Retech |

So I was wondering what the forumites would do if they were going to build Yoda in the fantasy setting. I was personally thinking magus or soulknife ontop of using a Blue or a Goblin.
And with that, what kind of things would you add to be thematically appropriate? How would you add insane jumping ability, using high dex effectively in combat, etc?

Retech |

Either one. I wanted to make an interesting character that was actually viable. Like a melee character that does "cool" flips and stuff.
I was thinking about refluffing hydraulic bull rush and stuff as force effects, flinging people across the room and stuff.
While being small
I was thinking magus because I could use spell combat to buff myself in combat. Say I strike the first time, cast jump on myself. Strike the second time, cast haste. Then start flipping and jumping all over the place with insanely buffed acrobatics.
And then wild talent from the blue could be used to get the fluff of calming oneself (getting psionically focused) and get some feats for that, like one that increasing speed by 10 feet while maintaining focus and a one time burst of 30 feet movement for expending it.

Richard Leonhart |

so, what does he do? he can jump quite fast and high, he can wield a sword and he can reflect balls of lightning, oh and with count Doku he uses telikinesis. Oh and he can see some of the future or something like that.
So we have: Fighter/Wizard (he might not learn directly from books, but that's only because he knows them all by heart). Perhaps some monk levels.
Oh and he is most definitly a goblin, have you seen his mad eyes in the old trilogy?
So Goblin Fighter/Wizard with lots of spellmastery, scry , telikinesis spell and a custom spell to use snatch arrows on ranged touch attack spells. He got good athletics and knowledge skills.

kyrt-ryder |
Is Gestalt on the table?
I'd go Magus // Psion [Generalist] with a focus on Psychokinesis and Psychometabolism.
Minimum level 13 to be able to use Energy Conversion [The feat he displayed when he absorbed Dooku's Force Lightning and sent it back at him.
Liberal use of the Expanded Knowledge feat to steal good stuff off the Psychic Warrior's Power List.