Charlatan Rogue is SO MUCH FUN!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I had a chance to use Rumormonger last night, and while it hasn't done anything game (yet) it was so much fun setting it up, and I'm having a blast running around all these towns flim-flaming people and playing up my reputation as some big-shot noble from elsewhere.

With my maxed Charisma, a hero point used before the roll, and a 17 on the d20, I managed a 37 on my bluff check for rumormonger in a large town (DC 20).

Madame Eliza d'Marianne (an alter ego) is throwing a massive party (and spending far too much of her accumulated personal wealth) to get to rub elbows with some nobility so that she can get an invite to a private ball and hopefully to gain bonuses to future diplomacy checks.

Earlier in this particular game, I rolled some ridiculous linguistics checks to forge some signatures on official documents and had the city search and seize a shop's merchandise whose ownership transferred to my character.

I've been really lucky, killing more enemies than my gunslinger compatriot in combat so far, despite being completely gimped at combat in favor of social interaction. Having weak combat abilities has forced me to think on my feet (took the catch off-guard feat after I had to stab a drunk in the head).

I think rogue just became my new favorite class.

It's a great class but I only wish it had more in common with the 2nd edition rogue archetype. The charlatan had the ability to 'appear' as any of the other classes.

Bullette Point wrote:
It's a great class but I only wish it had more in common with the 2nd edition rogue archetype. The charlatan had the ability to 'appear' as any of the other classes.

Skill Focus: Disguise, some extra gear for pulling it off, and some clever role playing can do that, and it doesn't even have to be a rogue doing it. A sharp-witted fighter could pretend to be a wizard or a cleric.

dont forget umd to fake casting spells

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