Golarion Chess PbP Recruitment

Gamer Connection

I tried posting about this idea in the "Card & Board Games" subforum. Now I'm going to try again, in a subforum that might get more attention.

I was toying with the idea of playing Chess with some other user over these forums, using Golarion-related images as pieces. I would post links to an image of the board, like this...


...and the other player could post his/her move, with a message like "Knight from B1 to C3," and I would make my move, and change the board image accordingly.

In case there's any confusion about which image is what piece, I could provide a...


Would anyone be interested in playing such a game?

(Also, I'm open to suggestions for other icons for the pieces.)

Grand Lodge

I'll play!

1 e2-e4!

Love the pieces btw

Great! Thank you!

Let's continue the game in this thread.

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