Jade Regent PBP - GM Needed!

Gamer Connection

I've been wanting to start a Pathfinder PBP campaign for a while now, but whenever I see one started it's always filled up immediately. I figured I'd bite the bullet and start one myself. So here it is, I'd like to try out the Jade Regent AP, but I would prefer to be a player, not a GM.

If a GM would like to volunteer, please do, if not I will take the reigns (but it will be my first time GMing Pathfinder, or any game other than Rifts).

If we get a GM, I will be playing a Cavalier, most likely a human or a halfling.

So, apply away: CRB, APG, and UM are all fine as sources.

I'm have taken a look, and am interested, but wouldn't be prepared to start for a couple weeks at least.

Provide the following for your character, and I will consider your application:
1) Abilities: Use the 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 spread for abilities
2) Traits: 2 total, one must be a campaign trait
3) Paizo published material permitted
4) Backstory: One significant event from each of the following stages of your character's life- infancy, childhood, adolescence, entering adulthood. Also, indicate how you know the 4 NPCs listed in the player's guide. You should have a good working relationship with at least one of them
5) You receive the average starting gold for equipment/gear.

I'm not interested in juggling a lot of schedules, so I would rather run this as a one-and-one experience. If you check the PBP board, I'm currently running one like this for the Serpent's Skull AP, and you can find it there. Basically, it plays out a bit more like the Baldur's Gate PC games, where you assemble a team of NPCs to assist you in your adventure. Though there will be a few provided by the AP, I will likely add a few more for variety.

If you would prefer to have other players present, I may be able to accommodate that. Similar creation guidelines.

I would be able to run this AP No earlier than August 10. If that is too long from now, please say so.

Post questions if you have them.

Hi Weynolt, I took a look at your Serpents Skull campaign, it looks good. I'll start rolling up a character.

The 10th works for me, the PDF of the AP only comes out on the 4th after all.

And here are my rolls for my Animal Companion hit dice:

2d8 ⇒ (4, 7) = 11

shroin wrote:

And here are my rolls for my Animal Companion hit dice:


Ok, go ahead and post character when ready.

Took a bit longer to type out than I anticipated. If you have any questions or changes you would like to make, let me know

Caiden was born in the town of Sandpoint to a family of horse traders, and has always been comfortable around animals of all kinds. As a young child Caiden was well liked around the village, despite being what only the most charitable would call "a bit of a rascal". While he had many friends growing up, his closest was Ameiko Kaijitsu, though they have since grown apart. When he was six he ran away from home, becoming lost in the forests surrounding Sandpoint. Caiden survived for two days on his own before the search teams found him.

As he grew older, Caiden felt his desire for excitement grow, and at age 13 asked Sheriff Hemlock to allow him into the Sandpoint Militia. Due to his young age, Caiden could not be a full member of the militia, but was allowed to practice his riding skills as a messenger. His trips to nearby Magnimar expanded his view of the world, and ever since he has taken every opportunity to push the horizon back just a bit further.

In recent years he has taken up a position as a Caravan Guard working for Sandru Vhiski, where he has begun to pick up the skills of a warrior.

Relationships with significant NPCs:

Koya: Caiden sees Koya as a passing aquantince, and as a member of Sandru's caravan a person he is bound to protect. Beyond that, he knows little about the old cleric, and keeps a respectful distance.

Shalelu: Caiden rarely sees Shalelu, apart from the occasional half-seen figure in the woods. He has a great deal of respect and curiosity over the elven ranger, but has never had the opportunity (or the courage) to talk to her.


Caiden has always seen himself as the knight in shining armor, and has always had a weakness for the damsel in distress. He values the friends at his side more than anything, and will go to any length to aid and protect them. He is cocky, confident, and talkative, but he is at his core a nice guy.

I think that should cover everything, but would love to expand on Caiden if you have any questions.

Got it. Busy night, but I'll take a closer look soon.

FYI, I'm on the road for this coming week, but should still be able to make a target start date.

Hi, I'm a newbie GM myself, and I understand if you want to keep it to just one player, but I am kinda interested in exploring this type of NPC heavy pbp myself. Besides running a solo game for my husband, I am currently running in a few PbPs here, and really feel the lack of interaction with the NPCs that really makes a setting come alive for me. Would you mind terribly if I made a character?

I know nothing about the AP other than some talk I have read on the boards about the new romance mechanic, which.. I am kind of curious about.

Hu5tru wrote:

Hi, I'm a newbie GM myself, and I understand if you want to keep it to just one player, but I am kinda interested in exploring this type of NPC heavy pbp myself. Besides running a solo game for my husband, I am currently running in a few PbPs here, and really feel the lack of interaction with the NPCs that really makes a setting come alive for me. Would you mind terribly if I made a character?

