Condition Cards...Buff Cards?


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Our PF group enjoys the condition cards for easy reference during game play. As the campaign I'm running has reached mid-levels (currently 8th) we all sat around the game table and began wishing we had Buff cards for the various spell and class abilities to hand out to fellow players for on-the-table-and-in-front-of-you reminders of the buff itself and a reference for the associated bennies!

Any chance we might see Paizo release a Buff card set?

I'd love to have the wizard in the party cast haste and be able to hand out 4-5 Hasted cards to party members while the Bard does their thing and hands out Inspired +2 cards!

I agree, I would like to see this product as well. It would help my players and I figure out which buffs stack with which.

I have never bought any of the card products that Paizo has put out thus far - the closest I got being that I think the item decks are cool ideas, but wouldn't get as much use as I would like...

I would buy multiples of a condition card deck.

My group and I don't have much trouble remembering what stacks and what doesn't as far as the buffs they use - but we do have that moment of "..wait, you said morale bonus, isn't that the same type this other spell gives?" and having to double check. Avoiding that would be amazing for the flow of play.

And negative condition cards... oh my, how lovely those would be. I haven't had many of them, but there are times when someone is stunned this round, sickened 3 more after that, and might become shaken sometime during - and that not being difficult to track would be excellent.

This proposed product would also prevent the situation I once had when everyone present at the table knew that Jeremy's green d6 sitting in front of him was tracking how long something lasted, but had forgotten which effect it was - with a card he could have set the d6 upon it to keep track.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Spell cards would be awesome.

Liberty's Edge

Good idea.

"Buff" cards would be complicated to do as you will have plenty of different buffs with different duration and different effects depending on the CL or the level of the bard ecc. but they would be a great aid, especially for the less adept players.

I should think if it is possible to make something similar in house while we want for a Paizo version.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Have you checked out the Condition Cards deck yet thenobledrake? It has been a great buy for the group as we use the cards most sessions.

When someone gets stunned for 4 rounds or nauseated (curse stinking cloud!) for 6 rounds they get the card and use either tokens or a die to track the number of rounds they are affected.

I agree Buff cards would need to be kept fairly simple. The biggest hurdle being how the buff bonuses vary based on the caster/character levels. I assume a Buff Card though would simply list the bonuses available and how those scale by level listed like:

Shield of Faith

1st, +2 Deflect Bonus to AC

6th, +3 Deflect Bonus to AC

12th, +4 Deflect Bonus to AC

Durations can be tracked in the same way we use for the condition cards. If there is a nicely spaced table like above for bonuses the buff provides you can place the duration die or tokens on that level of bonuses.

Liquidsabre wrote:
Have you checked out the Condition Cards deck yet thenobledrake?

No, I hadn't. I tend only to realize stuff is out because I see it on the shelf at the FLGS... but now I know what to add to my list of things to ask the FLGS to order for me.

Paizo Employee CEO

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I told Erik that I wanted a set of these also. Heck, I even offered to design them just to get them going! Perhaps I can bug him again tomorrow. :)


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Lisa Stevens wrote:

I told Erik that I wanted a set of these also. Heck, I even offered to design them just to get them going! Perhaps I can bug him again tomorrow. :)


The condition cards are our most used set. Please do :)

My group remarked how much a buff deck would be useful just last session :)

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:

I told Erik that I wanted a set of these also. Heck, I even offered to design them just to get them going! Perhaps I can bug him again tomorrow. :)


The condition cards are our most used set. Please do :)

My group remarked how much a buff deck would be useful just last session :)

It's not as pretty as Paizo Cards, but my 4e DM just created a table in Word with a bunch of 2" square cells, typed in the relevant buffs, printed them onto card stock and cut them up. They serve. (Though I'd still likely buy a pretty Paizo set. Especially if they're colour-coded by stackability.)

Scarab Sages

I've started making a set of these from my home game. I basically remove the top of the spell description and just use the bottom of the spell. Not every thing fits on a playing card size card, but I make some of them on a fold over card that when shut, is the same size as a playing card. So far it works great.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Lisa Stevens wrote:

I told Erik that I wanted a set of these also. Heck, I even offered to design them just to get them going! Perhaps I can bug him again tomorrow. :)


Pretty please.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Lisa Stevens wrote:

I told Erik that I wanted a set of these also. Heck, I even offered to design them just to get them going! Perhaps I can bug him again tomorrow. :)


I would not cancel my subscription for Buff Cards.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Lisa Stevens wrote:

I told Erik that I wanted a set of these also. Heck, I even offered to design them just to get them going! Perhaps I can bug him again tomorrow. :)


Holy Poo!


I would probably get at least 3-4 sets of these. I love the condition cards, and these are even better.

Liberty's Edge

I would buy a set of buff cards, but I'm not sure how I'd design them. There are just so many buffs (assuming you're doing a different card for each buff spell), that have varied effects, and all stack differently... I don't know. In my mind I'm picturing a gaming table completely covered in cards, with no room for books or miniatures :)

Can they be color coded for the type of bonus?

Blue for morale, Red for resistance, etc.? That would save a LOT of time for everyone involved.


Color coded for type, with the number and what it modifies along the edges (like notebook tabs) so they are stackable (lay down a new buff card over the old, and if it is the same color, they overlap, if not, they stack). I think that would work. However, the real winner is to use clear plastic cards and have the buff types printed in a certain spot so that they overlap like in the card game "Gloom".

I don't play Pathfinder, but the Condition Cards are such an amazing idea, and look great! I may try and use them in my Gamma World and 4E games, because many conditions match (they are still all d20 System after all), but there are just enough discrepancies to make it tricky.

Although the formatting could be better, I like the idea this guy made here:

Kind of like nameplate tents showing your condition. Not as sleek and transportable as cards, but still.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Lisa Stevens wrote:

I told Erik that I wanted a set of these also. Heck, I even offered to design them just to get them going! Perhaps I can bug him again tomorrow. :)


Please do. I want these, too. Thank-you!

That would be awesome.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Lisa Stevens wrote:

I told Erik that I wanted a set of these also. Heck, I even offered to design them just to get them going! Perhaps I can bug him again tomorrow. :)


Woot! *does a happy dance*

Thanks Lisa!

Shadow Lodge

I have to agree, the condition cards are awesome. One of the guys in our group has them, and when he's not there, or I'm playing in another group, I really miss the condition cards.

Buff cards would be a great addition to the GameMastery line I think.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Lisa Stevens wrote:

I told Erik that I wanted a set of these also. Heck, I even offered to design them just to get them going! Perhaps I can bug him again tomorrow. :)



Would as well purchase buff cards.

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