Homebrew campaign PBP. Mormont's Gauntlet. A survival campaign.

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Shanosuke wrote:
James Martin Posted first on this campaign with a really interesting concept. Does anyone know what has become of him?

I am in another pbp with James, he has remained active but over the last few days he seems to be posting a bit less frequently then usual, I can only assume the real world has been taking up the bulk of his time. I could easily be mistaken but I would guess he has found he lacks the time for another commitment at the moment.

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:

The suspense is killing me.

I also haven't seen any sign of Mahorfeus.

Please don't die. It's bad for your health.

The Exchange

Don't worry, Ive got a back-up character. :P

While going over this is fun, it has a tendency to make my brain hurt.....ow. Definitely zeroing in on my choices though. Some of you have really nice detailed backgrounds.........so much reading. I can already tell what this will be like. I'm getting excited to put yet another group of people through this campaign. One thing I've noticed. This campaign never runs the same twice hehe.

By the way. Neat little addition to the campaign. Once I get my chosen players, I will randomly pick one of you to get a free trait. The infamous Premonitions Trait mwahahahaha! People love and hate this trait at the same time. It's awesome. Can't wait to see who gets it and what they do with it.

The Exchange

I'm looking back over this thread, and there are a lot of strong submissions. You definitely have your work cut out for you, Shanosuke.

Alright, after our discussion I have re-built Vargas to be closer to my original druid concept. I will post his altered backstory in the morning, but for the most part it will be very close. Instead of bonding with specific companion, he instead forged a bond with the jungle itself, and it's inhabitants, who he will call upon for aid regularly. Actually, I think that's really about the only serious change, other than his race of course. I hope you like it.

Vargas - Updated:

Vargas Human Druid 1 C/N
HP 9
Armor Check
Init +5
Speed 30ft

Str 8
Dex 16
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 20
Cha 10

Fort +3
Ref +3
Will +7

BAB +0
CMB -1
CMD 12

Traits : Dino Expert, Reactionary,

Feats : Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning

Special Abilities : Nature Sense, Wild Empathy

Skills : (4 class, 1 Int, +1 Human)
Fly +7
Handle Animal +4
Heal +9
Knowledge (Nature) +7
Perception +9
Survival +11

Languages : Common, Dwarven, Sylvan, Druidic (maybe?)

Spells Prepared : DC 15+spell level Concentration +6
0-level :
1-level : Magic Weapon (D)

Domain : Tactics
Seize the Initaitive : 8/Day

Gear :

Wealth : 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5

I'm also in a game with James Marti (his concept for this game is interesting), we haven't heard from him since early last week. By the game is a slow-poster.

: shrugs :

One thought on Silent (if you're looking for a bit of diversification), he can play very easily as human or half-elf. I just thought the half-Orc fit the isolated concept of the guy.

If Silent gets chosen, and you feel we need some diversification, let me know and we'll hash something out.

Diversification is cool. But I wont hold anyone to it. If you want, take a look into the bestiaries and see if anything there could be of interest.

Also, I'm just curious, are any of you new gamers to the Paizo messageboards?

I'm in a good number of games already. I wouldn't mind if you secured a few spots for new players.

The Exchange

Yeah, I'm in a few as well. Time-wise, I started about a month ago.

I have played in zero! I got into one which the DM abandoned pretty much immediately. (just stopped posting after 2 posts)

I'm in a few games already (currently 2)... this one just seemed too fun to skip applying to. :)

As for diversification and races...

My original concept for this guy was to have him also be a human natural lycanthrope instead of half-orc. It's the same style of trying to walk the line between a naturally savage disposition but wanting to control it. It was what drew his parents to join the commune... to give their child the potential of controlling his inner beast.

If you're open to this direction, I would love to explore it... though the level-buyoffs are painful, especially given this type of survival campaign. In a situation like this, i'd switch him to Human Lycanthrope (wolf base animal).

The only thing I'd want to mess with is the DR. Nothing is as difficult for a DM to adjudicate about this template as the DR... which just starts so high, then becomes meaningless as the player levels.

I've always suggested players who want to go this route (and i'd want to go this route if you were game for the concept with Silent) is to get rid of the DR altogether. This, i think, brings the template down a notch or two. Then we just have to ask whether the natural lycanthrope is worth the +2 level off-set or just a +1.