I know nothing about the AP other than some talk I have read on the boards about the new romance mechanic, which.. I am kind of curious about.

Hi Hu5tru, I'm fine with it, but the final decision is all Weynolt's.

Hmm, two PCs would be the max, I think. Hu5tru, post your PC idea, and we'll see.

shroin, Caiden looks fine, good workable story there. Can you elaborate a bit on his relationship to Sandru? Beyond employer that is.

As a heads up, in the other set of posts I am running, they occasionally get rather long. I'm hoping to keep things to be slightly more conversational. That said, if your PC is interested in pursuing a longer conversation, make sure to say do so, and I'll make sure to go with it.

GM Weynolt wrote:
Can you elaborate a bit on his relationship to Sandru? Beyond employer that is.

Caiden looks at Sandru with more than a little bit of awe, and as someone he wants to be like. He sees in Sandru the freedom to make his own way and explore the world that he wants in himself. He's always eager to go the extra mile to shine in front of Sandru, almost to his own detriment.

Looking forward to hearing from you next week!

Phew! What a bummer. I made up a bard without reading the NPC descriptions, and then closed the tab and lost the backstory I spent an hour banging out on the site (my own fault).

Without further ado, Zelaria Quiatris - Dreamspun Sorceress


I used the alternative favored class bonus for human to pick up another cantrip

Zelaria Quiatris
Human Female Sorcerer (Dreamspun Bloodline) 1
NG Medium Humanoid (Varisian)
Init +3; Sense Perception + 0


AC 15 (w/Mage Armor +4, Dex +1) touch 11, flat-footed 14
HP 7
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2


Spd 30ft
Melee Quarterstaff -1 (1d6 -1)


Str 8, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 17
BAB -1, CMB -1, CMD 10
Traits Foster Child (+2 Knowledge History), Reactionary
Feats Eschew Materials, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Varisian Tattoo (Enchantment – carnasia)
Skills Bluff +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +6, Knowledge (History) +8, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +6
Languages Known Common, Varisian, Thassalonian
Combat Gear Quarterstaff
Other Gear mwk backpack, travler's outfit, bedroll, winter blanket, wine skin, journal, ink (8oz vial, black), inkpen (4)


Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you target a single creature with a spell, you gain an insight bonus equal to half the spell’s level (minimum +1) for 1 round to your AC and saving throws against any spell or attack made by that creature.

Bloodline Powers:
Lullaby (Sp): At 1st level, you can use lullaby as a spell like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your charisma modifier. This effect lasts 1 minute and does not require concentration. The penalty on saves versus sleep effects increases to -4.


1st (4/day) Mage Armor, Hypnotism (DC 16)
0 Daze (DC 15, 3/day), Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Read Magic


By all accounts, Zelaria was a fairly comely child. She had a pleasant voice and demeanor, even for a child, and her expressive violet eyes always seemed to puzzle at intent, or some greater mystery than a babe should have been able to comprehend. The Eldest of her clan decreed that Zelaria had a special connection to Desna, and that her quietness, instead of a symptom to fear was an indication of the favor of the goddess sharing her dreams with the babe.

What Zelaria recalls of her childhood were fairly normal and happy. Daily Zelaria skipped between her parent’s wagon and that of her clan’s eldest where she learned magics and the methods of communion with Desna. Her free time she spent chasing after the dogs that ran alongside the caravan and protected them at night with her blood brother Eugeni and their adopted brother Ethan. They were both her elders, and pretended at guards whose duty were to protect their princess from mortal harm. Occasionally, she would swing sticks with the boys when they mimed battles against bears and linnorms, but she were always defeated when Ethan easily knocked the stick out of her hand.

The defining moment in Zelaria’s childhood was the murder of her parents at the age of eight. It was to be expected, of course, that her brothers and erstwhile guardians could do little to defend against the bandits that attacked their caravan but steal away with her when their parents dictated it. Ethan pulled so hard upon her wrist she thought it might break, and she stumbled and fell several times, but she was too frightened to cry. There were screams in the dark, Zelaria remembers, and the smell of fire. The lonely trio waited until well after dark and all was silent to return to their camp, and found little else remaining but a doughty mule and a few days of food. Lacking the strength and the tools to bury their dead, Ethan set Zelaria on the back of the mule and her brothers took turns walking them on the caravan path. She recalls little of the trip but her grief, as exposure in the night of terror lent itself to a fever that burned up her mind and delivered her into a fit of dreaming.

