#015: Kingmaker 3 - Varnhold Vanishing with Greg Vaughan

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

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Episode #015 rolls out just in time with some Kingmaker goodness for your drive or flight to GenCon. We start with the usual intro and listener mail and then catch up with Mark Moreland and what is new with the Pathfinder Society. In the Character Concept Workshop, we feature Remington our Sundering Magus. On the Companion side of the interview, Greg Vaughan joins us to discuss his career in the industry, his working on many Adventure Paths, Slumbering Tsar and the Complete Tome of Horrors. After the break, we return with the down and dirty goods on Kingmaker Vol 3 and the Varnhold Vanishing with the author, Greg A. Vaughan. On the Encounter Laboratory, we lay down the smack with the Ghouladon. Lastly, we end with our review and roundtable on Varnhold Varnishing and exit with the BIG NEWS from Paizo. Episode #015 clocks in at four hours long to speed on your way to Indianapolis.

Please use the above link until the iTunes feed updates.

Grand Lodge


Perfect timing. Today is mow the lawn, trim the apple tree, stain the deck, powerwash the siding day . . . .

Liberty's Edge

It looks like the iTunes update has finally taken so this should be available for those subscribers now.

At four hours, we hope this will give people something to listen to on the way to Gencon. For those with a longer drive or flight ahead of them, we recommend listening to the PaizoCon Seminar Specials if you have not already done so. Both Specials Pt 1 and 2 taken together provide another 7.5 hours of content to listen to. They may be found and downloaded at:


Or they may be downloaded from iTunes directly if you have not already done so. If you have a trip longer than 12 hours to get to Gencon? All I can say is: Yikes!

See you all at Gencon!

The interview with Greg was interesting and gave me some more ideas for the Varnhold Vanishing for my 2nd group. Thanks!

Grand Lodge

I just downloaded this today. Not had the opportunity yet to give it a listen (especially with that "explicit" tag on iTunes. Means no listening in the car while my 6 yr old is with me - which is most of the time)...but looking forward to it. Especially the Greg Vaughan interview. I'm brand spanking new to Pathfinder, and Greg GM'd the PFS game I played in last Saturday morning at Gen Con.

Steel, I'll say it again, but I love your adventure deconstruction. It's entertaining AND educational and adds so much to my enjoyment of the modules you analyze.

To that high praise, though, I'll tether the fact that your module deconstructions are all I care about in your podcasts. I have no interest in thematic character builds or remaking monsters from previous editions and don't even really look forward to interviews (sorry, interview subjects). A typical listen for me consists of fast-forwarding through three hours of 'casting so I can get to the awesome part at the end.

Aside from just providing some feedback as a listener, the only reason this is really an issue to me is that I'm deployed and don't have the bandwidth to download audio files the size your podcasts are coming in at. If it ever becomes feasible to break them down into smaller, easier to download sizes, perhaps you'll consider making an "adventure commentary only" version.

In any case, I look forward to catching up when I get home.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the kind words.

Jeff Cope

In terms of the "explicit" nature of the podcast... well, it's not very explicit. We swear from time-to-time on the cast and we don't want to feel like we have to hold back in the language we use when we talk. I am a great believer in clarity in communication wherever possible and there are times when profanity is, in fact, the very heart and soul of clarity. I don't consider Chronicles to be a profanity laced podcast -- but that doesn't mean it's not there. After listening, you may have a different point of view. YMMV.


As for breaking up individual segments of the cast? No. We are determined to resist this. I understand that there are listeners who prefer some segments to others and will skip over those parts of the cast they don't like. That's fine by us. That said, we do spend a fair bit of time trying to craft each episode thematically around a topic or adventure wherever possible. That's how we try to roll.

There are some podcasters who swear by 20 minute segments, max, as the length for any piece in a podcast and they further believe that any podcast more than 1 hour in length is a VERY BAD IDEA. In terms of maximizing listeners based upon the overall average commute length -- that may well be true. That said, we wanted to do a cast where the subject matter was integrated, topical, in-depth and thematically consistent. We like to think of the cast as an audio magazine for Pathfinder and Pathfinder Adventure Path. Like all magazines, there are stories you read, stories you gloss over, and stories you may just prefer to outright skip entirely. We recognize that.

For all of that, given that we currently have more downloads per episode on the D20 Radio Network than anybody else, and that we just won an ENnie for a podcast which has (according to some others podcasters at least) a "ridiculous length", it might be that our typical four hour length isn't so ridiculous after all. It does not appear to have hurt us too much, in any event.

Skipping over parts of the cast is just fine -- but I do hope that you consider spending some time to listen to the second-half of our interviews on the spoiler side of the cast. There is important information in those second-half interview segments and some of that information is not repeated in the analysis/review. Personally, I think the specific insights provided by adventure authors on their own work -- particularly with respect to things that were left out or that were changed from the final manuscript -- are the most interesting things I learn from doing the show. YMMV :)

Yes, the podcasts episodes are very large mp3 files. I'm sorry about that. I hope you can find some bandwidth whilst deployed to grab them just the same. If not, we'll be here when you get back: I promise.

Grand Lodge

Steel_Wind wrote:

I don't consider Chronicles to be a profanity laced podcast -- but that doesn't mean it's not there. After listening, you may have a different point of view. YMMV.

I didn't mean to imply anything negative, really. Just a personal choice that I make on what to listen to while my daughter is in the car with me. I'm very much looking forward to listening while I am out and about on my own.

Steel_Wind wrote:

There are some podcasters who swear by 20 minute segments, max, as the length for any piece in a podcast and they further believe that any podcast more than 1 hour in length is a VERY BAD IDEA. In terms of maximizing listeners based upon the overall average commute length -- that may well be true. .

Another gaming podcast that I've been listening to for a couple of years now is the D6 Generation, and it averages between 3-1/2 to 4 hrs per episodes (which come out about every two weeks). I love it. Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with shorter podcasts, per se, but I personally would rather read a nice long novel than a short story any day. Gimme a podcast with some meat, I say! ;-)

For the record, my ship just pulled into port and one of the first things I did with stable internet access is catch up on my missed podcasts like yours.

Still can't be bothered to listen to the character workshop or encounter lab, but still a fan.

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