DM Hamied Seeks Players for Jade Regent Play-by-Post!

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I find it interesting that no one has submitted a fighter, and only one ranger and paladin. A few barbarians and cavaliers though. I don't think I've ever seen a submission thread without a fighter before (though there's still time).

With 29 submissions, and 21 classes to chose from, I would not expect too much overlap.

Fighters, Inquisitors, Alchemists, and Magus have not been selected yet.
Barbarians, Bards, Wizards, Cavaliers, and Ninjas have the most submissions, at 3 each.
Quite a large spread of characters.

No fighters is weird. At least there's a good selection :)

Raziel Holhiem wrote:

With 29 submissions, and 21 classes to chose from, I would not expect too much overlap.

Fighters, Inquisitors, Alchemists, and Magus have not been selected yet.
Barbarians, Bards, Wizards, Cavaliers, and Ninjas have the most submissions, at 3 each.
Quite a large spread of characters.

This somewhat, sounds like a group of 40 random people in a room and about 8 of them have a birthday that is the same as another.

It is indeed strange to see no fighters, but we do have a gunslinger, and that's supposed to be a fighter "alternate class", isn't it? I'm also surprised not to see a magus. They seem to be pretty popular.

Anyway, I will be closing recruitment tomorrow evening around 10pm PST (-7 GMT). At that point, I will include a final list of character applications and state in the thread that I've closed recruitment. I will take the time to reread all character information (I've been reading it as it has come in) that night and the following morning, and will post the list some time on Monday (8/22), preferably earlier in the day.

Are there any questions or concerns people have that I've yet to address?

I have you listed you as an applicant, but I will need a little more information and backstory before I can fully consider your submission.

Despite the high BAB and d10 hp, I think the gunslinger is more likely to act like an exotic blasting sorcerer than anything resembling a fighter.

I was looking over your character sheet, and I'm not seeing where Garand Blood Hand's longbow proficiency is coming from. I see that you have the weapon, but your feats are Spell Focus (Conjuration) and Augment Summoning. How do you intend to use your weapon?

I am intrigued by the idea that the bow is a gift from Shalelu, but I don't see her listed as being the NPC you are connected to via campaign traits (I see Koya and Sandru listed on your sheet). I'm not trying to nit pick too much, but I've been reviewing sheets and I wanted to clear up a few things.

Sir Jolt wrote:
Despite the high BAB and d10 hp, I think the gunslinger is more likely to act like an exotic blasting sorcerer than anything resembling a fighter.

Well, I took Weapon finesse and a rapier for a reason, you know... :D. The GS has decent AC and good BAB, and can be a competent melee fighter, but of course it is NOT a fighter or a barbarian (and that's the point, isn't it?)

But yeah, the gunslinger seems a really interesting class, especially considering the sheer cost of a single shot (11 gps), which limits you quite a bit at low levels.

This one seems really tense. I know there's a lot of applicants and not being singled out is really nerve wracking. I feel somewhat secure knowing there's only four pure arcanists applying, but sheesh. Tough stuff. I do not envy you having to go through so many applications, Hamied.

Dark Archive

DM Hamied wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Erastil grants longbow (and shortbow, and composite versions of both) proficiency to his clerics and druids, per Gods & Magic p. 15. Gorum, Gozreh, Desna and Lamashtu, among a few others, also give perks to their druid priests.

I wanted to build in ties to Shalelu, Sandru and Koya, in different ways (whichever campaign trait he picked, I was planning on RPing a lesser connection to the other two, unless someone elese is taking Childhood Crush, in which case, I'd skip that so as to not stomp on their specific trait). I could switch to Survivalist - Shalelu, as the Campaign Trait option, if you feel that's more appropriate given the non-traditional use of Rich Parents.

Piet the Hagbui (Human Witch) is also an option, if the Druid doesn't mesh well with a particular group you have in mind, although I haven't fleshed him out for this particular campaign yet.

Too much time and not enough to do this weekend. So I spent some time thinking about Zangeti's relationships with the four major NPCs, and decided I might as well write it up and add it to my submission.

Koya: As her adopted son, Zan feels a great deal of affection for Koya. He tries to live up to her expectations and make her proud. He does sometimes worry that she's too old and frail to keep traveling for too much longer. But from his perspective, most humans seem weak and fragile. For her part Koya wants Zan to live without suffering from the taint of his birth. Of that dark event, which much brought sadness to old friends, she hasn't spoken to the boy. She'd also like to see grandchildren from her adoptive boys before she dies, and since Sandru never did settle down with that nice Ameiko girl she's set her sights on finding a good match for Zangeti. (Friendly relationship)

Sandru: Sandru is like an older brother to Zan. An older brother that's smarter, more handsome, independently wealthy, and widely popular. Zan can't help but feel like the clumsy idiot child when he stands next to Sandru. It just makes it sting more than Sandru is obviously fond of Zangeti and tries to lend a hand or some good advice whenever they're together. Being in Sandru's shadow is bad enough, but depending on his help on top of that just rankles. Though Zan would never do anything to actually hurt Sandru he'd love to feel like he's better at something than just brute strength. (Competitive relationship)

Ameiko: Zan knows Ameiko as a family friend. She and Sandru would meet up whenever the two were in Sandpoint together, Ameiko joined Koya and Zan for dinner more than once. Zan knows her as someone who tells amazing stories and serves great meals. He's a little disapointed that she and Sandru never got together, he thinks she'd make a great big sister.