When Zelaria woke, she was in the Mvashti household. Zoya was waiting patiently at her bedside, her harrow deck spread in a strange configuration about her. The old woman seemed to study the cards intently a while, not fully realizing that Zelaria had woke until the girl tried to speak. Zelaria was grieved to learn that the fever she had taken had spread to her brothers, and that while Ethan had lived so long as to repeat the tale and see Zelaria safe, the elder boys had sacrificed their portions of their meager rations to keep her alive. After three days to mourn, Zoya introduced Zelaria to her new brother, Sandru, recently returned from adventure. The elder man’s sadness spoke to Zelaria, and eased the way for them to become friends, and eventually more than.

Zelaria’s adolescence was relatively calm. Zoya eagerly supported her in her most awkward years, a blessing compared to Sandru’s less than kind japes about her delicate personality and developing body. When she displayed a talent for magic, Zoya enrolled her in the academy, where she excelled in enchantment magics. She quite enjoyed gaining using her newfound abilities to gain some amount of upper hand on Sandru when they fought. No longer training with sticks and dreaming of fighting dragons, Zelaria used small spells to daze and confuse her brother, made his nice clothes smell foul, or changed the color of a single strand of hair to white to make him appear older. Still, when Sandru caught her, and he was a far greater sneak, he defeated her easily enough, though that was fun, too for reasons which Zelaria had trouble discerning.

When Zelaria matured into a woman, her fights with her brother grew far more infrequent, and much less passionate. Zoya rejoiced in Zelaria’s attention to her studies, particularly of the history of the Varisian people. Zelaria had a particular passion for learning the source of their magics, tracing them back to the Thassalonian runes. On impulse, she tricked her brother into drinking too much one night, used her magics to lull him to sleep, and stole a measure of his money to adorn her body with the runes for enchantments. The resulting exchange of heated words and looks remains a particularly private misery for Zelaria, but increased her power significantly.

Relations with Others:

Amekio – Zelaria is slightly confused about Amekio, but she finds her pleasant enough company. She is a talented woman who has survived her brushes with adventure, become rich, and lived to tell the tale in her very own performances. She is also closer to her brother Sandu than Zelaria, a sort of point of jealousy. Zelaria does not understand, why Amekio is so resistant to allowing others to care for her, and resists suitors. When Zelaria has free coin, she visits with her brother’s friend to hear stories of their adventures, in an attempt to puzzle out her brother’s secret character.

Zoya – Zoya is her mother. She grieved for the loss of their grandmother, but was glad that it was in a natural span. She sympathizes with Zoya’s desire to see something more of the world before she too becomes enshrined in the annuls of Sandpoint’s history. As a fellow faithful of Desna, Zelaria will assist her mother in any way necessary to make her dreams a reality.

Sandu – Zelaria’s feelings for her “brother” are complicated to say the least. She feels as though she owes him for helping her through a very awkward period in her life, and as they are both loved and connected to Zoya that they are family, but she wishes to know more of his heart. It is a rather delicate situation, as he was so much older than she when they first met, and he is still considerably elder and the center of quite a bit of affection from the female residents of Sandpoint. She wonders at his true motives for wishing to leave the city on his grand adventure, whether it really be his brother and the Sczarni that he truly fears, or if it is Desna calling their family to something greater.

Shalelu – Zelaria admires Shalelu for her dedication to the community of Sandport. Her heroism is in kind with Zelaria’s memories of her brothers. Though she does not speak much, and is often absent, when she is around, Zelaria is apt to buy her a drink at Amekio’s in thanks for her efforts to keep their community safe.


Age: 22, Height: 5'6", Weight 145lbs, Hair: Auburn, Eyes: Violet

Zelaria is hardly strong, but her proportions otherwise are quite evenly distributed, and pleasantly so, many would agree. Her aburn hair highlights the warmth in her dark complexion, and her bright violet eyes are reflected in the series of highly visible ruinc tattoos. They begin at the back of her neck and collarbone, and travel down the opposite sides of her body from fingertip to toe, left on her front, her dominant hand, and right on her back. A series of smaller runes has been tattooed around her left eye, clearly distinguishing her in most social situations.

Zelaria's traveler's outfit consists of a soft, bleached woolen shift decorated with blue and violet ribbon and embroidery, a leather tunic, and a velvet cloak lined with crimson.


Seemingly despite her childhood trauma, Zelaria is a bright and romantic figure. She flirts easily, and has many acquaintances, but very few she would call true friends. Her standards for such are high, for her own sake as much as others. She is exceedingly loyal to her family, even if her feelings for her brother are a tad confused, she stands with him at all times, against any challenge... unless of course he tells her to stay away, then she reluctantly agrees to his request.

