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I am a new player, completely new to table top role playing games. I have been having a lot of trouble getting my own group together to DM. I have never played a game before, so I am completely new.
However, I have gone into Pathfinder whole heartadly. I have purchased the core book, advanced players guide, ultimate magic,both bestiaries,the inner sea world guide. I have only read the core book so far though.
I had planned on DMing my own game for new players, but my friends are not into it. So, I have come here hoping to get into a game.
again, I have never played a game. I have read the core book, but being unable to apply the rules yet, my understanding may be less than desirable.
Thank you.

Allia Thren |

No promises yet, but I'm planning on GMing my first game soon, maybe even get the post up today or over the weekend. Most likely it will be "Crypt of the Everflame".
I'd be happy to have new players in that game (perhaps even prefer them to veterans that know how to break any game :) )
As I said, can't promise you'll get in, but I'll let you know once the recruitment starts.

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No promises yet, but I'm planning on GMing my first game soon, maybe even get the post up today or over the weekend. Most likely it will be "Crypt of the Everflame".
I'd be happy to have new players in that game (perhaps even prefer them to veterans that know how to break any game :) )
As I said, can't promise you'll get in, but I'll let you know once the recruitment starts.
Sweet, that is awsome. i,ll keep a look out for your post.