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Navior's We Be Goblins / Jade Regent OOC

Play-by-Post Discussion

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I've added pictures of the four principal NPCs to the website, including the new picture of Shalelu which was revealed in yesterday's blog. It's far better than that atrocity in the Player's Guide. :)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Will be changing Rajah's pic. I just can't right now. The boards won't let me. And not just his pic, I can't change any of my profiles pics.

I'll be able to let you know how he looks when I can actually go back through and decide on a different one. I would hate to say brown hair and a beard, if it's blonde hair and a moustache. I have my own idea on how he looks, but I'm afraid I might not find the pic to match, so I'm gonna have to wait and see.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Description in profile. Still can't change avatar though. By creating a new avatar, I was able to look through them and find one I liked better. So, whenever they get it fixed, I'll change it.

Melon Sash wrote:
Awww - I prefer prior Ameiko picture

The purple lips were really starting to bug me. :)

Seriously, there's nothing in the selection of avatars that even remotely fits Ameiko. I've been through it multiple times looking for something. I may change the avatar again. I don't know.

Don't you know purple lips are all the rage in Minkai?

I'm fine with the new one. The old one was the same avatar as one of my other PBP characters, and it was starting to get weird.

Of course, I just assumed that that avatar had been Ameiko all along and I was thinking howcool it was that I'd been playing Ameiko in Kingmaker all this time.

Nazard wrote:

I'm fine with the new one. The old one was the same avatar as one of my other PBP characters, and it was starting to get weird.

Of course, I just assumed that that avatar had been Ameiko all along and I was thinking howcool it was that I'd been playing Ameiko in Kingmaker all this time.

Alas, of the four main NPCs, only Shalelu's avatar is actually a picture of her (it's the one from Hook Mountain Massacre).

If anybody's interested, I have started a blog.

I have written a review of Brinewall Legacy to start off with. There are only very minor spoilers in it, so feel free to read away and give me your thoughts. :)

I don't like even minor spoilers so I'll avoid that one for now. Added you to my Following list, though. :)

Joana wrote:
I don't like even minor spoilers so I'll avoid that one for now. Added you to my Following list, though. :)

The spoilers are extremely minor (as is the typo...)

Nazard wrote:
Joana wrote:
I don't like even minor spoilers so I'll avoid that one for now. Added you to my Following list, though. :)
The spoilers are extremely minor (as is the typo...)

Typo? What typo?

Navior wrote:
Nazard wrote:
Joana wrote:
I don't like even minor spoilers so I'll avoid that one for now. Added you to my Following list, though. :)
The spoilers are extremely minor (as is the typo...)
Typo? What typo?

In the section on romances... "Player" instead of "Players".

Nazard wrote:
Navior wrote:
Typo? What typo?
In the section on romances... "Player" instead of "Players".

Corrected. Thanks.

Joana wrote:
I don't like even minor spoilers so I'll avoid that one for now. Added you to my Following list, though. :)

Totally understood. My new review is of the Cubicle 7 Doctor Who RPG. No spoilers there at all. :)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Malan wrote:
"...We can do so with blades, in which case you would lose, or with witty banter, in which case you would lose. The option I suggest is for you to direct your aggression elsewhere. The choice is yours."

This is funny. I just died on this.

Melon Sash wrote:
Awww - I prefer prior Ameiko picture

And this I totally agree with. The new one is quite terrible. The other one was FAR prettier.

Just my $0.02. Keep the change.

Javell DeLeon wrote:
Melon Sash wrote:
Awww - I prefer prior Ameiko picture

And this I totally agree with. The new one is quite terrible. The other one was FAR prettier.

Just my $0.02. Keep the change.

While I still don't really like the old one, I agree that the new one isn't any better, so I'll switch back.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

How about page 32, bottom of the page, chick in the red dress. Number 4 going left to right.

Or page 33, next to the last line, number 5 going left to right.

(Weird. Sounds like a lineup.)

Just throwing a couple that I thought weren't too bad. They aren't perfect by any stretch, but from what I can tell, there isn't going to be one that is.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

You know what Gil, you should seriously consider turning your paintbrush into some type of wand. That would be cool.

(It's not a wand already, is it? Not familiar with oracles, so, don't know what all that entails.)

F/R/W: +2/+1/+2 (+2 vs illusions); AC 12/12/11; CMD: 7; Max HP 10; Current HP 10; Init: +1; Perception: +6; Sense Motive: +5;
Javell DeLeon wrote:

You know what Gil, you should seriously consider turning your paintbrush into some type of wand. That would be cool.

(It's not a wand already, is it? Not familiar with oracles, so, don't know what all that entails.)

Originally, his sorcerer bloodline was going to be arcane, and the paintbrush would be his bonded item (wand). However, the Umbral bloodline from UM is just too perfect for him, so the wand/brush will remain a piece of fluff, as Gilfroy is too feat starved for Eldritch Heritage. I haven't ruled out cross-blooded, though.

