Azureus Conversion


A new game/movie is coming out soon,and it features a new character called Azureus(Link: would you convert him to pathfinder,based off of what you've seen?

Monk for the slow fall & land speed, Alchemist for the bomb, longs sword with keen & every bonus to hit you can find, high acrobatics, high AC since he never seems to get hit, and the amateur gunslinger feat.

Alright,so right now what I'm thinking is(race is human):
What you said,Monk for the Slow Fall and Land Speed;
Alchemist for that bomb(What discovery would it be?)
Fighter for bonus feats

FEATS(I'm not gonna take em all)
Fleet a few times
Skill Focus(Acrobatics)?
Amateur Gunslinger?Or should I just take a level of gunslinger?
Weapon Focus(Longsword)
Weapon Focus(Revolver)
Rapid Reload?(Revolver)

+X Keen Longsword(Eventually vorpal)
+X 2X Speed Revolver
+X Determination Mithral Agile Breastplate
Cloak of Elvenkind
Boots of Elvenkind
Goggles of Darkvision

STATS(20 pt buy)
18 Dex
14 Str
12 Con
10 Int
13 Wis
10 Cha

sphar wrote:

Alright,so right now what I'm thinking is(race is human):

What you said,Monk for the Slow Fall and Land Speed;
Alchemist for that bomb(What discovery would it be?)
Fighter for bonus feats

FEATS(I'm not gonna take em all)
Fleet a few times
Skill Focus(Acrobatics)?
Amateur Gunslinger?Or should I just take a level of gunslinger?
Weapon Focus(Longsword)
Weapon Focus(Revolver)
Rapid Reload?(Revolver)

+X Keen Longsword(Eventually vorpal)
+X 2X Speed Revolver
+X Determination Mithral Agile Breastplate
Cloak of Elvenkind
Boots of Elvenkind
Goggles of Darkvision

STATS(20 pt buy)
18 Dex
14 Str
12 Con
10 Int
13 Wis
10 Cha

No evidence it's vorpal, never cuts off any one's head.

Just take the feat, you already have a odd enough multiclass going on.

I know,but vorpal is just awesome lol.

I have to drop monk in order for him to wear armor(or not use his fast speed,slow fall,etc.) and just take a 4 level dip in ninja instead.His ki will let him do acrobatics,move faster,and ninja tricks let him use feather fall.

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