Ravingdork |

Tell me what you think. Am I close?

Lathiira |

I like it! Now we just need to figure out how to give your character some consistent ability to poison and/or charm people by touch/kiss. I'd also say she probably has a smidge more Charisma. Not because she's a fetching lass-she is!-but Ivy has a personality that I'd consider strong, but she's not as charismatic as say Wonder Woman or as forceful as Batman.

Ravingdork |

Poison kiss is easy: She smears poison on her lips and she kisses someone (as a touch attack?).
Her poison immunity allows her to do such things as that with no harm to herself.
Switch out her ranks in Ride for max ranks in Diplomacy and you end up with a pretty good charm effect.

Ravingdork |

I agree, her cha is too low. It needs to be higher. And she needs ranks in bluff.
She was an antisocial scientist. Sure she had charm abilities of one kind or another, but that's not the same as being charismatic.
When did she ever lie? I'm sure she did, but I never saw it as being a focus of her character.

Firest |

Ravingdork wrote:She was an antisocial scientist.But also a seductress. She frequently sweet talks people, even before laying down any charm or suggestions. She does it pretty damn well for someone who is "antisocial," too. I make a third motion for higher Cha. It just fits.
Agreed, Ivy's mind control and poison abilities are almost as defining a characteristic as her plant abilities. To the point that sometimes her MC powers overshadow her plant abilities.
I'd suggest making her mechanically a Dryad who's removed her tree dependency.