Does anyone know what Dragon / Dungeon issue had this image?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Silver Crusade

<---- This one.

It's been bugging me for a while. Apparently the tiefling is flying given the file name and is pretty happy about it too. And given how hard it is to find happy/not-sinister-looking tiefling art of any kind these days, just curious about the full piece and context.

Mikaze wrote:
<---- This one.


If Paizo is using it as an Avatar image, it has not come from Dungeon/Dragon as WOTC owns the copyrights on those images.



Silver Crusade

Rezdave wrote:


If Paizo is using it as an Avatar image, it has not come from Dungeon/Dragon as WOTC owns the copyrights on those images.



Almost all of the pre-Pathfinder avatars came from Dragon and Dungeon, both from covers and interior art.

randomly browses

Lidda from one of the class articles towards the back of the Dragon issues.

Iggwilv cover

Those old Wil Wheaton articles.

Scro from that Spelljammer races article?

A lot of WotC-era art is used for avatars, including the 3.x iconics, the Kyle Hunter mini-monster series, and a lot of miniatures photos.

The character I'm asking about is actually the tiefling iconic that showed up during Age of Worms and Savage Tide.

Rezdave wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
<---- This one.


If Paizo is using it as an Avatar image, it has not come from Dungeon/Dragon as WOTC owns the copyrights on those images.



Actually, I'm pretty sure it is from a Dungeon magazine from the Paizo era. That tiefling was one of the iconics from an AP; I just can't remember whether it was Age of Worms or Savage Tide (I think the former). I've also seen it, and own all the 3rd edition Dungeon magazines. Just don't have the time to go through them all and look for it...

Just to complicate matters: the picture in question might not be actual cover art, but instead be artwork for an individual adventure in Dungeon magazine.

Ok, this is officially bugging me now, too. I went through Dungeon #120-150, checking (a) cover art and (b) the art snapshots in the table of contents. Which is where my mind's eye tells me I've seen it before. Couldn't find it.

I might dig further back soon...

BenS wrote:

Ok, this is officially bugging me now, too. I went through Dungeon #120-150, checking (a) cover art and (b) the art snapshots in the table of contents. Which is where my mind's eye tells me I've seen it before. Couldn't find it.

I might dig further back soon...

I give up. Issues #110-119 didn't appear to have it, either, and I'm no longer seeing that iconic tiefling this far back.

I tried.

Try p59 of Dragon 341's Wormfood Article

Silver Crusade


And thanks to BenS as well! Sorry to get you started on a wild goose chase. :)

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