Sneak Attack, Clustered Shots and DR

Rules Questions

So, after reading the description on Clustered Shots from Ultimate Combat, I have come up with an interesting rules question.

Now, let's say we have a Fey creature with a ton of hit points, and we have a ninja that just has to kill it for whatever reason. He is a 10th level ninja, and has just gained the ability that lets him get greater invisibility by spending a ki point. The ninja is ever so careful, successfully sneaks up on the silly fey. He has a full round action and a bunch of arrows from a shortbow, so he let's loose, spending the ki point for the extra attack.

Let's say he manages to have all 4 of his attacks hit (2 from BAB, 1 from Ki Point, 1 from Rapid Shot). With Clustered Shots, he will easily get through the Fey's DR 10/Cold Iron.

So, how is sneak attack handled here? Does our Ninja get sneak attack for all his attacks, since they all effectively went through the DR, thanks to Clustered Shots? Does Sneak Attack only work once here, or does it not work at all?

Thanks folks!

P.S. My DM mentioned a rule that says if an attack doesn't get through DR on just weapon Damage, Sneak Attack Damage won't apply. Is this true?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You roll damage for all the damage rolls, including sneak attack, and add it all up.

THEN you deduct the DR from that total pool of damage. Whatever is left is what gets through.


Sneak Attack damage is not a rider effect (like poison) where if you don't deal damage it doesn't go through. Sneak Attack IS damage, so DR would normally apply after you've added it to your normal damage roll.

Were you thinking otherwise?

Ganny wrote:
P.S. My DM mentioned a rule that says if an attack doesn't get through DR on just weapon Damage, Sneak Attack Damage won't apply. Is this true?

Actually there's no such rule, but it is a common houserule...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ganny wrote:
P.S. My DM mentioned a rule that says if an attack doesn't get through DR on just weapon Damage, Sneak Attack Damage won't apply. Is this true?

You edit that in there? I didn't see it before.

Many rider effects (such as poison, disease, ability/energy damage/drain, etc.) don't apply if the attack they ride in on doesn't deal any damage.

Sneak attack and other damage riders (such as the flaming enhancement on your weapon) are NOT considered a rider effects, however. Your GM is wrong (and likely just got the rules a bit mixed up).

Ah, thank you for the clarification!

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