If you'd be interested in an idea like this, I'd try to (at least initially) hide it from the group... which could be interesting in combat. :) He'd do a lot of taking night watch and wandering a bit so he can get to a more natural state of being for a bit.

I'm down with using this idea or sticking with either half-orc (or half-elf if you'd like one more non-orc in the group).

Let me know what you think of that idea.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Sorry! Long story short: I moved all my stuff 12 hours away, then came back to my apartment to work at my current job for 14 days until I (hopefully!) get my dream job and move the 12 hours down to start my job.

A. Moving stinks.
B. I am still interested! I need to rework the stats, but I would love to be a part!
C. Thanks for keeping an eye for me, Javell! I appreciate it!

Yeah, I'm in several myself.

I'm also in a thread with James Martin. He is also quite the talented player. Can't really comment on his posting frequency though. The thread we are in is quite, quite slow. Pretty much everyone posts just a couple times a week. And I mean everyone.

(I ooc'd him in my thread to see if he's still interested. Maybe he'll check in. Our ooc tends to archive real fast.)

I don't know any of the others that submitted,(except the ones I've mentioned previously, obviously) but I'll be rooting for you Gruuu!

Edit: No problem, buddy!

No need to be hasty, I've got a couple of spots still available, I need you veteran players around to help the new folks. I would like to take one or two new people. (I've been on these boards for couple of weeks and have been rejected for almost every game I've applied for :-( so I know what it feels like trying to get into games as a new person.) This is an eight player campaign, so there are a few slots for sure. Odds are, if your in one of my other games already, (I have three I am running) then I will be more likely to turn down your concept :-(. This allows me to have a lot of diversity among players as a DM. I got a couple of early picks Already

Nye Wajid – Mythrial Dragon
Vivaji Varesh – Gruuuu
Eltumal Woodsoul – Edgar Lamoureux
Joe Macgillicuddy – Javel DeLeon
Gywinth – Dreaming Warforge
Tam the Halfling - James Martin

Still got two slots still to fill, I’m pretty sure I know who I want. I’m just waiting to see how many new folks have applied and what changes are made to some of the other characters.

To Roidrage:

I’ve got you in my Aridia campaign and your pretty much guaranteed a spot in Borallas at this point. So I’m going to turn you down on this one. No hard feelings I hope

To Retech:

Your doing great in Aridia, just need to remember to use your alias when in character. You’ve pretty much got the spot in Borallas as long as your willing to make the adjustments I requested. You could even submit the character you made for this campaign to Borallas. With a few tweaks, I think she’d fit in nicely. As such, I am not going to have you in this one. Thanks for applying for all three. Again your very likely to be accepted into Borallas if you don’t mind making the adjustments


Nice concept. Since your pretty much in my Borallas Campaign, Your fate depends on my needs for this one. Best of luck


You mentioned that I would need to pick one of your character’s for either Borallas or Mormont. I need players in Borallas more, so that’s the one I choose by default. Plus, I just liked that character better. More personal, less…….I dunno how to describe a reclusive goblin. Thanks for your apps. Look forward to running you in Borallas.

For James Martin:

Good to have you back. Your halfling was one of my earlier favorites. If you say your interested then I'm going to let you in. If you need any brakes due to any changes in your life, let me know and I'll will keep your character within the group. Life happens, I know, I actually have one believe it or not. Thanks for applying and welcome aboard.

To the rest of you, I’m still waiting on a couple of replies but I think I already know who I want for the last two slots. To my six first picks, congrats, cant wait to see how you play this one.

Just so your aware, I'd at least like everyone to put in one post a day just to keep things moving. I'm not asking for more than that. If you need to disappear for a couple of days, let me know, I'll do my best to move your character along with the rest of the group.

Javell DeLeon wrote:

I don't know any of the others that submitted,(except the ones I've mentioned previously, obviously) but I'll be rooting for you Gruuu!

* makes confused face *

Gruuuu wrote:
Javell DeLeon wrote:

* makes confused face *

Just like to root for those who've never been in a pbp. That's all. I promise it's nothing personal against anyone.

I know how tough it is, trust me.

And you got in! Congrats! :)

Edit: 5d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 6, 1) = 17

Javell DeLeon wrote:

Just like to root for those who've never been in a pbp. That's all. I promise it's nothing personal against anyone.

Ah, it makes sense now!

