*POOF* You're an archmage. What's the first thing you do?

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Grand Lodge

What evil plot? I'm just enjoying a good laugh!

Evil plots are for losers and has-beens. I have a Good plot, and this has the advantage that the logics of story are on my side. When the Evil adventuring party comes to stop me, I can destroy them confidently.

But of course, why should I tell THEM what my plot is?

Foghammer wrote:
OOH! Mind-reading magic. I completely forgot about that. Yeah! I'd pull a Mel Gibson and go around reading women's minds.

Isn't "pulling a Mel Gibson" that thing where you compare the mother of your children to sexually active animals and express the hope that members of a minority sexually assault her (and of course you insult said minority, too)?

Plus, mind-reading is boring. Mind-writing is much more fun.

Q: Poof! You're an archmage. What's the first thing you do?
A: Roll up a fighter.

Kirth Gersen wrote:

Q: Poof! You're an archmage. What's the first thing you do?

A: Roll up a fighter.

As a light snack? "Fighter roll up, half the carbs and calories of a regular fighter!"

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
"Fighter roll up, half the carbs and calories of a regular fighter!"

True story: a young woman I worked with looked at the nutrition facts on her Healthy Choice chicken and rice lunch, and began ranting "How can this be HEALTHY?! It contains CARBS!!!"

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
"Fighter roll up, half the carbs and calories of a regular fighter!"
True story: a young woman I worked with looked at the nutrition facts on her Healthy Choice chicken and rice lunch, and began ranting "How can this be HEALTHY?! It contains CARBS!!!"

Perhaps she doesn't know what a carb is.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Perhaps she doesn't know what a carb is.

Knowing what her own name was seemed like it was a strain on her systems.

Foghammer wrote:
OOH! Mind-reading magic... I'd pull a Mel Gibson and go around reading women's minds.

I really hope you people realize I'm referencing a movie he was in... I don't know anything about Mel Gibson's personal life and could really care less, so your jokes are wasted on me. <<; Men in Big-Time-Entertainment-Land are batshit crazy half the time, anyway. Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Michael Jackson... Should be old hat, especially for the internet.

I stand by it. I'd read women's minds and make them question their own sanity, as well as whether or not I might be a divine agent sent to fulfill all of their needs.

Its cliche but I think i'd have to start a law firm. Sure its tough to rule the world entirely with magic, but on the scale of a courtroom or a boardroom and contract negotiations, its totally doable.

Well, reading women's minds has to be better than grabbing a sword and killing englishmen... or grabbing a rifle and killing other englishmen... or getting tortured to pieces... or becoming a conspiracy nut... hmmm. I figure Mel Gibson might not be much of a role model for people...

Me an archmage? First thing to do, eh?
1) Delete Mel Gibson from the fabric of time.
2) More cowbell....just generally more cowbell.

divine the the winning lottery ticket numbers for the next century or two....

Grand Lodge

obligatory office space reference

You're late, man.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Take over the world, rule the world and make people love me, worship me and despair.

So really nothing would change. :)

Dark_Mistress wrote:

Take over the world, rule the world and make people love me, worship me and despair.

So really nothing would change. :)

I would like to give myself the power of Jasmine from the Angel TV series. Would make world peace a lot easier. Of course I'd rather not have to eat people. Eating people just strikes me as unsanitary and time consuming.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
For me I'm going to make a demiplane and store a few clones there. Then I'm going to create an item of Teleport with out error and plane shift at will. What about you?

Have sex of course.

Grand Lodge

I don't need to be an archmage to do that though.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Have sex with an owlbear.

Grand Lodge

AUGH! *brain bleach*

Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:
Have sex with an owlbear.

I would film this as my first act as an arch mage.

And then I would proceed to dominate people into watching it, an endless loop, until the spell duration was up.

SCSi wrote:

Step 1: Go to a sorority house.

Step 2: Cast Charm Person, Mass
Step 3: Put on my Robe and Wizards Hat
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit!

That was hilarious.

I would build a lair and guard it with small groups of minions spread throughout the structure, with the weakest minions at the entrance, and increasing the toughness of my minions as you progress deeper into the lair.

Apply to join the Beefeaters, since I figure that involves working directly for Her Majesty the Queen (as opposed to some dodgy politician), a nifty uniform and getting to live in the Tower of London.

It depends. Am I the only one with access to powerful magic or arcane magic or any magic at all, or have a whole bunch of people suddenly become archmages too? Also, am I correct in assuming that magic would function like in Pathfinder - i.e. no negative side effects beyond the direct effects of the spells cast? Also, being an archmage, am I basically the equivalent of a 20th level wizard in PFRPG or am I some other arcane class instead - e.g. a sorcerer or a witch? Regardless, we are talking about 20th level right?

Roman wrote:
It depends. Am I the only one with access to powerful magic or arcane magic or any magic at all, or have a whole bunch of people suddenly become archmages too? Also, am I correct in assuming that magic would function like in Pathfinder - i.e. no negative side effects beyond the direct effects of the spells cast? Also, being an archmage, am I basically the equivalent of a 20th level wizard in PFRPG or am I some other arcane class instead - e.g. a sorcerer or a witch? Regardless, we are talking about 20th level right?

It's a fantasy, so it works however you want. Any class 20+ level.

personally I'd like to be the only one in the "real" world with archmage power. I have no interest in any competition where I don't have an unfair advantage.