Sorry you had to write it twice, but great work! I'll be grabbing the AP now, and be back in touch with further thoughts soon.

Ok, if Zelaria and Caiden are still interested, I'm back from vacation and will post something tonight. If you are no longer available, please let me know.

Absolutely. I will get an alias up for her directly.

shroin wrote:

I've been wanting to start a Pathfinder PBP campaign for a while now, but whenever I see one started it's always filled up immediately. I figured I'd bite the bullet and start one myself. So here it is, I'd like to try out the Jade Regent AP, but I would prefer to be a player, not a GM.

If a GM would like to volunteer, please do, if not I will take the reigns (but it will be my first time GMing Pathfinder, or any game other than Rifts).

If we get a GM, I will be playing a Cavalier, most likely a human or a halfling.

So, apply away: CRB, APG, and UM are all fine as sources.

I here you loud and clear,

I would join you,

but for me, I like having control over my stat points.
I detest arrayed stats, which GM Weynolt does.
But I do like his DMing method and play style.

I will not be joining you, but wish you a fun game everyone.

Zelaria wrote:
Absolutely. I will get an alias up for her directly.

Great! I'll see if we hear from shroin before getting going.

Also,shroin, I just noticed you picked two campaign traits during creation. Please switch one out for another category. thanks!

Azure_Zero wrote:
shroin wrote:

I've been wanting to start a Pathfinder PBP campaign for a while now, but whenever I see one started it's always filled up immediately. I figured I'd bite the bullet and start one myself. So here it is, I'd like to try out the Jade Regent AP, but I would prefer to be a player, not a GM.

If a GM would like to volunteer, please do, if not I will take the reigns (but it will be my first time GMing Pathfinder, or any game other than Rifts).

If we get a GM, I will be playing a Cavalier, most likely a human or a halfling.

So, apply away: CRB, APG, and UM are all fine as sources.

I here you loud and clear,

I would join you,

but for me, I like having control over my stat points.
I detest arrayed stats, which GM Weynolt does.
But I do like his DMing method and play style.

I will not be joining you, but wish you a fun game everyone.

Thanks for the support! I tend to prefer arrays, but definitely understand that not all folks do. Maybe in the future we can work together on something else. Are you running any games?

I am currently DMing Hollows Last hope, and in The Worlds Largest Dungeon run by Dewn Mou'tain,
I have applied as player for KenderKin's Hollows Last hope and GMT's Jade Regent, but did not get in, have the characters* though.

*I randomize the characters to hell; race, class, archetype, gender, height weight, etc.., I only control the stats, feats, skills and gear.
It makes for an interesting role-play experience and you get to try things you normally would avoid, and it makes for interesting NPCs to add to a game sometimes (still remembering Alkaid).

Hu5tru, since there's no word yet from shroin, I'd like to hold off on starting until the morning. If he doesn't return, are you interested in soloing? Or would you like me to recruit one other?

Shroin, not trying to cut you out, just don't want to delay too long. Still happy to have you on board!

I could solo, if Shroin doesn't show. Sorc isn't exactly the best solo class, but the NPCs in the book should be enough to round out.

I am hoping he does though, since it is his thread that caught my eye.

Zelaria wrote:

I could solo, if Shroin doesn't show. Sorc isn't exactly the best solo class, but the NPCs in the book should be enough to round out.

I am hoping he does though, since it is his thread that caught my eye.

Sorcerer going solo, is not the easiest thing.

I know tried it once, if you proceed, every decision will make a difference.

I would also recommend that GM Weynolt increase the player stats a bit.
(Even a 20-point buy solo is very hard, if you go solo, NPC support will lessen the load, but only a bit.)

Remember these APs are assuming 4, 15-point buy PCs.
if it were 3 PCs I would go 20-point, 2 PCs (25-point) or (20-point+Gestalt), if solo (25-point+Gestalt).

I do have a Ninja, I made for GM_Todd's Jade Regent and a Fighter for KinderKin's Hollows Last Hope.
They were not selected, but it uses a 20-point buy (fighter is 22, but changing to 20 is easy).

GM Weynolt wrote:

Hu5tru, since there's no word yet from shroin, I'd like to hold off on starting until the morning. If he doesn't return, are you interested in soloing? Or would you like me to recruit one other?

Shroin, not trying to cut you out, just don't want to delay too long. Still happy to have you on board!