Javell DeLeon wrote:

And you got in! Congrats! :)

Yes! I am very excited.

Finished, finally! Ok here is Vargas in his complete form. I may make one or two more purchases but that is it. I hope you find him to your liking and any other thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.


Vargas can remember little of his life before Mormot's men attacked the small fishing village he had called home. He has a vague recollection of the orphanage where he grew up, he remembers learning to fish and hunt but little beyond that. His first solid memory is of hiding in the air pocket of an overturned canoe down by the docks, of slowly and painstakingly maneuvering the downed boat away from the village and the screams. After making it further down the coast, the young boy crept back into the jungle, sadly Mormont's men found evidence of his escape and so he found himself being hunted.

The following days of hiding and fear run together in his memory but Vargas came to think of the jungle around him as a single entity, and to his mind, it took pity upon him. Tucked away in one small hollow or another, he could sense the thoughts of his new benefactor. The secrets of the universe were whispered upon the wind, lessons of life and survival patiently taught by every denizen of this primordial paradise. While Vargas came to respect every inhabitant of the Jungle, he found that the most poignant lessons came from jungle's reptiles. Efficient in every sense of the word, simple, powerful, focused and unrivaled in their ability to survive within this savage land, truly the dinosaurs were the masters of their domain. By studying the habits of these great reptiles, Vargas learned to react to danger without thought, to study an opponent and know in his veins the perfect moment to strike, and how to prowl through the brush, silent and elusive as a shadow. His reverence gave him an even more heightened kinship with the saurians and he learned to call upon them for aid in the darkest moments of his escape.

The tricks Vargas leaned from his newfound reverence proved potent enough to allow him to escape those who hunted him. After eluding Mormont's men, he eventually made his way to another settlement and attempted to find a place for himself out of the way of the other villagers. He found that his new talents and philosophies tended to put him at odds with the general populace, but this no longer bothered him. He found all the companionship he could want simply standing amongst the trees, listening to the wisdom of the natural world. He spent his days practicing his art and serving the village by doing what he could to heal the villagers of hunting accidents and the like. His newfound peace was short-lived however as Mormont's armies continued their campaign and once more his village was attacked and he was driven from his new home. His powers allowed him to evade the soldiers but there was little he could do to stave off an attack and so his life became a vicious cycle. He would move from place to place, always just a step ahead of Mormont's campaign of destruction.

Eventually he made it to Darpuul, the last remaining refuge for those fleeing Mormont's wrath. He cut out a meager existence within the settlement until Mormont's reach inevitably made it to the last place Vargas had left to make a home for himself. This time the attack was especially brutal and dispite his precautions, the young man was barely able to escape to the coast with his life. Looking around at the other survivors, he saw more competence among the survivors than he had expected. Exhausted, a primordial rage rose slowly within him, this time would be different. No longer could he hope to run from Mormont's reach...there was nowhere left to run. The only hope left was to fight back against the murderous Mormont and his armies. He would show them the fury of the jungle they so callously took for granted in their campaign of destruction.


Vargas Human Saurian Druid 1 C/N
HP 10 (8 Class, +1 Con, +1 FC)
AC 15
Touch 13
Flat-Footed 12
Armor Check 0
Init +5
Speed 30ft

Str 8
Dex 16
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 20
Cha 10

Fort +3
Ref +4
Will +7

BAB +0
CMB -1
CMD 12

Traits : Dino Expert, Reactionary, Deft Dodger

Feats : Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning

Special Abilities : Nature Sense, Wild Empathy

Skills : (4 class, 1 Int, +1 Human)
Handle Animal +3
Heal +9
Knowledge (Nature) +7
Perception +9
Survival +11
Stealth +7

Languages : Common, Dwarven, Sylvan, Druidic (maybe?)

Spells Prepared : DC 15+spell level Concentration +6
0-level : Detect Magic, Create Water, Light
1-level : Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, Obscuring Mist, Magic Weapon (D)

Domain : Tactics
Seize the Initaitive : 8/Day

Gear :
Leather Armor 15lb
Sling Bullets (10) 5lb
Dagger 1lb
Backpack 2lb
Fishhook x3
Flint and Steel
Belt Pouch .5lb
Scroll Case .5lb
Smelling Salts
Twine (50ft) .5lb
Total : 24.5lb

PP 0, GP 440, SP 6, CP 7

EDIT : Congratz to all those already picked!

