Dragonlance to Pathfinder


Has anyone tried to convert Dragonlance to Pathfinder? That setting for me was the reason I started playing DnD. I read all the books and when I saw that there was a Campaign setting for it I was excited. Now I would love to bring that excitement to Pathfinder. If no one was done this yet I will start on it, but I don't want to do things that are already done.

Well there are 3.5 conversions for Dragonlance. Official ones, including conversions of the original modules and a whole host of other adventures. I've played quite a few of them. I'd start there.

Honestly there's not a lot of conversion to do other than change skills around, give all NPCs a couple extra feats, etc.

I think if you want to get the real Dragon Lance feel you need to keep it low powered in the range of 1e. I cap level advancement at 9 and dragon advancement at CR 14 for the largest great worms and gods.

I'd also use 1e Dragon Lances so that they can actually cut down dragons the way they are suppose to. Even if you make them +5 weapons, a +5 weapon in the hands of a first level guy on ANY mount won't do anything to a dragon. They need to convey those HP as damage or something.

I only run E6 now, and if I ran Dragon Lance I'd still just run E6, but I think the spirit of the setting requires a little higher level. You just have to be clear that 9th level is as rare as 20th in a normal game and to make the level spread across the world reflect that, so that when the characters are 6th or 7th, they can take on the gold draconians and imperial guards of the dragon highlords.

That's just my take on it. I think you would have a very hard time making sense out of that goofy world if there were more high level spells or single men that could fight armies. It's all about the style.

My Dad would use the 3.5 Dragon Lance stuff with pathfinder just fine although we never got around to the Oracle as Mystic issue, but just a few of the normal 3.5 to pathfinder conversions and everything was hunky dory.

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