Witch / Eldritch Knight... Oracle?


So I was working on a character for an upcoming game, and decided to play a creepy half orc witch. We rolled for stats and mine are pretty stellar, so I was thinking about multi-classing to make things interesting. I looked at Mystic Theurge, because going into Oracle would be neat to take the clouded vision curse to up my creepy factor.

I decided against it, and while looking to get equipment I stumbled upon a weapon I thought would be neat for my character to use. I liked it so much I went back to my multi-class idea and tried to gish myself up a bit. After reading the requirements for Eldritch Knight the whole thing came together.

I could take Witch 5, Oracle of Battle 1 with Skill at Arms to qualify for Eldritch Knight. I lose a BAB if I take it instead of fighter, but I do get some more first level spells and creepy blindness instead of a feat.

Not the best trade off, but not horrible. Plus it's flavorful. However, with the Extra Revelation feat, I can take Weapon Mastery to make up for that lost feat. Plus access to War Sight, which is pretty damn sweet.

So, am I crazy? I was thinking I'd be using my hexes a lot in combat and having to be within 30 feet of the action makes it seem like a decent idea to be able to stab a fool after cackling.

Secondary question: If this might actually work... what the hell feats do I take?


Witch = creepy old guy/crone
Oracle of battle = Knight in shimmering armor

Doesn't fit too well. Oracle of Bones or Heavens I would understand.

Mechanics wise this is bad as well. Witch lifes off her hexes which will usually not be affected by eldritch knight levels. You spell list is weak in comarison.

Soo you are a weak witch combined with a weak fighter.

I would either take a single level of Oracle of Bones and then do Witch from then on or leave the with and do a Oracle of Battle/Hellknight mix.

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Or you can go witch 5 ranger 1 into EK....

Like I did.

One thing that they are not saying about hexes and multi-classing, you might want to select hexes that affect only you rather than those that will "lose" power as you gain EK levels.

If you have hexes like
Prehensile hair

Flight (Su): The witch grows lighter as she gains power, eventually gaining the ability to fly. At 1st level, the witch can use feather fall at will and gains a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks. At 3rd level, she can cast levitate once per day. At 5th level, she can fly, as per the spell, for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments. This hex only affects the witch.

feather fall @ will
Levitate 1/day and fly for 5 minutes/day is not a bad deal...

And frees up a spell slot!

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