DM Patcher's Carrion Crown OOC Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Welcome to a DM Patcher experience! To recap:

Jeremiziah - Torsten Olæsson (Human Barbarian)
Nazard - Venedictos (Human Cleric)
Sir Not Appearing In This Film - Aerys Trajyon (Human Sorcerer)
Edgar Lamoureux - Viktor Stasiuk (Human Magus)
Rune - Valerya Dragonsbreath (Half-Elf Ranger?)

The campaign will start tomorrow. In the meanwhile, please get acquainted and let us delve into your backstories to cover the gaps (if any).

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

Thank you very much for the opportunity. Looking forward to the campaign & getting to know the group!

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Hooray! Vene started in a home brew that died, then tried Age of Worms long enough to get to second level. Maybe third time's a charm.

Vene is basically a bard, fluffed as a devout friar-type, devoted to Shelyn. He is an amazing singer, a passable wood-carver, and quite able diplomat. His chants will inspire and later heal (his energy channeling and divine spell casting involves chanting also, just for fluff). He is honest and generous and looks to spread beauty wherever he goes. Lately, however, he has been prone to black moods and depression, due mostly to frustration over his lack of success.

My understanding of the AP is that the party doesn't meet up until the funeral, correct?

Venedictos wrote:

Hooray! Vene started in a home brew that died, then tried Age of Worms long enough to get to second level. Maybe third time's a charm.

Vene is basically a bard, fluffed as a devout friar-type, devoted to Shelyn. He is an amazing singer, a passable wood-carver, and quite able diplomat. His chants will inspire and later heal (his energy channeling and divine spell casting involves chanting also, just for fluff). He is honest and generous and looks to spread beauty wherever he goes. Lately, however, he has been prone to black moods and depression, due mostly to frustration over his lack of success.

My understanding of the AP is that the party doesn't meet up until the funeral, correct?

It's currently almost 2AM and I have barely skimmed over the book - you all meet up at the funeral, and we will start there when we do start. That doesn't mean you can't have met earlier in Ravengro - after all, it would be contrived if you all arrived at the same time exactly, would it not?

Also, about experience.

Do you prefer being rewarded experience individually - that is, if 3 of you fight while 2 are scouting (example), only the 3 fighting get exp for combat;

Or do you prefer to be rewarded as a group - that is, same example as above but all 5 receive the same experience;

Or would you simply prefer to not deal with the experience business and have me grant you levels as the plot carries on?

Male Avari Magus(Bladebound)/Sorcereror (Wildblooded)

I really didn't think I was going to make it into this one, there were so many strong applications. By the way, Patcher, my formatting is fine on my profile, right?

Also, I personally enjoy plot points. This is probably due to a gamer in my IRL DM's former group who ended up trying to kill other players so he could get all of the experience. >.> Weird guy.

Formatting looks good. If you want to improve it further, you may want to flesh out the sections to include descriptions - also, I don't believe your character's name is UNNAMED HERO CR1/2 - or am I mistaken? *gasp*

You were right, there were many strong applicants. But one of the sections of my reviewing process is reliability - and what it boiled down to was that I wanted reliable - after all, I DM for you in the Homebrew, and as such I know you're good.

Male Avari Magus(Bladebound)/Sorcereror (Wildblooded)

The reason it still says UNNAMED HERO is that I was in a hurry while making him. IRL happened, y'know? I use Hero Labs for most of my characters. Not Skender, though, as Psionics unleashed doesn't have a legit Hero Labs Package. I'll change that now, though, and flesh out his description.

Viktor Stasiuk wrote:
The reason it still says UNNAMED HERO is that I was in a hurry while making him. IRL happened, y'know? I use Hero Labs for most of my characters. Not Skender, though, as Psionics unleashed doesn't have a legit Hero Labs Package. I'll change that now, though, and flesh out his description.

Haha, I figured - I was joking. Poorly, by the looks of it. I meant no offence.

Male Avari Magus(Bladebound)/Sorcereror (Wildblooded)

Nah, it's all good. I should have already had that done when I put in the information. Oh, right. I almost forgot to ask you. For the black blade, do you want it to be an heirloom weapon, or will you present me with one later? I left one trait slot open, but I forgot to ask while the position was still up for grabs.

There went my multiple personalities for a couple minutes again, lol.

Female Human Swashbuckler 5 (click for sheet)

Why's my class always followed by a ? It's ranger, damnit! :)

Male Avari Magus(Bladebound)/Sorcereror (Wildblooded)

I just realized, I will be gone tomorrow, after 2-2:30 EST. I'll be able to post any time before then, and for a while after midnight EST, but after that, I'll be good for at least another 2 weeks.

Female Human Swashbuckler 5 (click for sheet)

Hey Patcher! Do you have any problems with firearms on your setting or is it just the Gunslinger class? If you'd let me, I wanted to change the repeating crossbow to a single rifle or firearm or something. I think it fits well with the background but if it would be disruptive or something I don't mind.

