Cursing, oaths and swearing at the table


A 09 Grau Final avatar

One of my fellow players is constantly swearing in-character in our home game. Now, normally, being an Aussie and the son of a tradie, I wouldn't bat an eye. However, it really detracts from the experience for me. Something about the f-bomb and "s#!!" are just... so boring and mundane. In a game of Don't Rest Your Head or Shadowrun, I'd dig it... But in Pathfinder, somewhere in Acheron, surrounded by tortured souls and horrific devils? A bit of atmosphere would be nice.

These also seem to be the character's response to every bad situation. (And lets face it, we're PCs. The s~#+ hits the fan on a regular basis). I've called him out on it, and he's convinced he'd be out of character if he did any different, and that they're -good words-, and that sometime the extra impact is needed. (We play over IM, so I'm certain ellipses or all-caps could do just as well.)

Now, fairs fair, it is his character, but I'd like to be able to suggest an alternative. How do your characters swear in-game? Your favourite fantasy books? Movies? I'll draw on anything, here.

How is this problem approached at your table? Am I over-thinking this? Share with me your wisdom!

(I've posted this on Gamer Talk also, so if this belongs there, just delete this thread.)

Scarab Sages

Are you wanting to reduce the amount of swearing? Or broaden his expletive vocabulary, for a bit of variety?

I can certainly help with the latter.

let him watch Dexter, Debrah Morgan always swears and has amazing expressions :)

or just tell him to include a few PF deities "by the red buttox of Asmodeus".

if all else fails, ask him politely to swear less, I think he will understand, except if he plays a drunken dwarf named Grabthroat Shinkicker, then you're f-bombed.

Twigs wrote:

A 09 Grau Final avatar

One of my fellow players is constantly swearing in-character in our home game. Now, normally, being an Aussie and the son of a tradie, I wouldn't bat an eye. However, it really detracts from the experience for me. Something about the f-bomb and "s#!!" are just... so boring and mundane. In a game of Don't Rest Your Head or Shadowrun, I'd dig it... But in Pathfinder, somewhere in Acheron, surrounded by tortured souls and horrific devils? A bit of atmosphere would be nice.

These also seem to be the character's response to every bad situation. (And lets face it, we're PCs. The s~#+ hits the fan on a regular basis). I've called him out on it, and he's convinced he'd be out of character if he did any different, and that they're -good words-, and that sometime the extra impact is needed. (We play over IM, so I'm certain ellipses or all-caps could do just as well.)

Now, fairs fair, it is his character, but I'd like to be able to suggest an alternative. How do your characters swear in-game? Your favourite fantasy books? Movies? I'll draw on anything, here.

How is this problem approached at your table? Am I over-thinking this? Share with me your wisdom!

(I've posted this on Gamer Talk also, so if this belongs there, just delete this thread.)

Honestly, if cursing feels right at the time, cursing happens. Of course it could be reduced some and more setting appropriate oaths could take the place. But often when those times happen, I don't want someone sitting there for a minute or two trying to figure out a more "polite" way to drop the f-bomb. Just come out and say it. No harm done. I think you're overthinking it a bit and dwelling on a super minor detail. If that's the worst part of this person's RP, it sounds to me like there's no real problem.

Twigs wrote:

A 09 Grau Final avatar

One of my fellow players is constantly swearing in-character in our home game. Now, normally, being an Aussie and the son of a tradie, I wouldn't bat an eye. However, it really detracts from the experience for me. Something about the f-bomb and "s#!!" are just... so boring and mundane. In a game of Don't Rest Your Head or Shadowrun, I'd dig it... But in Pathfinder, somewhere in Acheron, surrounded by tortured souls and horrific devils? A bit of atmosphere would be nice.

These also seem to be the character's response to every bad situation. (And lets face it, we're PCs. The s~#+ hits the fan on a regular basis). I've called him out on it, and he's convinced he'd be out of character if he did any different, and that they're -good words-, and that sometime the extra impact is needed. (We play over IM, so I'm certain ellipses or all-caps could do just as well.)

Now, fairs fair, it is his character, but I'd like to be able to suggest an alternative. How do your characters swear in-game? Your favourite fantasy books? Movies? I'll draw on anything, here.

How is this problem approached at your table? Am I over-thinking this? Share with me your wisdom!