Shanosuke wrote:
More personal, less…….I dunno how to describe a reclusive goblin.

I'd go with "reclusive," :P. And yeah, I was concerned with how much time I had to offer for multiple PbP's. If you're in need of more players for the Mormont's Gauntlet campaign later on down the road, I would write something new up for you if you were interested. Until then, I'm sure you've got an excellent group of players here: there were tons to choose from! See you in the other game >:) I hope Borallas is ready for a bastard-sword wielding, possibly-arrogant youth of a nobleman to go all rebellious on its ass. Cause it's happening. I'm very excited to play with you, you strike me as a very knowledgeable and fun GM.

Thanks Shanosuke! I'll be looking for that OOC thread.

The Exchange

I keep getting surprised. It's a good surprise, though. Good luck to those remaining. Can't wait for the OOC thread.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Still buying gear, but the stats should be mostly solid.


Tam Hardwick
NG Male Halfing Summoner 1 (synthesist)
Init +4; Senses Perception +2,
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +4 dex, +1 size)
hp 11 (1d8+2 +1 FC)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3
Spd 20'
Melee club +0 (1d4-1)
Ranged light crossbow +5 (1d6)
Space 5'; Reach 5'
Str 8, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 18
BAB +0; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats (1) childlike
Skills (3 skills) Craft (carpentry) +7, knowledge (local) +6, profession sailor +5, use magic device +8
Language Common, halfling, goblin
Special Abilities: cantrips, fused link, summon monster I (7/day)
Racial Abilities: fearless (+2 saves vs fear); halfling luck (+1 on saves); keen senses (+2 to perception); sure-footed (+2 to acrobatics and climb)
Traits Sailor, well-informed, deft dodger
Spells (4/2 known; DC 14+level)
0th: acid splash, detect magic, mage hand, message
1st (2/day): mage armor, daze monster
Possessions 900 gp: masterwork leather armor (160 gp), club, light crossbow and 10 bolts (36 gp), masterwork tools (50 gp), adventurer's gear


Str 8 (0 points -2 racial)
Dex 18 (10 points +2 racial)
Con 15 (7 points)
Int 13 (3 points)
Wis 10 (0 points)
Cha 18 (10 points +2 racial)

Fused Eidolon (The Beast)
N Male Halfing/Outsider Summoner 1 (synthesist)
Init +1; Senses Perception +2,darkvision
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 dex, +4 natural)
hp 22 (1d8+2+1 FC +11 eidolon)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3
Spd 30', climb 30'
Melee slam +4 (1d8+3)
Space 5'; Reach 5'
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 18
BAB +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
EVolutions (3): slam, climb, limbs (arms, legs), improved natural armor

Tam was a simple halfling, content to carve his works from wood and repair the ships that sailed into harbor. He was fond of strong drink, hearty food and loose women, in preferably that order, his open face giving him an innocent quality that people intrinsically trusted. At least, until the war came. It was on that day that Tam discovered fear.

And it was on that day that the Beast came.

It erupted from him, enveloping him in some primal part of himself that he never knew existed. He fled, knocking soldiers out of his way with great swipes of his simian paws. He climbed to the roofs, using the highways of the tall places to make it into the jungle. When he finally came to himself, the Beast was as much a part of him as his arms and legs. He can call it forth, a great white furred ape with glowing red eyes and a strange sigil on its forehead. Now he has also discovered a talent for magic, more specifically for the calling of creatures from planes beyond. He's not sure how this came about, but if it keeps him alive, he's willing to explore it.

Tam wants to go after Mormont for the simple reason that Mormont took away his perfect, simple life as a craftsman and left him a life as some sort of freak. Comfort, home, peace, all those are gone now, leaving Tam in the jungle, huddling together with other refugees, covered in mud and possessed by a demon ape. All of this is Mormont's fault. He took it all away. All of it. The bastard must pay. And if it takes a demon ape and a pack of refugees to do it, then so be it!

Tam is a thin halfling, with wild red hair and furry feet. He is frequently mistaken for a human child, a trait that he used prior to the war mainly to scam free pastries.

Sovereign Court

I understand bud, no hard feelings at all. Just all your campaign idea intrigue so much I want to join them. Just curious of what you thought of my character idea if you got the time to respond, if not its cool. Glad I got into two of your games hehe.
P.s.: Sweet move on letting newbies in we all know its harder then heck to get into a pbp as a player.

