BigNorseWolf |

If I were to increase my character's Intelligence score after leveling to fourth so that the ability modifier went up by one would I learn a bonus language? Also do I get the bonus skill points that I would have gotten at every earlier level or do I lose out on them as well?
The skill points are definitely retroactive in pathfinder, thats a change from 3.5
The starting language is probably intended to be retroactive, because a big change for pathfinder was making it easier to build higher level characters without worrying what stat was where when and what order you got your classes in, but its not stated anywhere. Will start digging for faqs.
Q: Do I gain retroactive skill points for when my intelligence score increases through non-magical means? I can't find a definitive answer in the rules.
A: (James Jacobs 4/13/10) All bonuses are retroactive when an ability score increases, be they bonuses to damage, to skill ranks, to hit points, to saves, to skill checks... all of them. Skill ranks not being retroactive are a 3.5 convention we specifically removed from the game because it was a weird exception to the rule, and since now there are no exceptions to this rule, there's no need to specifically state that skill ranks are retroactively granted if your Intelligence goes up. [Source]

Golden-Esque |

Outstanding, that quote you found sums it up very nicely.
Thanks for all the help BNW.
Just wanted to point this out as well:
This intricate gold headband is decorated with several small blue and deep purple gemstones. The headband grants the wearer an enhancement bonus to Intelligence of +2, +4, or +6. Treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the headband is worn. a headband of vast intelligence has one skill associated with it per +2 bonus it grants. After being worn for 24 hours, the headband grants a number of skill ranks in those skills equal to the wearer's total Hit Dice. These ranks do not stack with the ranks a creature already possesses. These skills are chosen when the headband is created. If no skill is listed, the headband is assumed to grant skill ranks in randomly determined Knowledge skills.
One thing that isn't made 100% clear is whether these "bonus ranks" are intended to replace the normal bonus skill ranks you get or if they are in addition to the bonus skill point per +2 per hit dice you'd get from the headband in the purpose. Personally, I'd say that you get both benefits, as nowhere in the description does it say that one bonus replaces the normal benefit, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway.

BigNorseWolf |

One thing that isn't made 100% clear is whether these "bonus ranks" are intended to replace the normal bonus skill ranks you get or if they are in addition to the bonus skill point per +2 per hit dice you'd get from the headband in the purpose
There can be only one! ... benefit.
Q: (10/8/09) A headband of vast intelligence grants you one skill per +2 bonus it has at the maximum number of ranks you can have, but do you in addition get extra skill points to spend per level because you effectively have a higher Intelligence after wearing it for 24 hrs?
A: (James Jacobs) The headband of vast intelligence grants you an Intelligence bonus. We wanted it to also grant skill points, since that's what increased intelligence scores do. What we DIDN'T want was a situation where you get an item that grants an INT bonus and put it on your head and get to pick where those extra skill ranks go there and then... because then what's keeping you from putting those ranks in to, say, Appraise, but then when you get to a locked door you can just take the item off and then put it back on your head and say, "Now those skill ranks are adding to my Disable Device!" Makes the item WAY too versatile. [Source]
-So the skillpoints in the headband are the only ones it grants. It just sucks when the DM gives you a headband of int with craft: decorative cake frosting or worse, something you've been maxing out anyway.
On the other hand, i can see someone selling/loaning these out at universities.
"Pssst.. hey kid, wana pass that class?" opens cloak "What do you need? I got a headband for history, spellcraft, knowledge arcana..."