Rise of the Runelords in Eberron


What does anybody think of this conversion? Thinking of making the AP linked to the ancient giant empire in Xen'Drik.

Should be workable. However, it would require you to change Runelord into giant himself unless you want to rewrite some of the Xen'drik history.

Or maybe another take: Thassilon could be empire build on the ruins of the giants by some of the left-behind elves (drow or otherwise) that took control over some small area of the fallen giant empire and learned how to use dragonshards and runes imbued with magic to bind scions of the giant empire into their service.

I may change the Runelord to a giant. That escaped me for a minute. I may have him as an Oni possessing a giant. Or maybe just use the Ogre Magi Oni.

Quori-possessed giant that survived fall of the giant civilization forever trapped in the ruins?

Actually, merging Pathfinder Oni with Eberron concept of Quori might be workable... Oni would be earlier generation of Quori that entered the Eberron during the previous conjunction.

Rune Giants, Rune Lords...?

Having the Runelord being an oni might be best. The Rune Giants might have been his creation at the end of the empire. This Runelord "underground" may have been ultimately responsible for the Dragons attacking the giants.

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