Shanosuke wrote:

No need to be hasty, I've got a couple of spots still available, I need you veteran players around to help the new folks. I would like to take one or two new people. (I've been on these boards for couple of weeks and have been rejected for almost every game I've applied for :-( so I know what it feels like trying to get into games as a new person.) This is an eight player campaign, so there are a few slots for sure. Odds are, if your in one of my other games already, (I have three I am running) then I will be more likely to turn down your concept :-(. This allows me to have a lot of diversity among players as a DM. I got a couple of early picks Already

I'm in two others currently so if someone is new by all means. I am however curious to what your opinions/thoughts were about my submission.

Redclover is one of the main ones I'm curious about. Redclover, are you new to the boards?

This is my last post for these four. My strongest considerations. Once I receive feedback from them I will make my final picks tomorrow in the next 11 hours. Then I will open the ooc to finalize everything else. I hope to start this campaign by Tuesday (Canada Central Time Zone)

For Kysterick:

This is coming down to class diversity at this point. I like your character but Vivaji - Alias of Gruuuu, had chosen to be a Ranger already. The curiosity I have, with Guide are you planning on going horizon walker? That would be something I'd would like to see. Still, I cannot promise your going to get picked. Still trying to figure out something.

For Redclover:

If you are new to the boards I will put some extra consideration into your character. If you are going archetype archer for the fighter class then that does help your cause. Also, this group needs a rogue. Maybe a rogue with the sniper archetype. Think about it and get back to me

For Eben The Quiet:

Okay, I like the idea of a lycanthrope. I have been toying with the idea from some time now. I know it's strange but would you consider a birth defect that causes your DR to go up ever two levels rather than start at 10? Cause you have to admit that is a little ridiculous for a level one character. You'll get to keep the other benefits though. That said, I like your concept.


Aasimar Antipaladin. Interesting. Now, you don't have to be an antipaladin. I don't hold classes to their alignments. If your are the alignment of the diety you worship, then be a normal paladin. You don't have to seek revenge. Mormont is evil, and therefore must be slain. Revenge was just an example. Now if you want to be an antipaladin thats just fine. I'm just making sure you be what you want to be should I settle on you.

Okay. Depending on the responses I get to the above. I will know who I pick. If I don't get a response in 11 hours, then I will pick the ones I feel are right for the job.

For Otm-Shank:

Sorry to make you work on a druid and not use him. I liked the idea but I have a lot of magic users in this one. I need a couple of combat fellows. Though a divine caster is aweful temping, I'm going to say no. But I am glad to have you in Borallas. I look forward to playing with you there. Thanks for applying

To anyone else I have not mention. Thank you for your applications. I plan on possibly posting yet another campaign soon. This upcoming campaign will be either Furrbiddian Expansion, or The Quest of Culquech. Both of which are finished and have had great reviews. Thank you again for applying. One more time, I will post the final results tomorrow in 11 hours and open the OOC

Shanosuke wrote:

** spoiler omitted **


I am new, but I've just been selected to another pbp. I'd still love to play, but if there was any other newbies you were considering, i wouldn't mind if you chose them to get them in a game.I actually wrote Aldo up as a Rouge originally and it shouldn't be any trouble to reverse the alterations, so I'm fine with that.

EDIT: Made the changes to Aldo, updated the profile.

That's perfectly alright, building the character was more than enough fun to make the experience worthwhile :) Though, I was looking forward to playing the far too rare caster focused druid, although Vargas would still have had a strong presence in combat, especially once he got access to standard action summons.

Anyway I wish you a long and successful campaign, I will keep an eye out for your next adventure and I'll see you in the prisons of Borallas tomorrow!

P.S. I sincerely hope that your thorough application process prevents it but should you have someone drop out early, feel free to give me a shout ;)

Yeah, I realized you had picked your ranger already yesterday morning. Thats what I get for taking five days to get my submission in. I thought about the PrC when I was reading over the guide archtype, it had always seemed really weak but very intriguing before in 3.5 but I like what Pathfinder did with it. How the game went would really be the final decider on taking it or not but it does fit well with how I have set Gundkri up.

Also in all honesty I might not be good to start with since you are starting Tuesday. I will be away from a computer from Tuesday evening to sometime during the day Friday.