Alright, I was just clearing up the nature of the setup. ;)

Yeah, so being the only one with such power, I would first ensure the security, safety, provisions, good existence and immortality of myself, through the use of the immortality discovery, planes/demiplanes, clones, contingency spells and a plethora of other means (e.g. various protective spells). I would also endeavor to achieve a good level of safety, security, provisions, good existence and longevity (something close to immortality, but it might be hard, since the immortality arcane discovery does not work on others) for my family.

Having done that, I might then seek to nudge the world in a favorable direction, but such interference would have to be very carefully considered, so that it doesn't backfire or leave people dependent on my magic.

Another thing I would do, is use magic to pursue studies of various topics of interest to me. One of those would be magic, thus enabling me to continue improving at it, but other topics might include interesting and/or practical philosophical and scientific questions.

Roman wrote:

Alright, I was just clearing up the nature of the setup. ;)

Yeah, so being the only one with such power, I would first ensure the security, safety, provisions, good existence and immortality of myself, through the use of the immortality discovery, planes/demiplanes, clones, contingency spells and a plethora of other means (e.g. various protective spells). I would also endeavor to achieve a good level of safety, security, provisions, good existence and longevity (something close to immortality, but it might be hard, since the immortality arcane discovery does not work on others) for my family.

Having done that, I might then seek to nudge the world in a favorable direction, but such interference would have to be very carefully considered, so that it doesn't backfire or leave people dependent on my magic.

Another thing I would do, is use magic to pursue studies of various topics of interest to me. One of those would be magic, thus enabling me to continue improving at it, but other topics might include interesting and/or practical philosophical and scientific questions.

SImply putting whomever you wanted to be immortal on a timeless demiplane will insure their "immortality" in the short term until you can think of a more permanent solution.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
personally I'd like to be the only one in the "real" world with archmage power. I have no interest in any competition where I don't have an unfair advantage.

Than make sure you assasinate all those other mages and other spellcasters while they're still below 10. Start an anti-wizard progom witch huntign campaign

I've heard that one of the predecessors of this, Lord Plagueis, was even able to restore life to the dead...


Engineer a series of natural disasters, intimidate, and demand a bazillion dollars from the world's wealthiest governments. /Bond Villain

Otherwise, Dominate a few Russian Generals, and Teleport some tanks and infantry men and such to the middle of the US and use Greater Scry to watch Red Dawn unfold for real.

Or I could just watch movies.

On a related note I've thought a lot about the nature of Mortality/immortality. Death is a natural part of the human experience. Once you become immortal it is even more important to accept this. People around you are going to die. For them it will be a lifetime, but for you it will seem like the blink of an eye. You could preserve your families life in a demiplane, but how do you think that will affect them in 50 years? What about 100? What about 1000? Personally I don't think my mother (for example) would handle immortality well. In time I suspect she would fall into a soul crushing deep depression. Assuming she wasn't invulnerable I think in time she would harm herself. To be clear I love my mother dearly, but I have my doubts that she would want to be immortal, much less her capability of dealing with the reality of living forever.

I think people that play this game have a better capacity to expand their mental capacity and envision the repercussions of fantasy a construct (like immortality) in a real world application. The majority of the worlds population (like my mother) lack this capacity.

I suspect Immortailty would be more of a curse than a gift for most and I would bestow it exceedingly sparingly even if I had the power.

my 2c

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:

On a related note I've thought a lot about the nature of Mortality/immortality. Death is a natural part of the human experience. Once you become immortal it is even more important to accept this. People around you are going to die. For them it will be a lifetime, but for you it will seem like the blink of an eye. You could preserve your families life in a demiplane, but how do you think that will affect them in 50 years? What about 100? What about 1000? Personally I don't think my mother (for example) would handle immortality well. In time I suspect she would fall into a soul crushing deep depression. Assuming she wasn't invulnerable I think in time she would harm herself. To be clear I love my mother dearly, but I have my doubts that she would want to be immortal, much less her capability of dealing with the reality of living forever.

I think people that play this game have a better capacity to expand their mental capacity and envision the repercussions of fantasy a construct (like immortality) in a real world application. The majority of the worlds population (like my mother) lack this capacity.

I suspect Immortailty would be more of a curse than a gift for most and I would bestow it exceedingly sparingly even if I had the power.

my 2c


Find that special someone, teach her/him to be an archmage, and live forever together.

Then have a quarrel over something trivial, divide the world up and have your sides battle it out in a blood feud. There may or may not be epic adventures involved.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Personally I don't think my mother (for example) would handle immortality well. In time I suspect she would fall into a soul crushing deep depression.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to live forever, either.

I mean, I'm bored out of my mind half of the time as it is.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Personally I don't think my mother (for example) would handle immortality well. In time I suspect she would fall into a soul crushing deep depression.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to live forever, either.

I mean, I'm bored out of my mind half of the time as it is.

Personally I'd like the option. ;-) I think with archmage powers I can keep myself amused for quite some time.

Good point.

[Starts deciphering Necronomicon]

Do I have to go *POOF* ?

I would prefer to go *WOOooosh*.

I'd start by wiping all the AP's I've spoilt out of my memory. *grumble grumble*

Then I craft some swanky boots and bind me some Solar's for my b@@+#in' Angel entourage.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
On immortality

In my GM's campaign, the immortals are bound by the hand of the fates. Only the mortals can be truly free, and those that strive for immortality (my LN/LE wizard) are shackling themselves.

I've always thought this was an incredibly badass interpretation.

I'd make some horcruxes.

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