You could always get your paintbrush enchanted into a wand down the line. Assuming it's a masterwork paintbrush, of course. (I guess that would be masterwork artisan's tools?)

Actually, Ethram was the only name I knew. He was described as being on death's door in the Sandpoint background in Burnt Offerings, so I'm surprised he's still alive four years later! I assumed Corinna's uncle would be the acting head-of-family and -business. If that's Belven, that would be fine; if there's another generation in there, Ethram could actually be her great-grandfather and Belven her great-uncle but she just calls him "uncle." I picture her as an unimportant relative: minor cousin, daughter of the youngest son who married someone the family wasn't thrilled with, etc. That way she can go off to Korvosa (or to Tian Xia) without the family bothering about it too much. In other words, she probably ranks somewhere beneath Mrs. Hasmel in the family. :)

Yeah, I decided to take the "death's door" thing about Ethram and make him still on death's door 4 years later as a sort of "He keeps hanging on even though every one expects him to die". :)

Belven is described as being a highly desired bachelor. Although it doesn't actually state he's young, it implies he's relatively young as it mentions "dozens of young women who've been trying to catch his eye". If he's Ethram's eldest son, that means either Ethram waited very late in life to have children (which doesn't fit with the Valdemars being a large and prominent family) or Belven has a lot of older sisters. There is also the implication that Ethram has at least one other son in order for Beven to be the eldest. I'm going to make Belven a little older and say that he used to be a highly desirable bachelor who did eventually settle down and marry. That will make him work well as Corinna's uncle. I will go with the idea, though, that Ethram continued to have children for quite a long time, so Beven has a lot of brothers and sisters. I'm thinking something like 5 sisters and 2 brothers for 8 children total. Corinna's father could easily be Ethram's youngest child.

If he's heir to the Valdemar name and business, he could be a highly desirable bachelor in Sandpoint if he were eighty. ;) It's possible Corinna is illegitimate, too, the child of one of Belven's sisters. It would explain why her parent(s) basically let the family make decisions about how she was to be raised and where she'd be sent, as well as Belven's sensitivity about Sandru getting her in trouble; maybe Corinna's mother made a poor choice in lovers and Belven had to pay off her father to leave Sandpoint and his sister alone.

(continued, because the edit bug's still not fixed)

That way, Belven could still be somewhat young (if married since Burnt Offerings), and Corinna's mother could be an older sister. It also makes her more of an outsider to the family proper and even more distant from her uncle who sees the money and influence he had to use to get rid of her father every time he looks at her.

I like that. Beven will still need to be enough older than Corinna that he was able to pay off her father for her mother's indiscretions. I'll make him about 40 now and only recently married. That would put him in his early teens when Corinna was born.

You might actually have intended for Alil to be younger than 25. It just seemed more humiliating for Corinna for her to have known the girl who is now mistress of the house. :)

Male Human Traveler / 8

Poor Aago is confused. I thought Navior said that none of us were aware that Malan was waiting for us at the trail. Now both Melon and Gilfroy are saying that he's waiting for us there. If Aago knows what I (Wander Weir) knows, he wouldn't have waited around for Gilfroy to finish his performance but would have just headed out to the trail as soon as possible. Unless Aago is the only one who doesn't know, in which case he'd have left the inn as soon as Gilfroy told him where Malan was waiting.

At any rate, I'll just wait until Navior posts and tells us where we are. But it does seem like Melon has a transporter beam stashed somewhere, the way she keeps appearing in odd places without actually traveling there first. ;)

Malan wrote:
We will wait for you at the trail.

Melon took that to mean Malan will be waiting at the trail if he's nowhere to be seen.

But it does seem like Melon has a transporter beam stashed somewhere, the way she keeps appearing in odd places without actually traveling there first. ;)

hahaha - Melon is a busy girl, but maybe I need a picture showing me where everybody is at all times. I assume Melon is near wherever the main body of characters are. She's not broody enough to sit around and wait.

Hmmm... Yeah, I did forget that Malan had stated earlier about meeting at the trail, so it's reasonable that the others would figure out that's where he had gone (even if he hadn't said that, I would have considered it reasonable that others would assume he'd gone ahead).

Melon does have a way of showing up everywhere, it's true. I do generally assume characters will follow along with the group unless they specify otherwise, but when the group has split up, it does become necessary to state which way you're going. It was fairly clearly stated that Aago and Gilfroy had returned to the inn to pick up belongings, while Corinna and Rajah went in the Valdemar manor. I'm fine with Melon staying with Corinna and Rajah (which is what I went with), but that makes it difficult for her to appear suddenly back at the inn at the same moment Aago and Gilfroy do. I'm reminded of Mahjik suddenly being at both the top and the bottom of the cliff at the same time. :)

heh - that is my habit of fast-forwarding, rather than teleporting. In my post (since Corinna, Rajah and Melon had already left the manor since they could notice the others were gone. ("Outside, the others have already departed.") I tend to not want to spend 10 posts meeting up with the others, so I subconsciously fast-forward the travel; and Melon's next post is when they arrived where (most) of the others are.