One of the longest running games I'm in has been slowing to a crawl as I believe the DM is caught in RL. In the past, I have taken over the DMing for a few months. I'm trying to find out what is going on, but if he's out for a few months, I would want to step in again, which would put constraints on the games I'm playing, to the extent that I might even have to drop the most recents (yours in particular). I wanted to let you know so you can plan accordingly. If you prefer to take another player right away, feel free. I would probably do so myself.

I'd be perfectly happy with that as a solution; in fact I think it's pretty brilliant! The dR is negligible and manageable at low levels, and far easier to bypasss at higher levels when it could be problematic.

I'm glad you like the concept. I sure like it a ton. If you have any other questions or concerns, let me know.

With the lycanthrope option a green-light (which is totally awesome), I'll be switching his race to human. This will mean switching out feats: losing Keen Scent (half-Orc only) in exchange for Toughness and Power Attack (to help in his melee role).

Secondarily, I'll probably pull a few points out of con (because of toughness) and get Silents intelligence up to 10... skill points are your friend when you're scratching for survival). :D

Would you like to see the rebuild based on these changes before you make the call?

Hope to make the cut!

updated Silent (So you can see the changes while making your decision)


Human Werewolf (Natural Lycanthrope - DR modification)
Size: Medium
Type: Human (Shapechanger)

HP: 13 (8 + 1 con + 1 fav. class + 3 toughness)
Initiative: +4
Senses: +9 Low-light Vision; Scent
Str 19 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 18 Cha 8

AC: 16
CMD: 20 (22 vs. grapple)

Fort: +3 = 2 + 1 con
Reflex: +4 = 2 + 2 dex
Will: +6 = 2 + 4 wis
--> +1 to Will vs. Sleep and Reflex vs. Ambush

BAB: +0
CMB: +4 (Grapple +6)

Temple Sword +4 (1d8 + 4; 19/x2)
--> Flurry +3/+3
--> 2-handed +4 (1d8 + 6)

Unarmed +4 (1d6 + 4; x2)
--> Flurry +3/+3

Shuriken +2 (1d3 + 4; x2)
--> Flurry +1/+1

Racial/Class Features

    Natural Lycanthrope (Wolf) - gains the shapechanger subtype.
    AC: (+4 Natural armor) In hybrid or animal form the lycanthrope has the natural armor bonus of the base animal increased by +2.
    Defensive Abilities: (DR 1/Silver) A natural lycanthrope gains DR / silver in animal or hybrid form. The amount of DR is equal to 1/2 the character level.
    Speed: Same as the base creature or base animal, depending on which form the lycanthrope is using. Hybrids use the base creature’s speed.
    Melee: A lycanthrope gains natural attacks in animal and hybrid forms according to the base animal.
    Special Attacks: (Trip) A lycanthrope retains all the special attacks, qualities, and abilities of the base creature. In hybrid or animal form it gains the special attacks, qualities, and abilities of the base animal. A lycanthrope also gains low-light vision, scent, and the following:
    Change Shape (Su) All lycanthropes have three forms—a humanoid form, an animal form, and a hybrid form. Equipment does not meld with the new form between humanoid and hybrid form, but does between those forms and animal form. A natural lycanthrope can shift to any of its three alternate forms as a move-equivalent action. A slain lycanthrope reverts to its humanoid form, although it remains dead. For additional rules on this supernatural ability, see page 298 (Bestiary).
    Curse of Lycanthropy (Su) A natural lycanthrope’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form infects a humanoid target with lycanthropy (Fortitude DC 15 negates). If the victim’s size is not within one size category of the lycanthrope, this ability has no effect.
    Lycanthropic Empathy (Ex) In any form, natural lycanthropes can communicate and empathize with animals related to their animal form. They can use Diplomacy to alter such an animal’s attitude, and when so doing gain a +4 racial bonus on the check. Afflicted lycanthropes only gain this ability in animal or hybrid form.
    Ability Scores: +2 Wis, –2 Cha in all forms; +2 Str, +2 Con in hybrid and animal forms. Lycanthropes have enhanced senses but are not fully in control of their emotions and animalistic urges. In addition to these adjustments to the base creature’s stats, a lycanthrope’s ability scores change when he assumes hybrid or animal form. In human form, the lycanthrope’s ability scores are unchanged from the base creature’s form. In animal and hybrid form, the lycanthrope’s ability scores are the same as the base creature’s or the base animal’s, whichever ability score is higher.
    Bonus Feat: Improved Grapple
    Flurry of Blows (-1/-1)
    Stunning Fist: 1/day; DC 14 fort save
    Unarmed Strike: 1d6
    Vow of Silence: +1 ki per six levels (min. +1)

