Quimnthemaster's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Might just have to add this to this list of self-imposed projected.

Mask of the Deceiver
Aura faint illusion, Cl 6th
Slot head; Price 10,800gp; weight 5lbs
This plain iron mask covers the wearers entire face, and allows him to cast major image once per day upon command. Additionally, the image remains until it is attacked or interacted with, at which point the illusion bursts into a shower of sparks and forces the enemy to be confused for one round with a DC 20 Will save to avoid. The illusion must be an exact replica of himself, including sounds and movements. Anyone trying to tell the difference between the caster and the illusion takes a -2 penalty to perception.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Major Image, cost 5,400

Well I too would be interested in such a game if you would like to try and get a group together to play over skype.

Well if you are interested in a skype game, I would be willing to play in another one. I live about 2 hours out of Raleigh so a weekly trip would be out of the question, but if you aren't against one being over skype, I am definitely interested

Well I am working on my wondrous item and getting in to the last couple stages before I start looking over it one last time and I realized I really don't know how to determine the cl of the item. I have combed the rules numerous times (had to do it anyway to make sure I wasn't missing some sort of ruling) and can't find it anywhere. Even after looking at already published items, I am lost.

Has anyone tried to convert Dragonlance to Pathfinder? That setting for me was the reason I started playing DnD. I read all the books and when I saw that there was a Campaign setting for it I was excited. Now I would love to bring that excitement to Pathfinder. If no one was done this yet I will start on it, but I don't want to do things that are already done.

Thanks for the heads up.

I have been wanting to play in the Carrion Crown since I saw the player's guide released. Basically I was posting in-case there is a spot open in a game that is already started. If not, how many people would want to start a Carrion Crown game? This is a AP that I want to play in before DMing it but if no one else will volunteer for the job I might (probably not but it is a possibility) be willing to DM the AP.

Oh, I must have somehow over looked the PbP part of this site. Thanks for the heads up. I had no intention of pulling people away from this site I was just ignorant of the ability here.

Hey guys, I have started a forum board specifically for a PbP version of Pathfinder. most every other play-by-post board is devoted to DnD and there are very few Pathfinder games. The goal for this new forum board is to have somewhere for PbP that is devoted to Pathfinder. The board can be found at http://pathfindersociety.proboards.com/index.cgi. I hope we can get this board to be a notable place to play Pathfinder.