It makes sense in the narrative of the story in my head at least :)

That's understandable, and I have tried to speed things along a little bit. However, Corinna hasn't actually decided to accompany the group yet, so I'm also trying to give her a chance to decide. :)

Yeah! Stop trying to make Corinna's decisions for her! Doesn't she get enough of that from her family? ;)

Male Human Traveler / 8

Well Aago hasn't been wasting any time. He'd be in an out of the inn with his backpack in less than a minute and as soon as he knows where to go, he's heading out there, unless he's told to wait around for everyone else. Just for the record...

Navior, I notice you put links to Serpent's Skull and Jade Regent on your blog. Why not We Be Goblins? It seems like a natural to link to from your review of the module. (Btw, minor Brinewall Legacy spoilers! :P)

Joana wrote:
Navior, I notice you put links to Serpent's Skull and Jade Regent on your blog. Why not We Be Goblins? It seems like a natural to link to from your review of the module. (Btw, minor Brinewall Legacy spoilers! :P)

Silly oversight on my part which is now fixed. Thanks for pointing it out. And yeah, I should add a warning about spoilers too.

Navior wrote:
And yeah, I should add a warning about spoilers too.

I totally intend to use my illicit knowledge to metagame ruthlessly on Corinna's behalf.

Joana wrote:
Yeah! Stop trying to make Corinna's decisions for her! Doesn't she get enough of that from her family? ;)

Poor Lady would not be goblin spitroast now if Corinna would be more go-n-get'em. Lady. Poor poor Lady.

Male Human Traveler / 8
LoreKeeper wrote:
Joana wrote:
Yeah! Stop trying to make Corinna's decisions for her! Doesn't she get enough of that from her family? ;)

Poor Lady would not be goblin spitroast now if Corinna would be more go-n-get'em. Lady. Poor poor Lady.

Oh, that's just harsh!

Melon Sash wrote:
lol, I started reading the attacks and saw "Malan", then skimped over the rest and thought it was all Malan. D'uh!

And Melon herself becomes the first character to get herself confused with the other PC with the similar name. ;)

Well, if you don't count Aago's semi-unintentional passive-aggressive mangling of Malan's name.

Joana wrote:
Well, if you don't count Aago's semi-unintentional passive-aggressive mangling of Malan's name.

What? Like Malcatraz?

hehee - as a side note, I always read Aago's name as Iago. And yea, I always picture him as that parrot from Aladdin.

Gilfroy Fezziwig wrote:
"What!?" Gilfroy shouts, looking up at Melon, his eyes wide with panic and filled with tears. "Rajah! Quick! Melon's been shot. She's dying! Help her!"

Am I the only one hearing this in a C-3PO voice?

Joana wrote:
Gilfroy Fezziwig wrote:
"What!?" Gilfroy shouts, looking up at Melon, his eyes wide with panic and filled with tears. "Rajah! Quick! Melon's been shot. She's dying! Help her!"
Am I the only one hearing this in a C-3PO voice?

I wasn't until just now. Now I'm never going to get it out of my head. :)


That thud you heard was me hitting the floor and rolling.

Not having any advanced warning that Gilfroy was going to cast an illusion, shouldn't the rest of us also roll a save against the sounds of the bridge cracking?

Joana wrote:
Not having any advanced warning that Gilfroy was going to cast an illusion, shouldn't the rest of us also roll a save against the sounds of the bridge cracking?

You probably should, now that I think about it. I was initially going on the premise that only goblins #2 and #5 were the only one interacting with it as they were the only ones standing at the source of the noise. But really, the noise is relevant to anyone on the bridge since if the bridge were to snap, it wouldn't matter where on the bridge you were. So time for some saves...

Was just about to suggest that myself.

In the future, obviously Gilfroy doesn't want to broadcast to the enemy that he's being tricksy, but perhaps they can agree on some sort of code word that he's about to do 'something', which may, with Navior's permission, grant everybody else bonuses to their saves, if not auto-disbelief.

Of course, the bridge may actually be cracking at the moment, and Gil's illusion is covering that up!!

Navior, my d6 rolls are carrying over from Serpent's Skull, and I want you to do something about it. :P

Male Human Traveler / 8
Joana wrote:
Navior, my d6 rolls are carrying over from Serpent's Skull, and I want you to do something about it. :P

That's the worse thing about auto dice rolls online. At the table at least you can try a different set of dice.

Wander Weir wrote:
Joana wrote:
Navior, my d6 rolls are carrying over from Serpent's Skull, and I want you to do something about it. :P
That's the worse thing about auto dice rolls online. At the table at least you can try a different set of dice.

Oh, gosh, yes. That d6 would already be back in my box by this time. (Of course, then you're left wondering if you've pushed through the unlucky streak and it's just waiting to unleash a string of 6s to make up for it.)

My RL group has a longstanding house rule going back to 2E of no 1s on healing or hit points, anyway. We always get to re-roll them.

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