Cambyl |

I used to worry about building good treasures, but whenever I seriously upped the value of stuff people found, they'd always get far ahead of the expected wealth for their level. I stopped stressing about it, and just added cool stuff when I wanted to :).
I don't think you'll have to worry about treasure too much. We'll find some cool stuff, and we'll buy what we want otherwise :)

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

a masterwork dagger, a silver ring worth 75 gp, a scroll of shocking grasp, a wand of burning hands (CL 2, 4 charges), a wand of grease (CL 1, 15 charges) and a wizard's book, mostly decayed but with still some legable spells.
Mwk Dagger - 151gp (302/2= 151)
Silver Ring - 75Scroll of shocking grasp - 12.5gp (25/2 = 12.5)
Wand of Burning Hands, CL 2; 4 Charges - 60gp (1*2*750= 1500. 1500/50= 30. 30x4= 120. 120/2=60)
Wand of Grease, CL 1; 15 Charges - 112.5gp (1*1*750= 750. 750/50= 15. 15*15= 225/2= 112.5)
Spellbook, 5 1st level spells - 25gp(5*10=50. 50/2=25)
In the cave there are a few extra traps that you manage to disable with ease. There is a pile of disgarded items. A masterworked scimitar, a potion of cure light wounds, 10 sling bullets and a pouch of 229 gp.
Mwk Scimitar - 157.5gp (315/2 = 157.5)
Bullets, sling (10) - .05gp (.1/2 = .05)Potion of CLW - 37.5gp (75/2 = 37.5)
So, unless I'm mistaken, this is everything we've gathered since we left Oleg's. I think we all agree that we should keep the potion, the scroll and the wands before dividing this up into equal shares.

Lukan Swane "Swaney" |

Dibs on the Mwk Scimitar =). I have the coinage to cover what is not in the total distribution if need be.

Carina Stigard |

Morning all - thanks for choosing me, looks like a good group. I really like your in character interaction (and I love the recap/modifiable DMing during battles, many DM's could learn from this technique, I have one campaign where the DM forces us to post in order of our actions without any if/then contingencies, not sure how long that one will last).
Just as a note - while I understand both sides of your loot conflict, I would have voted with the majority on this one in a second as there was no common background (youth friends, same military unit, etc) which would have given the characters an interest in allowing one to receive a far larger share without expecting later payback.
Also, regarding a recent comment by Ganit, I am planning on taking 1-2 rogue levels as it fits in with my background and will greatly strengthen my skill set. Although I was not planning on doing this until like level 5 so that I will already have level 2 spells (I already know how I will do this, hopefully I will not have forgotten by the time we get there.)
So, once again, thanks for allowing me to join - now on with the story.

Jameson Addercop IV |

Hello all and thanks for the invite. As for the loot I'll have to reread the exact wording but in general as long as it's fair to everybody I'm not worried about the particulars. If I see something I want I'll ask for it and let the group decide if I'm eligible.
I was excited to find orcs in Brevoy, as I love playing half-orcs, probably since darkvision is something I'd want in real life. And to be green. With tusks. It's a package deal.
A changling of the Orc bloodline aye Carina? That could be interesting. Hopefully I don't wake up with you trying to take vials of blood to power her magic. ;)
Just got done donating and I have a very long meeting to go to, let me think up a good first post IC to tie into Carina's post. Profile should be good to go. This is my first "creature" based class so if I make any mistakes in how to run an animal companion please don't hesitate to say something, I won't be offended.

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

Wahoo, a rounded team!! *clicks heels in the air*
Jameson, I'm sure the other knightly members of the team will take a shine to you quickly and your animal companion will be the envy of their eyes.
Carina, if you're planning on going into the Arcane Trickster prc I applaud you. It's a very entertaining build, nothing is off limits.
So now I'm really looking forward to getting this team together.
I have no arguments over the sword Lukan. I'm going to make the meta choice to assume we're heading right back to Oleg's to get everything squared away so I'll make another post shortly with our spoils sheet.
Congrats to the new folks, lets go beat people up! TOGETHER!!!

