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Hey all, curious about what spell levels you'd put these spells at. All opinions welcome. I'm sure the Greater version will be quite a high level, possibly even 10th.
Components: V,S,M
Range: Close
Target: One spellcaster
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates, SR yes
Target is unable to cast spells for the duration.
Components: V,S,M
Range: Close
Target: One spellcaster or creature with spell-like abilities
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates, SR yes
Target is unable to cast spells or use spell-like abilities for the duration.
Components: V,S,M
Range: Close
Target: One spellcaster or creature with spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates, SR yes
Target is unable to cast spells, use spell-like abilities, or use supernatural abilities for the duration.
Thanks for all replies!

Khuldar |

just looking at lesser i would put at a lvl6 spell but i think it should have a HD limit of no greater then the caster. just my 2 cents
6th level for the lesser was my first thought as well. What school did you have in mind for these? I'd recommend Enchantment (mind-affecting)(compulsion). This line of spells is going to make any fight that they land on the bad guy over fast. Most high level monsters depend on their wacky abilities, this line of spells strips them away, leaving just a meat-bag waiting to have the HP beat out of it.
It needs some sort of drawback. Either a HD cap (which I think might make it unusable) or possibly a full round casting time. Instead of having 3 different spells, you might want to have what is shut off dependent on the HD of the target (like color spray). This would let you lock down lesser foes, but not totally neuter high level fights.

Vrecknidj |

You could make this a Touch spell, that would insert a significant element of risk to the caster.
And, change the target; why not let the caster cast it on anyone? If the target doesn't cast spells, or doesn't have spell-like abilities, that's the caster's problem.
Comparing the spell to something like disintegrate makes 6th level seem okay for the lesser version certainly.