(I've posted this on Gamer Talk also, so if this belongs there, just delete this thread.)

If the cursing is bothering you, ask him to act like he is at a job in front of the client. Cut down the swearing and keep it minimal.

Or you could rent a neighbor's child for a night or two and ask him to keep it down in from of the kid.

As a person, be it player or DM it is your job to be honest and forthright with him, hopefully in a way he can understand, but if not, well, his reactions are entirely his own, can't claim responsibility for that.

The problem isn't necessarily the swearing itself. It's as Snorter said. I'd just like a bit more variety. We've had a chat about it and I got a few tentative agreements from my groupmates.

It's not a huge issue. More an exercize of curiosity. I'd like to see some alternatives. I also feel like it degenerates his roleplaying a bit when it's fired off so much, but it's more a matter of personal taste.

My own character is a flamboyant brit noble, so I've lots of gentler ways to swear, mostly damning the hells. Ironic, because that's where my current group are playing, trying to uncover Mephistopholes' truename and tip the balance.

Our game isn't set in Golarion, but my own game is. I'd be interested to see some setting-specific oaths that I can start using.

And yes, "Cusswords of Golarion" would be a day one purchase. No doubt about it.

See when my players/mates come out swearing like sailors its usually because something bad happened and they are feeling rather emotional about it... makes for high comedy :)

But variety is king.

Scarab Sages

I think if his character is interested in swearing, he should make up words, or try to get it to fit into the campaign.
Droping the F bomb isnt that intersting. try saying something like 'by the 20 Gods!'
Or 'by the fair scales of Abadar!', 'by the prostitute of Cayden!'
Same Racial slurs like 'damn pointy ears' Blaming everything on the pointy ear elves.
Some other intersting ones: 'DRAGON DUNG!' 'Pitless fiends!' 'blood suckers!'

Scarab Sages

This should be good for a few. LOL

If you've got a laptop open at the game, have him shout whatever result he gets from HERE!

In the series Firefly the characters ar constantly cursing and swearing terrible oaths, all in chinese.

In Farscape there is also tons of swearing and profanity, in an alien language.

Battlestar Galactica had Frak and so on. Link below has more.

Liberty's Edge

I have to admit, swearing is no rarity in our games, nor is sexual innuendo, but it is all well timed and very funny.

I actually like it as it keeps things real. I hate alternative swearing. Things like 'Frak' get on my nerves. If you are in a bad situation, words like 'oh poopy' are just silly.

One of the reasons I enjoyed the film Your Highness (juvenile though it is) was because it was like a typical bunch of roleplayers - this fantasy setting, a quest...yet modern language and swearing all part of the parcel.

That said, I am all for creative swear words that introduce a bit of Pathfinder into it - By Abadar's c**k! That is a lot of monsters!'

Or 'dear god, that beast looks like it was belched straight from Asmodeus's arse!'

Grand Lodge

Fellow Aussie here with a *small* swearing issue I have largely gotten under control thanks to the work environment.

One of the biggest put downs I ever got was that I was "boring" because everything I said was unimaginitve swearing.

I'd just ask he either tone it back or make it colourful and genre fitting and just tell him you don't object to the swearing but that its so boring

Liberty's Edge

Don't tell me this guy speaks English during your games too, instead of Taldan!?

Yeah, he's a horrible role-player.

I run a game and play with Scottish people (I am also Scottish) so cursing is common place at our tables, though we do tend to start with a PG-13 rating for the most part ie only swearing if timing is right, sexual innuendo is okay so long as its not in your face (that's what she said) and dwarves get free reign over the f bomb and p**ck words

Liberty's Edge

brother ehhnnzioh wrote:
dwarves get free reign over the f bomb and p**ck words

Great, now I'm going to be able to do nothing until I figure out what "p**ck words" are.

Jeremiziah wrote:
brother ehhnnzioh wrote:
dwarves get free reign over the f bomb and p**ck words
Great, now I'm going to be able to do nothing until I figure out what "p**ck words" are.

Haha not sure if its a word thats went beyond the UK

Scarab Sages

Jeremiziah wrote:
Great, now I'm going to be able to do nothing until I figure out what "p**ck words" are.

What you'd do to your finger from mishandling a needle.

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