New feat idea from one of my players - advice anyone?


Liberty's Edge

My PC wants a feat to be able to use his charisma bonus instead of dexterity for ranged touch attacks for his sorcerer.

Is there something like this out there already?

Think about it before you read my musings on balance:
That sounds like a pretty weak feat to me, what with ranged touch being a pretty easy threshold most of the time. To my mind, it would make this a quite a circumstantial feat unless he goes crazy on the ranged touch spells or something. Even then, we're talking about a buff from +1 from to a +4 for just a few of his spells.

Greycloak of Bowness wrote:

My PC wants a feat to be able to use his charisma bonus instead of dexterity for ranged touch attacks for his sorcerer.

Is there something like this out there already?

To my knowledge there isn't anything like that. If you are comfortable with it as the DM, then I say let him, but I have to ask: what is going to be the fluff for that? How does this translate into game terms, using Cha for ranged touch attacks.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
Foghammer wrote:

To my knowledge there isn't anything like that. If you are comfortable with it as the DM, then I say let him, but I have to ask: what is going to be the fluff for that? How does this translate into game terms, using Cha for ranged touch attacks.

I can't see the justification for such a feat either. I'd be careful with something like that, it means that everytime he bumps his spellcasting stat his casting not only becomes more powerful but also more accurate. I'd propose a feat that gives him +1 on touch attacks to cast a spell(maybe with a subsequent feat building on that, similar to Weapon Focus and Greater WF). Also, you can take Weapon Focus(ray), maybe remind him of that and drop the 8-th level Fighter prerequisite in his case for Greater WF(ray).

Remember that when trying to nail a ranged touch attack there are still penalties for things like cover, shooting into melee and so on. It is *not* a small deal to allow his proposal, I think.

There is a new ability in UC that is kinda simular, it allows Paladins to add Wis to thier attacks. Maybe use that as a basis of what kind of prereqs you want.

That +1-4 matters a lot more for ranged touch attacks. Skim through the bestiary, you will find that most monster's touch AC doesn't go past 15. So a level 8 sorcerer will typically have around 22 charisma (16-17 base + 2 race + 2 stat up + 2 item) and will have 4 BAB, that's a +10 to hit when you need to hit somewhere like 8-15. Allowing the feat turns all of his rays into auto-hit real quick, usually that takes a few more levels. Granted if you remember shooting into melee, party members serving as effective cover for enemy etc. then this feat turns reasonably difficult shots into very easy ones. Overall I suggest against it; IMO it just seems that he is trying to game a few more +'s out of you.

I would propose combat casting and point blank shot as prerequistes.

This feat makes ranged touch attacks a near certainty in most cases, making the ray spells quite a bit more powerful. Combat Casting simulates the need to concentrate, making aiming the rays a mental rather than a physical action, point blank shot can be thought of in a similar fashion and is quite useful for a ray/ranged touch attack caster as well as being a prerequiste for precise shot if the player wants to go nuts.

I wouldn't underestimate the usefulness of this feat, granting the feat on it's own would be better than giving the player weapon focus ray (which is +1 bonus) and precise shot (which is conditional) as a single feat.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks guys. I told my PC no.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Greycloak of Bowness wrote:

My PC wants a feat to be able to use his charisma bonus instead of dexterity for ranged touch attacks for his sorcerer.

Is there something like this out there already?

** spoiler omitted **

Your player is going for this probably because he WANTS to be crazy on ranged touch spells (as if hitting vs touch ac wasn't good enough)

Your player wants to hit ranged targets, he should invest in Dex.

That's the thing with Player-Suggested feats, always keep in mind that they're created with the premise . "I want".

Grand Lodge

I probably wouldn't allow it either, but I don't think the feat would unbalance your campaign. So the player dumps Dexterity because he can use his Charisma for ranged touch attacks. That doesn't give him the Initiative or Reflex save modifiers that Dexterity provide, so I think he would be worse off in the end.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
sieylianna wrote:
I probably wouldn't allow it either, but I don't think the feat would unbalance your campaign. So the player dumps Dexterity because he can use his Charisma for ranged touch attacks. That doesn't give him the Initiative or Reflex save modifiers that Dexterity provide, so I think he would be worse off in the end.

After that, the player would then ask for the 3.5 feats that base Will, Fort, and Reflex saves off of Charisma.

Just remind him that rays are technically weapons, so he can take weapon-related feats for it including Weapon Focus, Point Blank, Improved Crit, and Precise Shot. If he's willing to burn the few feats that he has, I say let him go for it. And he could always grab a Belt of Dex which is fairly cheap and raises his ranged touch along with his Initiative, Reflex saves, AC, etc.

I would definitely tell him no, but I'd also suggest all the other cool ways that he could boost his character so he doesn't get too pouty.

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