Regarding Advice, Pugwampis and Community Content

Legacy of Fire

Hello all, I'm venturing here for the first time with the hope of starting up a game to replace my current RotR campaign, which as my first venture into the wonderful world of DMing, might just be retired prematurely. I've had a little trouble tying the seperate adventures together, and my players have admitted to being tired of their characters, so I want to move on to something a little more ambitious. I've got my heart set on this AP.

Now, before I begin scouring the GM Reference threads, I'd wonder if anyone has any advice for running this AP, particularly the first adventure, some three years on. Are there any threads you'd direct me to? Community Content? I've just discovered Skyler's audiofiles this morning and am totally stoked to use them. Is there anything else?

As a side note, I'm hoping to make a few changes to the first adventure. My players are somewhat bitter about playing at low levels. I think Burnt Offerings may be the first game we've played below level 5 in our lives. My players might mutiny if I start them at level 1 again, so I'm hoping to bump that up a level or two...

Also, I'm considering removing and replacing the Pugwampi's from the adventure... Would this have any unforseen consequences? Would I be hurting the campaign at all? Would I be tarred and feathered and ran off from these boards? I'm fearing my players have had enough of small-gremlin-type enemies with the goblins, so I'm hoping to find a replacement. Any suggestions here?

Thanks, folks.

I think losing the pugwupmis would be a mistake. They are a unique part of this AP. They only exist in the first book for a couple of areas and after that they are gone. But you know your group better then we do... the pugs are really hard on some groups.

A compromise could be that you leave the first one in the game as is... and then change the temple a bit with a group of baboons moving in and a druid pugwupmi as their keeper. That may tone it down a bit while not changing the first area too much... but making them only fight two pugs all together.

Good luck and have fun with it. (As far as the XP goes... make sure you are least put them on fast advancement. Giving them a level or two at the start will be OK... but I would not put them past level 3 at the most.)

Thazar wrote:

I think losing the pugwupmis would be a mistake. They are a unique part of this AP. They only exist in the first book for a couple of areas and after that they are gone. But you know your group better then we do... the pugs are really hard on some groups.

A compromise could be that you leave the first one in the game as is... and then change the temple a bit with a group of baboons moving in and a druid pugwupmi as their keeper. That may tone it down a bit while not changing the first area too much... but making them only fight two pugs all together.

Good luck and have fun with it. (As far as the XP goes... make sure you are least put them on fast advancement. Giving them a level or two at the start will be OK... but I would not put them past level 3 at the most.)

Thanks for the advice. I think you may be right on that. Erik's done a great job writing them in. I usually use a DM fiat system of levelling up, so the EXP track shouldnt be an issue. If I opt for that, though, I'll probably start on the medium track and switch to fast when things even out.

Will hold out for more input. I want to go in prepared, this time.

Anybody else have any reccomendations?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Twigs wrote:
Anybody else have any reccomendations?

The first adventure in this AP is probably a little tough at written levels. My PCs struggled in the middle of the AP as they went into town. Boosting a level probably won't hurt going into this AP.

I'd leave the pugwampi's as it seems they are very memorable critters to many people who've posted on these boards. It would be a shame for your players to experience this AP without experiencing the pugwampi's wrath of unluck. Even a boosted level against the pugwampi's shouldn't matter that much as they are probably under-CR'ed.

But it seems you might have a bigger problem than just how to prep for this AP if your players don't have fun at low-levels. But I'll not make any judgements about that.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

First figure out why your PCs hate low level. If it's lack of survivability, then start everyone with +10 (or +20) health. If it's lack of powers, then start them with a bonus feat. But address the issue.

The first module is difficult, and levels up pretty quickly. Starting at level 2ish should be fine.

This module is essentially a sandbox on a timer (not counting the final bit underneith the temple). The party has their choice of what to do or what not to do in the region for about six days before Kardswaan gets bored and takes the fight to them. The PCs have to take initiate to figure out what to prioritize.

As for community content, search this forum for Fortress of the Jackles (or was it Fortress of the Gnolls?) it's about location in the immeadiately vicinity that you can add as an optional area to explore. The home of the Three Jaws tribe.

