many comments like many of the previous, OP included.

There are far more good people who do far more good for the world than there are bad people who do bad things in the world.

I remember a decade ago seeing data that showed viloent crime in the US had dropped over 60% while coverage of violent crime had increased over 600%.

Badness sells in the news media more than goodness.

I can't answer why any more than I can answer why all the other antelopes, zebras and wildebeests stare from a few yards away at the fallen antelope that the lions just brought down, devouring it front of the other preys' rubbernecking eyes.
But there are more good people than bad.

Humans (and orcs), are you still here?

Begone, I tell you!

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Humans (and orcs), are you still here?

Begone, I tell you!

I'm a humanoid shaped construct.

The Exchange

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Humans (and orcs), are you still here?

Begone, I tell you!

See these pointed ears...Bite me.

Think back to your guppiehood. How much trouble did you get into? And how much trouble did you not get into because you KNEW you parents would kill you and eat the body.

Anymore if you spank a child, you're a monster...Mr. Fishy's guppies live in fear. They also score a 5/5 on the FCAT. Mr. Fishy is a monster, his guppies do well. Mr. Fishy is will to make that trade.

Get a stick and hit a b%@~~! Problem solved.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Humans (and orcs), are you still here?

Begone, I tell you!

Give it up green boy. There's no way humans are ever going to turn the planet over to something that isn't even a full CR 1. You guys are what 1/4 a CR as individuals. Too weak to rule, now go back to your hovels.

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As a Fishy, Mr. Fishy is uniquely qualified to testify that water does not cause insanity. Anger, hyperaggression, cynicism, uncontrollable third person references are possible side effects of prolonged exposurer to water...or alcohol. Or at least three mental disorders...


Mr.Fishy wrote:

As a Fishy, Mr. Fishy is uniquely qualified to testify that water does not cause insanity. Anger, hyperaggression, cynicism, uncontrollable third person references are possible side effects of prolonged exposurer to water...or alcohol. Or at least three mental disorders...


are you sure?

Are you breathing air?

Steven Tindall wrote:

Give it up green boy. There's no way humans are ever going to turn the planet over to something that isn't even a full CR 1. You guys are what 1/4 a CR as individuals. Too weak to rule, now go back to your hovels.

Please, don't misunderstand me. We're not trying to take it from you. Despite what the racist propagandists at Paizo tell you, we goblins are friendly, kind, and enlightened.

The earth will not become ours because we are stronger than you (which we are not), nor because we are smarter, more attractive and more able lovers than you (which we are). No, it is because we are used to living in refuse and have all kinds of neat immunities. After your arrogant, short-sighted, bestial race has poisoned, radiated and bombed ITS OWN SPECIES to extinction, we goblins will still be here.

Playing your video games.

Guppies and tiny coffee golems are welcome, of course.

Mr.Fishy wrote:
Are you breathing air?

No, I am breathing a combination of nitrogen (78.09%) and oxygen (20.95%). The remaining 1% is made up of argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.039%) and other trace gases (0.003%) and about 1% water vapour.

And my evidence the water is tainted is here

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Guppies and tiny coffee golems are welcome, of course.

Sweet. Let the irradiation of the humans begin! I'll do my part to keep the people creating Skynet awake!

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Guppies and tiny coffee golems are welcome, of course.
Sweet. Let the irradiation of the humans begin! I'll do my part to keep the people creating Skynet awake!


Mr.Fishy wrote:

As a Fishy, Mr. Fishy is uniquely qualified to testify that water does not cause insanity. Anger, hyperaggression, cynicism, uncontrollable third person references are possible side effects of prolonged exposurer to water...or alcohol. Or at least three mental disorders...


Big Fishy not have anger problem. Big Fishy just like to solve problems by BITING! 8(=)

Boss Fishy completely right above, too!

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Azure_Zero wrote:
Mr.Fishy wrote:
Are you breathing air?

No, I am breathing a combination of nitrogen (78.09%) and oxygen (20.95%). The remaining 1% is made up of argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.039%) and other trace gases (0.003%) and about 1% water vapour.

And my evidence the water is tainted is here

Gas? so you breathing fossil fuels?...OK. That was no water. Mr. Fishy swims in water all the time and it has never be that awesome.

Mr.Fishy wrote:
Azure_Zero wrote:
Mr.Fishy wrote:
Are you breathing air?

No, I am breathing a combination of nitrogen (78.09%) and oxygen (20.95%). The remaining 1% is made up of argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.039%) and other trace gases (0.003%) and about 1% water vapour.

And my evidence the water is tainted is here

Gas? so you breathing fossil fuels?...OK. That was no water. Mr. Fishy swims in water all the time and it has never be that awesome.

that was a clip from a nearby town, lucky we have separate water sources.

And they are the only ones that drink that water.

Scarab Sages

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What is this thing you call 'breathing'?

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That was a bottled water and he hit that guy. He was obviously a dangerous psychopath before the water was comsumed and the water appeared to make him happy and LESS violent.

The Exchange

doctor_wu wrote:
I think not having public insane asylums might have something to do with it as well where they do not lock people up for life anymore.

We can only do that if you are guilty of Treason...and shoot you only if you resist arrest under charge of treason.

The Exchange

Treppa wrote:
Scary stuff. I've heard estimates from 1% to 5% of population. What's the current world population? How many psychopaths does that give us? Yeah.

And once bereft of authority and the right to live amongst the rest of you they migrate into the fringe raising the serial killer populations outside cities to 50%.

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WHAT! Shoot them, the crime rate will drop or the population will, win win.

Air Breather Genocide stage one near completion.

The Exchange

Mr.Fishy wrote:

WHAT! Shoot them, the crime rate will drop or the population will, win win.

Air Breather Genocide stage one near completion.

This is Why I support Deportation for Life to Antartica for all you fringe dwelling serial killers...you know who you are.

Y'all should have never come down outta the trees. Devolve and join the Monkey Movement!

The Exchange

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Y'all should have never come down outta the trees. Devolve and join the Monkey Movement!

is that how you end up with so much feces to fling????

Crimson Jester wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Y'all should have never come down outta the trees. Devolve and join the Monkey Movement!
is that how you end up with so much feces to fling????

I'd rather fling feces than Megaton warheads ..Just sayin'

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