Keeping Track

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion


I'm about the start a new campaign and what "other" stuff do you keep track of during your campaigns?
What I mean is the non-important things.
1. Numbering the session, like this is number 42 since we have meet to game
2. Even how much time the group has spent gaming
3. Number of deaths in the party and even a wall of remembrance for the dead P.C's.


Well what do you track?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I keep a list of "loose threads" that I have left out for the party that haven't been followed up on, like an unknown family crest on a bad guy, a stranger watching the party, etc. A lot of times, a party will skip over these in the process of doing other things, and as long as nothing bad happens in the short term, it gets forgotten (by the party). This lets me bring them back into the storyline later on down the road if I want. This is especially important in a homebrew, less so in an AP.

I also keep a rather vague faction sheet of who hates and likes the players and how much, based on their actions to date. My players have sometimes received gifts or sneak attacks from unexpected places.

Otherwise, most of what I track is key information. If a player wants to take a feat like Flame Tested survivor, then its up to them to track that data.

One thing that I recommend keeping close watch on... is treasure. Either the DM or the Player needs to keep a VERY close eye on what they found... and most importantly WHERE they found it.

Something that's been coming up a LOT lately, is magical gear or Gems that either were forgotten about, or failed the appraisal/identify roll, and 6, 10, 15 game sessions later, we're still trying to identify some random ruby. or A magical arrow.

DM just looks at us blankly and says uhhh.. Ruby?? where did you find it?? and then we're all digging through journals and old books trying to figure it out. Especially if it came out of book one... and your now in book Three.

It's good to keep notes. If it's from an AP, have them write down what book and page number the stuff was from that they'll need to come back and identify later.

Very frustrating trying to backtrack and figure out where 'wand #4' came from 3 months later....

phantom1592 wrote:

One thing that I recommend keeping close watch on... is treasure. Either the DM or the Player needs to keep a VERY close eye on what they found... and most importantly WHERE they found it.

Something that's been coming up a LOT lately, is magical gear or Gems that either were forgotten about, or failed the appraisal/identify roll, and 6, 10, 15 game sessions later, we're still trying to identify some random ruby. or A magical arrow.

DM just looks at us blankly and says uhhh.. Ruby?? where did you find it?? and then we're all digging through journals and old books trying to figure it out. Especially if it came out of book one... and your now in book Three.

It's good to keep notes. If it's from an AP, have them write down what book and page number the stuff was from that they'll need to come back and identify later.

Very frustrating trying to backtrack and figure out where 'wand #4' came from 3 months later....

Yes are group has taken steps to overcome this its a pain.

@redcelt32 yes simple things are overlooked.

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