Why I love my Life!

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I love rats, and the fact that videos like this and this exist.

Also, bacon.

Scarab Sages


DAMNIT! Now I'm hungry.

Dark Archive

I love that my cousin is back from Basra safe on leave and I was able to have a few beers and cook him some BBQ last night. I also love that he will be done with his tour the beginning of August and I will be able to see him more often.

I love that my (I need to come up with a better term for this) soon-to-be-adopted daughter will be moving in permanently on Saturday. I love that my wife's birthday is also on Saturday. I love that my stepdad has taken time out to remodel our bathroom at no cost except for materials. I love that I had the foresight to finish most of my college courses early. I love that Grumaash's cousin is serving his country. I also love bacon. And I love you guys!

Scarab Sages

I love that I'm feelin the love!

I love Spring! I love the fact that I have this year single-handedly saved about a metric ton of coffee grounds, eggshells, and miscellaneous vegetable bits from ending up in a landfill, instead it is all slowly transmorgifying into some KICK ASS compost right outside my back slider!

I love that I have a hard-working wife who just got a sweet raise.

I love being the smiling face that serves a hospital its coffee every morning.

I just love life, 'cuz you might as well love the one ya got, it's the only one yer issued, so make the most of it! Who knows, you might get hit by a bus tomorrow. =D

Dark Archive

I love that I just got recognized for 5 years of service at my company.

Hey PC congrads on the wife's raise. We should go celebrate.

Scarab Sages

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I love a good night's sleep!

Scarab Sages

I love that Charlie has been so easy going the last two days.

Scarab Sages

I love spending a day with my boy!

I love noodling in the garden

Scarab Sages

That sounds.....dirty.

Sovereign Court

I love getting to clerk! Tax court just phoned, I'll be moving to ottawa in a year.

I love ... life!

I love air conditioning! :)

Scarab Sages

I love not having to beat someone's head in.......yet.

All You Need is Love

Sovereign Court

I love wearing a summery sun dress and pretending it's beautiful weather, even though it's raining outside.

Scarab Sages

I love Popeyes!

I love beating people in court and getting the money that I am owed.

Scarab Sages

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I love relatively quiet Fridays.

I love meeting new and interesting people, and hopefully adding them to my list of friends.

I love 70-degree weather in March. I love being able to ride my bike along the beach and feel the sun bake my skin

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I love a quiet, buffet breakfast that lets me pile as much bacon as I want on a plate!

Scarab Sages

I love that we'll soon be done in one space, allowing me to better avoid certain people.

Grand Lodge

I love clean puppies.

Scarab Sages

I love knowing that I have a six pack of beer waiting for me in my hotel room.

Scarab Sages

I love the thought of going home early!

Scarab Sages

I love being back home and having fun with my boy!

I love being done with the dentist until late April

Scarab Sages

I love short days!

Dark Archive

I love me new car and I love that it is Friday and I get so spend time with my wife and going to sing Jesus Christ Superstar at church Sunday.

Scarab Sages

I love finding some Strawberry Harvest Lager!!!!

I love bacon

Bacon loves me

We live together

In perfect harmony

Scarab Sages

I love agreeing wih you, Mr. Monkey!

I also love that PaizoCon is now but three months and change away!

I love having Game of Thrones to look forward to this Sunday!

I love a quiet Saturday, and getting stuff done, while still getting BACON!

Scarab Sages

I love that Game of Thrones is back, although I wasn't too crazy about the season opener.

I love that I finally got my copy of Hero Lab up and running, and immediately upgraded it with some Pathfinder goodness.

Liberty's Edge

This weekend - my girlfriend broke up with me. Found out that my Dad's cancer is back and is terminal. And my company is laying off hundreds of people this week (and I could be a victim of the headsman's axe)...

But -I still love my life. Because if I don't no one else will. So I don't worry about anything. Because worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives me something to do but gets me no where!

Scarab Sages

Positive waves, dude!

^What the zombeh said. It is easy to love life when all is well. It is harder to love it when things aren't so good. I try to remember that as bad as my life gets, I still live better than the nobility would a couple hundred years ago. We live in good times, better thsn 99.999% of the people before us did.

Dark Archive

You are in my prayers Gunny.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gruumash . wrote:
You are in my prayers Gunny.

Thanks! I think....prayers to the One Eyed god of Orcs? (uh, that could be worse than my curren situation, lol)


Been told that my job is safe!

Scarab Sages

Gunny wrote:


Been told that my job is safe!

I love reading that!

Dark Archive

Awesome news see the Old one eye can help ;)

Scarab Sages

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I love that Badgerman won RPG Superstar!!!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I love watching my boy do new things.

I love that my bathroom is FINALLY remodeled and I can shower in there. I love that my daughter is doing better in school now that she has me as a tutor. I love $4.99 enchilada specials!

Scarab Sages


I love Spring break with my kidlets! <3

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I love Moments snatched away to look at the Internetz

I love that computer spectacles are being betaed as we speak by several companies like Google

I love April, almost as much as May

Scarab Sages

I love fond memories of Good Fridays past spent eating boiled crawfish.

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