DM Aron Marczylo |

Morning all - thanks for choosing me, looks like a good group. I really like your in character interaction (and I love the recap/modifiable DMing during battles, many DM's could learn from this technique, I have one campaign where the DM forces us to post in order of our actions without any if/then contingencies, not sure how long that one will last).
Well I grew to learn and use another DM's way of posting and recapping in battle. DM AK I know IRL so he has taught me a lot and I awe a lot to him. He does the same thing with combat and works it out great.

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

Mwk Dagger - 151gp (302/2= 151)
Spellbook, 5 1st level spells - 25gp(5*10=50. 50/2=25)
Mwk Scimitar - 157.5gp (315/2 = 157.5)
Bullets, sling (10) - .05gp (.1/2 = .05)
Silver Ring - 75
Total Sales Value: 151+25+157.5+.05+75+229 = 637.55
Split 6 Ways: 637.55/6 = 106.26
The following items are up for free to any who want them:
Potion of CLW - 37.5gp (75/2 = 37.5)
Scroll of shocking grasp - 12.5gp (25/2 = 12.5)
Wand of Burning Hands, CL 2; 4 Charges - 60gp (1*2*750= 1500. 1500/50= 30. 30x4= 120. 120/2=60)
Wand of Grease, CL 1; 15 Charges - 112.5gp (1*1*750= 750. 750/50= 15. 15*15= 225/2= 112.5)
So at this point, anyone can put a claim out there for something within this haul. Lukan already has dibs on the scimitar so it’s unavailable to the rest of us. It’s up to you Lukan if you want to cover the difference out of pocket now or have it subtracted from our next prize. I'll keep track of all these publicly things on my profile page for future reference.

Jameson Addercop IV |

Ok using this haul as an example, if I wanted the silver ring (clearly I'm not eligible for these items, just using myself as an example for clarity), it would work like this:
106.26 gold from sales. I want the ring, which is 75 gp. That 75 is then subtracted from 106.26 or the new 6 way split without the ring? And then I less the 75 from my share of cash from that new 6 way split? So everyone would get 93.76 and I would get 18.76? Or do I have that wrong?
And if I wanted the potion of CLW we'd all still get 106.26 and then I'd pay 37.5 from that for the potion of CLW, or it's just a freebie?

Carina Stigard |

Just as a note - Carina has no clue that she was not her parents child. She was brought to Brevoy as a baby and only knew her parents, they never told her where she was found. Also, she has never met - or even seen a picture of orcs. (Which is why I had to send her father near the Five Kings Mountains which appeared from everything I read to be the closest orc inhabited area. Sorry James, that is why your background kinda mixes things up.) Her father was some unnamed - and most likely dead human, never even gave him a name.
Her Orc-Bloodline is not from anything in her ancestry, but rather from the blood of the dead witch doctor under which she was found. Thus, if you read the last several paragraphs of my background with the dream stuff, she does not even know that the witch doctor is an orc - just that it is a green tusked humanoid. --> As things progress, I am guessing that James will be able to educate her on this to some extent as the game progresses.
--> Sorry for the confusion, but I hope you will enjoy how I hope to put it all together in the character.

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

The 106.26 is the gold you've earned. So if you wanted the ring you would take 31.26gp (106.26 - 75) and the ring. Conversely, when Lukan takes the sword (106.26 – 157.5 = -51.24) it’s worth more than his share so he can choose to pay in the 51.24gp now and rest of us take 106.26gp or he can have that amount subtracted from the next treasure we cash in. If he waits than the new total becomes 586.31 (637.55 – 51.24) and I’ll cut that six ways for everyone’s share.
Potions, wands, scrolls and ammo are freebies so they can go to anyone who wants them.
To avoid super confusion I ask that everyone tell me what they want even if it’s just gold and I’ll do an update post that covers all of the wheelings and dealings. I’m a computer science major, I punch numbers all day for fun anyway so it’s not a hassle for me haha.

Jameson Addercop IV |

@Ganit - I got my B.A. in CS many many years ago actually, and since then haven't done any serious programming. I redid the math on the way home and figured out my mistake, so your post answers all of my questions thank you.
@Carina - I actually hadn't read your background at all, figuring it would come out more in role playing, though I suppose some of it I'd have learned on my way to Oleg's. The comment about Orc blood in you was more of an assumption that I'd have seen your rage powers used on the journey.