Play up the NPCs. There's some colorful ones. Make their demeanors and personalities bigger than life. Watch some Aladdin or Sinbad to see what this sort of bombastic near-caracturing should be like.

I think of the Battle Market kindof like the Mos Eisley Cantina from Star Wars. Make it less of a dungeon and more of a seedy, rough-and-tumble town. There should be just as much oppurtunity to roleplay as there is fight.

The fight with Xulthos is HARD. The AoE, high-DC confusion effect is BRUTAL, even for players of much higher level. Consider changing it if your players aren't in to extremely tactical and careful combat.

Twigs wrote:
Hello all, I'm venturing here for the first time

Ooh, a débutante. Everybody, get your paddles! Initiation rite time!

Twigs wrote:

Also, I'm considering removing and replacing the Pugwampi's from the adventure... Would this have any unforseen consequences?

It would have catastrophic consequences! The players would not learn to hate and fear you and your pugwampi lackeys in equal parts!

The session where the pugwampis made their first appearance was one of my favourite campaigns. It's rare I get players so riled up against an enemy. And now whenever I mention the name, they mutter under their breath, partially to curse me, partially to ward of evil spirits.

"Awww, you tripped on your shoelaces - right into that cactus. That's toooo bad!"

I hadn't seen players have such strong reactions since the insane elf rogue/sorcerer who hat a hoot sneak attacking the paladin and running away - and then giggling like a schoolgirl when they told her she'll probably be hanged. That day, a certain paladin almost fell from grace.

You've definately sold me on the pugwampi's, folks. Have no fear. :P

Riggler wrote:
But it seems you might have a bigger problem than just how to prep for this AP if your players don't have fun at low-levels. But I'll not make any judgements about that.

Really, it's just one very vocal player. He's our resident roleplay buff, but is extremely fixated on his build, and is convinced having a low level limits him in ways I'll never understand. (A lack of iteritave attacks does not mean you are totally inept.) I'll be starting the game at level 3, for his benefit. He'll have an extra feat and 2nd level spells to play with...

His long-spanning campaign is also at level 9, and we play lots of sideplots with a revolving door of PCs... So we're a little spoilt in the exciting character builds department. Not that level or class have ever restricted his DMPCs, but that's a topic for another thread.

Erik Freund wrote:
As for community content, search this forum for Fortress of the Jackles (or was it Fortress of the Gnolls?) it's about location in the immeadiately vicinity that you can add as an optional area to explore. The home of the Three Jaws tribe.
Thanks a lot! Is [url=]THIS

what you're referring to?

As for pulling the punches on Xulthos, my experience with RotR so far is that each time I end up pulling the punches my bosses end up steamrolled. Though this probably had a lot to do with the overabundance of cramped hallways. I'll keep it in mind when the session swings around, though.

Kaeyoss wrote:
Ooh, a débutante. Everybody, get your paddles! Initiation rite time!

I dont know if my boniness would protect me or just end in a lot of painful splinters. Either way, yikes.

So far I have two characters in the works, with three more potential players I've yet to contact.

Two brothers with the finding Haleen trait, one a staff-weilding transmuter and another is a fighter, that will be rebuilt as a synthesist summoner when he is posessed by Vashidal.

I've expressed by absolute loathing of summoners plenty of times, but I've no wish to restrict their choices any more. I'm quite excited to have PCs that tie in so well, so I'll endeavor to make the most of it. Now I merely have to wait for him to decide on a weapon for Tempest, and do away with the "mold" aspect, because I think he has something a bit more awe-inspiring in mind. this thread springs to mind. Though a ghostly Janni could work too, provided I dont make it a fight to the death.

Does Dashavuum (the staff-weilding Templar) make an appearance in this AP? That staff might give my wizard something to be excited about.

I'm really looking forward to the sandbox aspect of the first adventure (and the timeskip that follows). My PCs sat on their thumbs for the better part of Skinsaw Murders (despite my better efforts), so I'll be glad to show them that Adventure-Pathing requires a little more initiative on their part.

Yes - he and his staff show up in book six as a key plot point and BBEG. But it is a monk weapon as written and tied to a genie them as a templar of the four winds. (The weapons are named after weather things... such as Tempest that is the first one you find.)

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