Checking for interest D20 Modern Pulp Action WW II

Gamer Connection

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this will be the A-team of the past^^

Wait, did we get a choice of extra skillpoints or hp when leveling up?

No, since Mark joined us, we didn't need to boost the characters.

Ah, understood.

I'm mostly done - just need to tidy up skills and such, as well as outfit with guns and explosives.

I don't have any of the D20 modern books, so I've been going off the SRD. Can anyone lend a slight hand with my outfit?

Are we using the guns and equipment from D20 core, or is it from another sourcebook?

The D20 Modern - Past Sourcebook has an equipment chapter with weapons and their respective year of first use.
If you search for a specific weapon, one of us can surely look it up for you.

Excellent good- was interested in the Browning Hi Power pistol and Lee Enfield rifle, plus as many explosives as I'm allowed to take (mix of grenades and plastic c/w detonators)

Lee enfield would be the same specs as the M1 Garand that Oskar has according to the book
[2d10, 20 crit, 80ft range increments, semiautomatic, 8 box, 10lbs]
Browning high power
[2d6, 20 crit, 20ft range increments, semiautomatic, 13 clip, 2lbs]

Explosives are in the SRD and there isn't any difference for past so with those you are good.

I should have character finished either late tonight or sometime tomorrow. I'm in the process of moving this weekend, and wasn't expecting things to go so FAST.

The first game I tried to join here took a couple of weeks to character-up. :)

I do apologize for the delay. If you absolutely can't wait and would prefer to take someone else, I understand.

Thanks Oskar - will kit up and fix the issues in my character profile later today when my boy has a nap.

No Problem Shunka-if the guys get the crate before you're done, we will just assume you stayed at the base.

Harbinnick, you still out there somewhere?

How are we determing HP?

rolling, 1 and 2 count as 3

HP Rolls: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 1) = 7 (assuming max at 1st level?)

Which would be 9 + 6 + 4 = 19.

2d8 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7
1d10 ⇒ 6

Huh, did the D20 character generator thing not automatically do HP for anyone else? It just stuck mine straight on the character sheet.

Eh screw it I'll roll as well. Seems a bit more fair if everyone has to suffer the wrath of the paizo dicebot.

HP roll assuming full HP for level one
3d8 + 16 ⇒ (3, 8, 8) + 16 = 35

Back...I was away over the weekend. Anyway, I should warn you my intnert access is hard to be sure about...I lose access to paizo for no reason. I'm ready to go...I believe you have my character stats? Do you want me to create an alias?

Yeah surely, I'm looking forward to red Fish to complete our all-nations squad^^

Did you check the in game thread already? I think the first unpleasant encounter will soon be over.

I'll just be sitting in a corner sharpening my knife, and playing with some piano wire until I'm ready to get introduced...

that sounds creepy

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