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

@ Jameson - I'm a semester away from my A.S. so I'm still in the nitty gritty of all the silliness and personal logic redefinition of java. I’m looking forward to the day when I stop thinking in flowcharts haha

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

@ Jameson - I'm a semester away from my A.S. so I'm still in the nitty gritty of math and logic redefinition of java. I look forward to the day when I stop thinking in flowcharts haha

Carina Stigard |

Lol - the last computer class I took, hmm, I started a course in C in college and learned some Pascal when I was an exchange student in Germany. Other than that, I remember doing a lot of programming in Basic on a 16k TRS80 Color Computer, hehehe.

Lukan Swane "Swaney" |

Welcome to the group Carina and Jameson! Sorry I haven't been around lately, work has been keeping me super busy. I'll be a little light on my posts for a little while, but I'll be posting at least once a day.
Ganit, I'll cover the balance with my gold. Thanks for the number crunching. Removing 51.24 from my sheet and adding the masterwork scimitar.

Carina Stigard |

Just as an FYI - I do not have much Spellcraft or UMD yet, or Identify, but plan on getting them at the next level which I assume should not be long based on how long you guys have been adventuring. - It is up to the DM, but we could have one of the departing spellcasters cast identify so that we all know what the magic loot is.

DM Aron Marczylo |

Just as an FYI - I do not have much Spellcraft or UMD yet, or Identify, but plan on getting them at the next level which I assume should not be long based on how long you guys have been adventuring. - It is up to the DM, but we could have one of the departing spellcasters cast identify so that we all know what the magic loot is.
I do a rule that Alex taught me which simplifies things. If you have 1 skill point in spellcraft and you aren't in a situation where you are running away from anything and need the properties then detect magic and 1 point in spellcraft is all you need.
Basically I assume that at the end of battle you take 20 on spellcraft which'll auto identify most items.
However if you do find anything magical and no one to idenify I can have Jhod identify anything for free until you get a poin in spellcraft.
As per the above rule, it does make it a little silly to force you to roll a spellcraft (when trained) check when you have nothing to do and enough time to take all the time in the world. Plus it's easier for me to list the items than say "3 wands and a masterworked longsword" when the next post you could identify them all. Basically, make sure you get some spellcraft :)

Carina Stigard |

I do a rule that Alex taught me which simplifies things. If you have 1 skill point in spellcraft and you aren't in a situation where you are running away from anything and need the properties then detect magic and 1 point in spellcraft is all you need.
Basically I assume that at the end of battle you take 20 on spellcraft which'll auto identify most items.
However if you do find anything magical and no one to idenify I can have Jhod identify anything for free until you get a poin in spellcraft.
As per the above rule, it does make it a little silly to force you to roll a spellcraft (when trained) check when you have nothing to do and enough time to take all the time in the world. Plus it's easier for me to list the items than say "3 wands and a masterworked longsword" when the next post you could identify them all. Basically, make sure you get some spellcraft :)
Thanks - I had the build a character who just discovered her powers for a story versus create a straight sorcerer and see if I can fit it into some background. For fun, this time I gave her skills which generally fit her background - i.e. Appraise (she was really good selling stuff while apprenticing) versus Spellcraft/UMD for which she would have had no background. This is one of the tough parts of a class with only 2+int skill points.
My goal is to get the additional skills at the next level.

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

Bronwyn - Gold
Cambyl - Gold, *potion of CLW*
Carina - Gold
Ganit - Gold-67.6 debt
Jameson - Gold
Lukan - Mwk Scimitar-51.24
Gold = 106.26
Ganit's gold = 106.26-67.6 = 38.66
67.6/5 = 13.52
Gold = 106.26+13.52 = 119.78
Bronwyn - 119.78gp
Cambyl - 119.78gp, *potion of CLW*
Carina - 119.78gp
Ganit - 38.66gp
Jameson - 119.78gp
Lukan - 13.52gp, Mwk Scimitar
The following items are in the party collective storage:
Scroll of shocking grasp,
Wand of Burning Hands(CL2;4),
Wand of Grease(CL1;15)

Lukan Swane "Swaney" |

** spoiler omitted **
Bronwyn - 119.78gp
Cambyl - 119.78gp, *potion of CLW*
Carina - 119.78gp
Ganit - 38.66gp
Jameson - 119.78gp
Lukan - 13.52gp, Mwk ScimitarThe following items are in the party collective storage:
Scroll of shocking grasp,
Wand of Burning Hands(CL2;4),
Wand of Grease(CL1;15)
Should I add 13.52gp to my sheet? Was this from the sale of the treasure we found under the tree?