Hi Weynolt, no need to worry, I was caught up laying some flooring. I'm good to go now! I've updated Caiden, switching out Best Friend for Resilient.

Looking forward to it!

Sweet! My meat shield, I mean, Caiden is here!


looking foreword to gaming with you, both.

Sounds great! I'll slightly adjust what I've got and get the link up in a bit. As a heads up, I may have limited connectivity from fri afternoon Turku Sunday afetrernoon.

Ok, game up here!

I don't intend to create an ooc thread, but If you would prefer one, just let me know.

Looking forward to this! It's a great AP so far, and only looks to get better.

GM Weynolt wrote:
Thanks for the support! I tend to prefer arrays, but definitely understand that not all folks do. Maybe in the future we can work together on something else. Are you running any games?

I am currently DMing Hollows Last hope, and playing in The Worlds Largest Dungeon run by Dewn Mou'tain,

I had applied as player for KenderKin's Hollows Last hope and GMT's Jade Regent, but did not get in, have the characters* though.

One thing I can think of as a compromise for players who don't like having arrayed stats is to offer 2-3 sets of arrayed stats so they have some control, but not complete control. This will also help with some of the MAD classes.
Your current 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 for example, could have been a 14, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10, for players who hate having a penalty (like me), and for a more MAD character array of say 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 10,
or even 14, 14, 13, 12, 12, 8.

If I joined, I would prefer the 14, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10 array set

I randomize the characters to hell; race, class, archetype, gender, height weight, etc.., I only control the stats, feats, skills and gear.
It makes for an interesting role-play experience and you get to try things you normally would avoid, and it makes for interesting NPCs to add to a game sometimes (still remembering Alkaid).

GM Weynolt wrote:

I don't intend to create an ooc thread, but If you would prefer one, just let me know.

Hmm, well, we'll see if there's a need for it soon enough, I suppose. Between 2 PCs there should be less confusion than between 5 or 6, but sometimes being able to explain motivations for a certain thing that may not be readily apparent may cool tempers or provide insight into a character that elsewise may seem... at odds with with yours.

Zelaria wrote:
GM Weynolt wrote:

I don't intend to create an ooc thread, but If you would prefer one, just let me know.

Hmm, well, we'll see if there's a need for it soon enough, I suppose. Between 2 PCs there should be less confusion than between 5 or 6, but sometimes being able to explain motivations for a certain thing that may not be readily apparent may cool tempers or provide insight into a character that elsewise may seem... at odds with with yours.

Sounds good, and like I said, I'm happy to create one if necessary. Give me a bit and I'll put it together, then address today's posts.

Hope you don't mind if I observe the game?

GM Weynolt:

One thing I can think of as a compromise for players who don't like having arrayed stats is to offer 2-3 sets of arrayed stats so they have some control, but not complete control. This will also help with some of the MAD classes.
Your current 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 for example, could have been a 14, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10, for players who hate having a penalty (like me), and for a more MAD character array of say 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 10,
or even 14, 14, 13, 12, 12, 8.

If would joined, I could use the 14, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10 array set

got a ninja that would need some retweaking, but is mostly setup

I don't mind. It is good advertising for any games you may run in the future if our writing is good. Or not, if it is sub par...

I find any and all styles, info and play contain strengths and weakness, and analyzing it is helpful in my games.

And you may observe my game if you wish

Comments appreciated.

You might enjoy Mr and Mrs Barn's little talk.

GM Weynolt:

One thing I can think of as a compromise for players who don't like having arrayed stats is to offer 2-3 sets of arrayed stats so they have some control, but not complete control. This will also help with some of the MAD classes.
Your current 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 for example, could have been a 14, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10, for players who hate having a penalty (like me), and for a more MAD character array of say 14, 13, 13, 12, 12, 10,
or even 14, 14, 13, 12, 12, 8.

I would join, If I could use the 14, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10 array set

Got a ninja that would need some retweaking, but is mostly setup.

Ooc thread can be found here.

Next post in the am!

Azure_Zero wrote:

Hope you don't mind if I observe the game?

** spoiler omitted **

I do not mind, and welcome it. Feel free to dot, but beyond that, please do not interfere with the the running of the game unless specifically invited. For now, I'd like to keep it to two players.

GM Weynolt wrote:
I do not mind, and welcome it. Feel free to dot, but beyond that, please do not interfere with the the running of the game unless specifically invited. For now, I'd like to keep it to two players.

Thanks, and if you decide to up the player limit, you know where to get one.

And what did you think of the compromise I suggested?

GM Weynolt, Ninja Character:
Mai Sagara

It'll need tweaking to match your specs, I'll leave her as is for now

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