Feats: Toughness (human), Power Attack (1), Improved Grapple (monk), Stunning Fist (monk)

Traits: Town Watch
Poverty Stricken

+6 Acro (1)
+8 Climb (1)
+9 Perception (1) + 1 trait
+6 Stealth (1)
+9 Survival (1) + 1 trait

Point Buy:

    str 19 (+4) 13 (+2 racial)
    dex 14 (+2) 5
    con 12 (+1) 2
    int 10 ( -- ) 0
    wis 18 (+3) 10 (+2 lycan)
    cha 8 (-1) 0 (-2 lycan)

Hybrid Form

    Str 21 Con 17
    HP: 15
    AC: 20
    CMD: 21 (23 vs. grapple)
    Fort: +5 = 2 + 3 con
    Reflex: +4 = 2 + 2 dex
    Will: +6 = 2 + 4 wis
    CMB: +5 (Grapple +7)
    Temple Sword +5 (1d8 + 5; 19/x2)
    --> Flurry +4/+4
    --> 2-handed +5 (1d8 + 7)
    Unarmed +5 (1d6 + 4; x2)
    --> Flurry +4/+4
    Bite +5 (1d6 + 7; x2; plus trip & Curse of Lycanthropy)

Animal Form

    Str 21 Con 17
    HP: 15
    Speed: 50
    AC: 20
    CMD: 21 (23 vs. Grapple; 25 vs. trip)
    Fort: +5 = 2 + 3 con
    Reflex: +4 = 2 + 2 dex
    Will: +6 = 2 + 4 wis
    CMB: +5 (Grapple +7)
    Bite +5 (1d6 + 7; x2; plus trip & Curse of Lycanthropy)
    +14 Acro to Jump

Ok I have decided on:

Aldo: The Rogue concept - Redclover
Eben TheQuiet Lycanthrope Concept

Dreaming Warforge:

Sadness! I'd had to lose such a promising player so soon. I've heard so many good things about you. If it encourages you, I am a pretty regular GM and I usually keep up with my games real well. If you really feel as though you need to step out, then please decide now. Again I'd hate to lose you but you know your limitations better than anyone. So please consider

For the rest of you. Thank you for applying. I really did enjoy your concepts and ideas. Hope to see you again in the future.

For those of you I chose, I will be posting the OOC Shortly.

Sweeeeeeeeet! Thanks, Shanosuke for the chance to play in the game.

I'll get a profile rolled up as soon as I can. (Or three)

Looking forward to gaming with you guys. The characters look fun all around.

The Exchange

Indeed they do. This is definitely going to be interesting.

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
Indeed they do. This is definitely going to be interesting.

You have no idea hehehe

The Exchange

Fantastic! I love it when I don't know how interesting something's going to be. On a side note, sometimes, it's very foreboding when a DM says that something is interesting. In my experience, that denotes a TPK coming on. But hopefully it won't be that interesting. :P

In all seriousness though, I've been anticipating this from the moment I first found the thread.

Quick note I found amusing from previous players of this campaign. Many instances, Many of my good aligned characters hate this campaign. Solutions are not always so obvious.

Lol. Now that is good to know.

Also, does anyone have any serious requests on gear? I don't want to take advantage of the situation, but Silent doesn't have a great need for much gear. Add to that the fact that he basically looted stuff from fallen village-people and abandoned houses on his way out... he ccould have any number of useful or interesting items.

If you have any thoughts on this, let me know once the OOC thread gets put up.

Is this a kosher way of me gearing up, Shanosuke? Or would you prefer that I make these decisions on my own? (I'm fine either way.)

Test... weirdness is going on with this new profile. :(

Okay OOC thread is up. Hope I don't scare anyone with the ridiculously long opening post. Mormont's Gauntlet OOC

Eben, I am fine with you doing gear that way. I want to make sure everyone get's what they want cause it will be hard to get a lot in the game. At least for the first three chapters.

OOC thread link

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