Ok, new weapon based question, this time about a feat

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 2/5

So does anyone know if the Monkey grip feat transferred over to pathfinder, and if so what source book it would be in and if it is legal?

As I recall, Monkey grip is not in pathfinder in any form. The best you can do is two vestigial arms or dual wielding something like bastard swords one handed.

You never know what will show up in Ultimate Combat or in the Asian-themed books that will come out for Tian Xia and in support of the Jade Regent AP, so it might be better to ask this in one of the regular Pathfinder product forums where one of the developers may say something.

Sovereign Court 5/5

So far not in any published book for Pathfinder. +1 to what EA said.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
So does anyone know if the Monkey grip feat transferred over to pathfinder, and if so what source book it would be in and if it is legal?

Nope no monkey grip (it's a mere -2 for one size category higher), however fighting w/ a large weapon is legal in society and there are feats and traits to compensate, esp if you are a human fighter and may have inherited the weapon from your Giant Hunter Grandfather and had a copy of the Adventurer's Armory and took a particular trait. [trait would be the ever so controversial Heirloom Weapon the feat would be Weapon Focus human could give you another feat for something exotic and at second level don't forget to take a level in cleric of Erastil for plant domain and enlarge as a swift for Huge weapon damage]

Num: Smells like a Tasty Cheddar

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