
Gamer Life General Discussion

I'm looking for a gaming Oath I can have my players and myself take before we start are campaign.
Something I can have everyone raise their right hand and promise to commit to the campaign and anything else neat to throw in :)


Do you want the one that includes sacrificing the firstborn or the one that involves a pledge of secrecy on threat of remote-controlled cyanide pill?

Liberty's Edge

Don't let trivialities like family, employment, hospitalization etc. get in the way of the important things.

LilithsThrall wrote:
Do you want the one that includes sacrificing the firstborn or the one that involves a pledge of secrecy on threat of remote-controlled cyanide pill?

Both will do fine :)

@Theconiel nice but looking for something well cooler sounding

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Chris Wojcik wrote:

@Theconiel nice but looking for something well cooler sounding

Spice it up by stealing from other famous oaths.

"Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; bless us as we take this oath. We the gamers of the Saturday Night Fantasy Role Play Coalition of South Wisconsin , do solemnly swear, by our life and our love of it, that in Brightest day or Blackest night, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement: I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any other organization dedicated to role playing games or related hobbies and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Saturday Night Fantasy Role Play Coalition of South Wisconsin, through fairness, dedication, and creativity. I shall protect these brothers of mine, as one ought to protect one's brother, so that he may do the same for me. We live for the One - we die for the One; for we are the knights of fantasy gaming, and a Knight is sworn to Valor. His heart knows only Virtue. I shall never fail to make my attendance from 3 PM to 10 PM every Saturday evening. I shall, on occasion, chip in for pizza expenses and compromise with my brothers on matters concerning toppings and which should be chosen. Anchovies are not a compromise. Fingers to fingers, toes to toes, if I break this pact, break my nose."

A cookie to anyone who catches all the references.

Liberty's Edge

Chris Wojcik wrote:
LilithsThrall wrote:
Do you want the one that includes sacrificing the firstborn or the one that involves a pledge of secrecy on threat of remote-controlled cyanide pill?

Both will do fine :)

@Theconiel nice but looking for something well cooler sounding

Just ideas...

I'm not a great writer. Never said I was.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

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