Carina Stigard |

** spoiler omitted **
Bronwyn - 119.78gp
Cambyl - 119.78gp, *potion of CLW*
Carina - 119.78gp
Ganit - 38.66gp
Jameson - 119.78gp
Lukan - 13.52gp, Mwk ScimitarThe following items are in the party collective storage:
Scroll of shocking grasp,
Wand of Burning Hands(CL2;4),
Wand of Grease(CL1;15)
I say keep the wands - I do not have UMD yet, but will have it at +8 next level since that is one of the skills I will pick up. I have shocking grasp, so the scroll is kinda a waste, although it is worth so little that I can keep it and use it when needed if I run out of spells.

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

Lukan - the 13.52gp is from the gold that Ganit owed everyone for Happ's bow so go ahead and add it to your stash. You may be happy to hear that I'm finally debt free. Next stop, the American Express world headquarters!!!
Carina - You should be able to use either wand already. I just poked around the .srd a little and found this. So as long as your class can cast it, you can use a wand. Burning hands and shocking grasp are things that only you can use so feel free to add them to your equipment. You and Bronwyn can decide who gets the grease wand and if neither of you want it than I’ll keep it in my saddlebags for future use. At least until we all pitch in for a bag of holding or portable hole or we have a kingdom with a special room for all our useless valuable junk.

Lukan Swane "Swaney" |

Lukan - the 13.52gp is from the gold that Ganit owed everyone for Happ's bow so go ahead and add it to your stash. You may be happy to hear that I'm finally debt free. Next stop, the American Express world headquarters!!!
Carina - You should be able to use either wand already. I just poked around the .srd a little and found this. So as long as your class can cast it, you can use a wand. Burning hands and shocking grasp are things that only you can use so feel free to add them to your equipment. You and Bronwyn can decide who gets the grease wand and if neither of you want it than I’ll keep it in my saddlebags for future use. At least until we all pitch in for a bag of holding or portable hole or we have a kingdom with a special room for all our useless valuable junk.
Hah! We need a gnome lender in the group to help you out Ganit. I just see the check into cash commercials in my head as I think about it. The Gnome would influence you by saying, "You know you don't have to wait for that next pile of treasure to cash in! Why by the end of the day you can have your bow enchanted! Why wait? Just sign here, here, and here!"

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

Hah! We need a gnome lender in the group to help you out Ganit. I just see the check into cash commercials in my head as I think about it. The Gnome would influence you by saying, "You know you don't have to wait for that next pile of treasure to cash in! Why by the end of the day you can have your bow enchanted! Why wait? Just sign here, here, and here!"
Haha. I think I would need some pay stubs to qualify. If you think about it, most d&d characters don't have a very reputable source of income. I’d certainly hate to be one of their accountants. Do you know if grave robbings or glorified muggings are taxable? ;) What Ganit really needs is a gambling den. That's where the real money is. Throw some d52's or something. I'm not sure how to convert texas hold 'em into a dice game but I would be excited to see some ideas.
@ Carina. I'm not too familiar with your PC's ancestry so maybe you can help me out. If the time comes that I have to use a Favored Enemy skill towards you, do you as a changeling count as a human for those purposes? Just wondering for future uses.

Carina Stigard |

Haha. I think I would need some pay stubs to qualify. If you think about it, most d&d characters don't have a very reputable source of income. I’d certainly hate to be one of their accountants. Do you know if grave robbings or glorified muggings are taxable? ;) What Ganit really needs is a gambling den. That's where the real money is. Throw some d52's or something. I'm not sure how to convert texas hold 'em into a dice game but I would be excited to see some ideas.
Hmm - well, in the USA all income is taxable, even if it is made illegal - thus, even if you make your money through racketeering and extortion it is legally taxable, even though if caught, the money is forfeited to the government - essentially you would end up with getting hit twice, forfeit of income + taxes on the income. Not sure if you care, but figured I would let you know.
For Hold em - you could do 1d13 and 1d4, of course you could end up with duplicates, but it would at least create a system for card number and suit.
@ Carina. I'm not too familiar with your PC's ancestry so maybe you can help me out. If the time comes that I have to use a Favored Enemy skill towards you, do you as a changeling count as a human for those purposes? Just wondering for future uses.
I do not think that I qualify as a human - I believe I actually am Changling and Orc (from the Sorcerer Bloodline) -- DM Aron - please correct me if I am wrong.