Shalelu: The elven warrior always makes Zan a little nervous. She watches everything around her like she's on guard for danger. He heard once about how she helped fight off orcish raiders back before he was born, and is a little afraid she might see him as one of those dangers.

Hrakar Orcbane wrote:
Sir Jolt wrote:
Despite the high BAB and d10 hp, I think the gunslinger is more likely to act like an exotic blasting sorcerer than anything resembling a fighter.

Well, I took Weapon finesse and a rapier for a reason, you know... :D. The GS has decent AC and good BAB, and can be a competent melee fighter, but of course it is NOT a fighter or a barbarian (and that's the point, isn't it?)

But yeah, the gunslinger seems a really interesting class, especially considering the sheer cost of a single shot (11 gps), which limits you quite a bit at low levels.

It's an interesting class and I think you built it very soundly. But the way they designed the class makes a DEX of 16+, a WIS of 14+ and the Extra Grit feat practically a requirement. A Gunslinger can't even spend his last point of grit unless he's willing to lose all his passives. I just wish they had made the class with more build options than they did.

I always like to read everyone's backgrounds because people come up with such interesting stories. I didn't get a chance to do that with everyone this time but I wanted to wish everyone good luck.

Almar Ashfield

Personality: Almar is taciturn and reserved, he tends to weight his words and doesn't talk much. He can be talkative and brilliant if he thinks it to be important for his own goals, like getting someone to spill important informations on his target, otherwise he keeps mostly to himself, and doesn't come to trust other people easily, although when it happens he can't avoid caring for them (which may be the reason he doesn't want ties... considering his past). The fact he befriended Sandru and feels he can trust him has come as a surprise to Almar himself.

Appearance: Almar is a tall man with black hair and a comely face. He usually seems half shaves although he doesn't allow his facial hair to develop in a true beard. His eyes are black and is stare usually cold and unflinching. He's got a lean phisique with a well developed musculature. He wears travelling clothes of brown and dark undertones, and a matching large brim hat.

Character development: I think I'll try to keep Almar as a single class gunslinger although I may be forced to take a level or two of fighter for more feats. As for those I mean to take some more grit feats and feats that increase shooting ability (stuff like deadly aim, point blank shot, far shot, etc)

Ah, just saw starting gold is average. Pretty sure I used max gold to buy all this stuff... so if chosen I'll rework for average. Mostly that will mean less armor, maybe fewer weapons :).

Haldaval wrote:
Ah, just saw starting gold is average. Pretty sure I used max gold to buy all this stuff... so if chosen I'll rework for average. Mostly that will mean less armor, maybe fewer weapons :).

Thanks, I forgot that part, If chosen I'll also rework my equipment, starting with left over cash then weapons than misc gear.

Korag's profile has been updated with the last trait and all of his starting gear. If anything looks incorrect please let me know.

Good luck tonight deciding on the group and thanks for being willing to run a PBP. Its not always the easiest job.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, really haven't had the time to work anything up. Just consider me out, I'd rather not rush the whole process.

Mai Sagara wrote:
Haldaval wrote:
Ah, just saw starting gold is average. Pretty sure I used max gold to buy all this stuff... so if chosen I'll rework for average. Mostly that will mean less armor, maybe fewer weapons :).
Thanks, I forgot that part, If chosen I'll also rework my equipment, starting with left over cash then weapons than misc gear.

I'll drop the Wakizashi, the Short Bow, the arrows, quiver and 33gp

Sovereign Court

I would encourage everyone not to worry about character sheet and wealth tweaks at this point, you'll have plenty of time for that if chosen.

Recruitment is closed!

The following characters are being considered. If there are any inaccuracies on this list, or if you have any questions of concerns going in to recruitment, don't hesitate to bring them to my attention.

