Which first level adventures?


Do you know which 1st level adventures would work with the Stolen Land. From PF modules, PF society, Midgard or even old Dungeon magazine.


Greetings, fellow traveller.

I started my players off by using D0: Falcon Hollow (free download on this site).
Although it is set in Andoran, the atmosphere and general setting (hinterlands and a small settlement as base for adventures) fits quite nicely.

Do you intend to use these adventures as prequel or do you want to use them throughout the AP or do you just want to explore the general vicinity of the Stolen Lands?


Well met. The prequel adventures I adapted so far were:

A Plague of Shadows (1st adventure in Tales of Zobeck)
Witchfire Trilogy part 1 (Iron Kindgoms adventure)
Hollow (1st adventure in Tales of Old Margreve)
TC1 Into the Haunted Forest

Using a very slow xp advancement the player characters began in Zobeck (Midgard setting). They were sent by a city official to challenge the Rostland agents in the Stolen Lands.

I want the adventures to be a part of the exploration. Especially looking for adventures that involve fae or constructs.

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