The Modern Path 2.0

Product Discussion

Just released today are the new Modern Path 2.0 rules. We believe this is a major improvement of the previous rules. The new rules are now more in line with the Pathfinder Core rules than D20 Modern.

This is a free updated download for those who previously purchase the original rules. We also have a Hero Lab data set updated to the new rules and it is now an automatic update within Hero Lab.

The core magic system is the next set of rules coming up.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Kevin Webb GRC Team wrote:

Just released today are the new Modern Path 2.0 rules. We believe this is a major improvement of the previous rules. The new rules are now more in line with the Pathfinder Core rules than D20 Modern.

This is a free updated download for those who previously purchase the original rules. We also have a Hero Lab data set updated to the new rules and it is now an automatic update within Hero Lab.

The core magic system is the next set of rules coming up.

Is there a link to where your product is, for those of us who missed the original? Thanks.

It's at the Pazio store and rpgnow. I have it in at rpg now for $3.99 and asked Pazio to do the same for this month, (and fix the title).

Pazio has to put the changes in, so it maybe later today, but rpgnow it is already there. =search{1}1{2}18

and Hero Lab is at:

How does everyone like the update?

Kevin Webb GRC Team wrote:
How does everyone like the update?

Just downloaded it and will give it a look over

I heard a comment over at Lone Wolf that there was a possibility of a print edition of 2.0. Will that be available at Paizo at all? I would much rather add it to the box of stuff I get every month and save on some shipping.

(Picked up the PDF and am playing with the user file for Hero Lab. So far it looks like it will be a useful conversion for our Modern games... especially with it in Hero Lab.)

We hope everyone likes the new rules and we aare very glad to be in the auto updates in Hero Lab. We are doing the print through rpg now,(at the printer now), after Gen Con we will see what we have to do to add the print to Pazio.

So far everyone seems very happy with the new rules. Please let me know if there is an issue with anything.

Shadow Lodge

2 thumbs up. (but I am very biased)

lol, Thank You!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh good, something to distract me from studying for finals. If I fail, I'm blaming the GRC team. But, seriously, this looks great. I can't wait to look through it in more depth. Great work, everyone.

lol, study first. Glad you like it, seems everyone is happy with it so far. We are working hard on the magic rules and have posted a few pics of the cover and other art-work on facebook.

Thank you for all the great feed back over the weekend. We got a few bugs to get worked out in the Hero Lab dataset. Please let us know what you think, it really helps. Thank you again everyone.

I fixed a lot of bugs in the Modern Path 2.0 Hero Lab data file. It is in the auto updates. Please let me know if you find any other issues.

On sale in the Pazio store for $3.99!

Fixed more bugs in the Hero lab data set

I have been working on the new magic book and got to the feats and I am kind of stuck. For the most part everything has been covered. Is there anything you would like to see in the Modern Path: Magic?

Working hard on the Magic book, but the Modern Path 2.0 will stay on sale for the rest of this month for $3.99

Magic book coming along great!

New Magic book pics over at the Facebook page

Grand Lodge

So I picked this up about a week ago, been checking it out and showed it to a couple of the Wednesday night guys. We all had the same thought, whats up with the formatting? Using a netbook or other toys with a roughly same sized screen this pdf is a pain to read. Just seems like if everything's a little tighter on the page there would be less scrolling.

But beyond that I think I've found the system I can use with the guys. They are pretty much a one system group, not interested with learning another system to play something other then fantasy. Hopefully being based off the one system all are familiar with they would be willing to branch out.

We are very glad you like the rules. We wanted to keep it as close to the Pathfinder Rules as possible. Our gaming group is in kind of the same boat. Love the system, and really didn't want to learn another one. Free time is very scarce, so having to know just one system is valuable.

Formatting, well we found the hard way it really don't look good on a small screen. IDK, it’s hard to get the formatting that will work for a PDF and printing correctly. We really didn’t take into account e-readers and such. That is a whole different set of formatting issues, but I think we could just put out a plain txt as a free download to everyone that bought it. Just to have something for the small screens, hopefully that will help.

It will also be in print soon and that will also help.

Hero Lab update, Talents fixed

Liberty's Edge

Kevin Webb GRC Team wrote:

It will also be in print soon and that will also help.

I'm a print guy - can you give more info on this?

Will this be an actual print run or some flavor of print on demand?


It is on POD on RPGNow, b/w now, and color waiting for approval. I do have it on Lulu, but they are higher in price. I think RPGNow is a much better price.
Oh, it is also soft and hard cover.

“The Modern Path: Heroes of the Modern World 2.0”, is available for black and white interior “Print on Demand” from RPGNow. Color interior coming soon.

BTW - The PDF is free when you buy any print copy!

With the new Hero Lab update, we have a few minor updates I will do this week.

Last few days of the sale of the new 2.0 rules for the Modern Path. It is also in print and Hero Lab dataset!

The Modern Path 2.0 is Free

During this week (Sept 7-14) the PDF is free.

The response has been great!

I hope everyone is enjoying the rules and also please check out Hero Labs for the dataset!

What is the status of the magic suppliment?

We are about 3/4 done with the Magic system.

Well it is now in color print on Amazon: UTF8&qid=1316721943&sr=8-1

Finally, it's in color print at RPGNow, you can get a hard cover color inside and out, pdf and Hero Lab dataset all for $19.99.

A great review has been posted for “The Modern Path 2.0”


Thank you everyone for the feedback on the Modern Path's new book, (The Modern Path: Arcana of the Modern World). Seems everyone is enjoying the new book and Hero Lab dataset.

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