26 Characters:
Shaundakul - Skanzu, Human Cavalier (Caravan Guard: Sandru)
Ayrphish - Tanglar, Human Witch (Childhood Crush: Shalelu)
Azure_Zero - Mai Sagara, Half-Elf Ninja (Younger Sibling: Shalelu)
Ravenath - Fist, Dwarf Monk (Best Friend: Sandru)
Hrakar Orcbane - Almar Ashfield, Human Gunslinger (Carvan Guard: Sandru)
Alexander Kilcoyne - Alezandru Viorec, Human Rogue (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)
sunshadow21 - Garidan Hawk Dancer, Human Bard (Foster Child: Koya)
Craig Mercer - Raziel Holheim, Human Cleric (Friend of the Family: Koya)
Shanosuke - Takeda Tojimaru, Human Samurai (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)
Hu5tru - Lisbet Errikson, Human Sorceress (Childhood Crush: Sandru)
fnord72 - Jebediah, Human Wizard (Best Friend: Ameiko)
Camris - Finrod Moruin, Elf Ranger (Rescued: Shalelu)
Meena Seewicket - Zanneriros Darkeyes, Half-Elf Summoner (Childhood Crush: Shalelu)
The Dorf - Symuel Deverin, Human Wizard (Best Friend: Sandru)
Darth Prefect - Celina Miyal, Half-Elf Bard (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)
DukeRuckley - Jakim Bakhet, Human Rogue (Best Friend: Sandru)
halplm - Haldaval, Elf Cavalier (Rescued: Shalelu)
imimrtl - Shinzen Tomaka, Halfling Ninja (unknown trait)
Inquisitor Leet - Rently Compass, Human Cavalier (Foster Child: Koya)
Neltji - Korag Urlot, Dwarf Cleric (Hero Worship: Shalelu)
Kiradia - Emilah, Human Barbarian (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)
Groth - Zangeti Kalderas, Half-Orc Barbarian (Foster Child: Koya)
valliss - Ferav, Human Barbarian (Caravan Guard: Sandru)
Sir Jolt - Sorin Nicusor, Human Paladin (Childhood Crush: Ameiko)
markofbane - Tragershen, Elf Wizard (Rescued: Shalelu)
Set - Garand Blood Hand, Human Druid (undecided trait)

I will post my selections some time tomorrow. Thank you to all who applied. There are some exceptional character concepts here and it will truly be difficult to choose.

I never saw a backstory from you, so I have not included you on the list. If you have one posted in this next few hours, I'm still willing to consider your application.

Against such stiff competition, I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve. :D

Good luck, everyone.

After looking over the list I am going to give others a chance to try this AP. Truth is, I am already in a Jade Regent game, I just wanted to try this character out in it cause he wont fit in anywhere else. But I don't want to get too greedy so I'm going to withdraw my application. Would have been fun but I wan't others to enjoy it too. Good luck guys.

@DM Hamied,

Azure_Zero - Mai Sagara, Half-Elf Ninja (Younger Sibling: Shalelu)

I'm a student survivalist as well as a Younger Sibling, but I picked the Student Survivalist trait.

so it should be

Azure_Zero - Mai Sagara, Half-Elf Ninja (Student Survivalist: Shalelu)

Yes, good luck to everyone. Whoever gets selected I'm sure will make it an awesome group!

I also wish everyone good luck, and hope those that get very few chances at PBP are selected.

Exciting as it is to have the group finalized, this is my least favorite part of recruitment because I am forced to turn away so many that were eager to play. In this case, I have to say "no" to twenty of you, and I hate that.

There are some concepts that I dearly love but have ultimately passed on in favor of others that I feel would better fit the party and my vision of the campaign. I believe that the list below reflects the best possible combination of characters. They complement each other well, both in terms of mechanics and roleplaying, but are not without the possibility of a little tension.

The Cast:
Hrakar Orcbane - Almar Ashfield, Gunslinger
Alexander Kilcoyne - Alezandru Viorec, Rogue
Craig Mercer - Raziel Holheim, Cleric
Hu5tru - Lisabett Errikson, Sorceress
Sir Jolt - Sorin Nicusor, Paladin

The discussion thread can be found here. If you were selected, please check in within 48 hours to secure your spot!

Thank you so much, all who applied! There were some amazing applications in this thread and this decision was very difficult. To those not selected, please know that your submissions were nevertheless impressive and compelling. I do hope you'll hang on to them and submit them for consideration in other games.

Best wishes,
DM Hamied

Well, I was on the right track with the Knifemaster/Scout Rogue! Congrats AK and the rest!

I hope that those chosen have fun and congrats.

I'm starting to think, I'm unlucky. I have applied to 10 PBPs in total and get 0 bites when there is a limited number of slots, I only get in by chance when a player drops out (happened once)

I've yet to see any cavaliers picked... and I thought this campaign would be sweet for them, oh well, next time perhaps.

Haldaval wrote:
I've yet to see any cavaliers picked... and I thought this campaign would be sweet for them, oh well, next time perhaps.

They are particularly well suited for the Kingmaker AP. I recently started the AP with a cavalier, but the players guide mentions how it is good for them because there are few/no deep dungeons where you have to leave your mount behind.

Thanks for the consideration DM Hamied, good luck on a great campaign.

Oh well maybe better luck next time.

Good Luck those who were chosen. It looks like a good group dynamic even if you are all humans. ;)

Have fun. It will be interesting to see how its goes for you.

Ah well. At least now I have a well written up character for Jade Regent. Best of luck to you all, and I'll check this thread if it updates with a call for replacements.

Congratulations to those who got picked and enjoy the game.

Dark Archive

Congratulations to those selected...Enjoy

For those who didn't get selected, I've revived Boomer's Bar and Grill to give characters a chance to be played with while they wait for proper games.

Dark Archive

Congrats to all! Don't get eaten by yeti!

And, when you reach the far lands, 'If your host serves you poison, don't forget to lick the dish.'

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