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

*sigh* this country... Thanks for the hold 'em system, though shame on me for not just settling on any of the 1 million dice games that already exist. As for changeling, I checked out the bestiary but saw that it only read 'humanoid' so I just wanted to be sure. That bonus to perception and/or survival could come in handy should we get split up down the road.

Carina Stigard |

*sigh* this country... Thanks for the hold 'em system, though shame on me for not just settling on any of the 1 million dice games that already exist. As for changeling, I checked out the bestiary but saw that it only read 'humanoid' so I just wanted to be sure. That bonus to perception and/or survival could come in handy should we get split up down the road.
The really nice thing is the 90' darkvision(60 from changeling, 30 from orc bloodline). As long as I get the 8 hours needed to regen spells, I am great for night watches.
Actually my perception sucks. I took the feat to give me survival figuring I had spent time in the woods and as a guard - also seemed like something that would be useful in this campaign.

Sir Bronwyn Raslov |

Just letting you guys know I'll probably be keeping to straight bard levels. I had originally envisioned Bron as a Bard 1/Cavalier X but seeing as we just got another Cavalier, that would be redundant (as any cavalier multiclass). I'll still be your friendly neighborhood fake-knight, though!
Seeing as I already chose the Arcane Duelist archetype, I'll probably be going that route (using bard powers to enhance fighting prowess). Will try to get party-enhancing-ones, seeing as we got a lotta martial guys.

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

I'd be happy to donate. Take all 9.64gp I have. I think I'll pass up the spare clothes too so 19.64gp.
Here's an idea. Why not take a cut from our next treasures to add to a party fund for these kinds of expenses? Like 10% or 20% off the top before it gets split into shares.

DM Aron Marczylo |

Just letting you guys know I'll probably be keeping to straight bard levels. I had originally envisioned Bron as a Bard 1/Cavalier X but seeing as we just got another Cavalier, that would be redundant (as any cavalier multiclass). I'll still be your friendly neighborhood fake-knight, though!
Seeing as I already chose the Arcane Duelist archetype, I'll probably be going that route (using bard powers to enhance fighting prowess). Will try to get party-enhancing-ones, seeing as we got a lotta martial guys.
As I heard, Arcane Duelist is a awesome class and it does match the knighthood thing with being highly charismatic and at the same time deal nasty damage with a weapon.

Jameson Addercop IV |

Most likely you're right on that one. I know Barbarians have good Con and Cha builds, but I think the best way to make your Cha good for combat is probably through your spell list by pumping the DC to resist. Glitterdust and Grease are favorites for my bards at lower levels.

The Hermit Ganit D'Artain |

I considered the Shatter Defenses tree for a moment since I'll be taking a 4 level dip into rogue but I agree with Bron about the payoff. Besides, I'm working with a negative CHA mod so it'll be slightly less effective. I'll just have to be content with a salty nut like Ganit haha.
Btw, grease is such a great spell. A constant threat of disarm is a win in itself.

Lukan Swane "Swaney" |

Someone crunch the numbers on that wand and I'll give my share for it.

Carina Stigard |

You go Ganit! I believe it costs 300 gp (it's not fully charged), minus Ganit's 19 gp equals 281 gp, which divided by the remaining 5 members, costs 56,2 gp (or 52 gp and 2 sp). All on board for that?
Healing is good - could Cambyl recharge it during down time?
I'm in.
It should be 50 each, with Ganit owing us each 6.2gp from the next loot.

Lukan Swane "Swaney" |

It took me awhile to figure out all the numbers. I'm horrible with math, but it seems like we pay 56.2gp now and get 6.2gp back from Ganit later? So in the end, everyone pays 50g?
Bronwyn, I know we discussed revealing your history. I thought James questioning would be a pivotal moment in Lukan's recollection of events just before he left the Restov guards. Let me know if you are down with this. If not we can keep the charade going.
Oh have you seen anything about using a whip as a bard? Bards get it as a weapon prof and with the improved trip feat line it can be very very handy.