Male Human - Ulfen Barbarian/1

*Stalks into thread*

Greetings, fellow travelers. I am called Torsten Olæsson, and I hail from the farthest North. I've been in town for almost a week, so if any of you arrived in town early, you almost certainly would have seen me. I am told I am rather hard to miss. Would anyone care to have had a conversation before the funeral? Perhaps at a local establishment? I am friendly - desperate for friends, in fact.

Male Human Sorcerer 2 Arcane Bloodline

Charm and wit have saved Aerys countless times growing up in the Shadow District of Magnimar, and he hopes they will continue to see him thru life. Following the death of his mother, he began travelling to discover what he could regarding the crescent-moon shaped mark upon his left arm and possible sources for his inborn arcane talents. His searching eventually brought him to the libraries of Ustalav, but as of yet he has found nothing. He is quite surprised that Professor Lorrimor even remembered him after their chance encounter, and even more surprised to have been summoned for the funeral. While he is attending out of respect, part of him also hopes that perhaps the professor did in fact discover something that might lead Aerys to a better understanding of himself.

Aerys would certainly frequent the taverns of Ravengro, so he may well have encountered Torsten.

Male Avari Magus(Bladebound)/Sorcereror (Wildblooded)

Viktor could be found in the taverns, although he would definitely prefer to sit alone. Without being thrust into conversation, he often talks to no-one, although with his multi-colored scarf (obviously of Varisian make), he isn't hard to pick out.

I think Hero Labs worked my money out wrong. I'll fix that tomorrow, before I go to my IRL game. I'll also have it fixed with your decision on the heirloom weapon decision. If you decide to give me my weapon later, I'll probably go with Focused Mind.

Edit: nevermind about the Heirloom Weapon thing, I apparently already decided on Focused Mind. I need to pay more attention to what I'm doing. >_>

@Valerya: It's for the most part that I haven't read up properly on the Gunslinger class for fighters. I mean, I've looked at the class but not in detail. I generally am a bit difficult with the whole "DON'T BRING YOUR GUNS TO MY FANTASY" aspect, but on the other hand, it does have some charm. I'll go over the Gunslinger during the course of today - and I may let you switch to Gunslinger, with firearms and everything - if I like it. Though part of me prefers silver-tipped crossbow bolts.

EDIT: Also, if anybody else want to pitch in their opinion on the Gunslinger, feel free to do so.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Venedictos, when in one of his dark moods, drinks heavily, so the sight of a balding, heavy-set man with a glaive is probably a familiar sight in the taverns of Ravengro. The cheaper the better as he's almost broke.

Am working on the introductionary post right now.

And the adventure begins!

Before you begin!

Please write a small introduction prior to meeting outside the Lorrimor mansion - essentially when you arrived in Ravengro and such. A little past-tense filler.

Otherwise, let us get this show on the road.

Male Avari Magus(Bladebound)/Sorcereror (Wildblooded)

Sorry to have to jump in and then leave, but my internet has been off and on, and I'm getting picked up for my IRL very soon. I won't be able to post for probably 10-12 hours, but after that, I can be a posting machine, as you've seen, Patcher.

Viktor Stasiuk wrote:
Sorry to have to jump in and then leave, but my internet has been off and on, and I'm getting picked up for my IRL very soon. I won't be able to post for probably 10-12 hours, but after that, I can be a posting machine, as you've seen, Patcher.

No worries. Am glad you're keeping us updated, at the very least.

Male Human - Ulfen Barbarian/1

I've worked Viktor and Venedictos into my opening post merely in passing.

Female Human Swashbuckler 5 (click for sheet)

Posted on IC thread. Lemme know what you decide on the whole gun thing, Patcher. Thanks for the patience.

Valerya, could you post your sheet in your profile?

Female Human Swashbuckler 5 (click for sheet)

Sure, lemme fish it.

edit: Done. Will post Background and Description also.

Thank you, Valerya.

I will continue when Viktor has posted - I want everybody to introduce themselves.

Female Human Swashbuckler 5 (click for sheet)

What about the gunslinger/firearms issue? If you'd like, I can whip up a sheet so you'll know potential abilities, etc.

Valerya Dragonsbreath wrote:
What about the gunslinger/firearms issue? If you'd like, I can whip up a sheet so you'll know potential abilities, etc.

By the trenchcoats and leather hat and the anti-wolf thing, are you going for... "Witch Hunters from Warhammer" kind of style? I suppose the deciding factor is what you want from having guns.

Female Human Swashbuckler 5 (click for sheet)

Actually I don't know much about Warhammer, what's about those Witch Hunters?

When I thought this character out, I wanted a dual-wielding crossbows ass-kicking monster hunter (the dual-wielding crossbows thing proved impossible), so I worry about being ineffective for the group in fight situations because of a style choice. I think the gunslinger class opens up options for improvisation and cool stunts, and the firearms could also make my style choice both effective and cool.

That being said, the core of the character stays the same either way :)

edit: Having seen some of Warhammer's witch hunter images, I'm a new fan.

Valerya Dragonsbreath wrote:

Actually I don't know much about Warhammer, what's about those Witch Hunters?

When I thought this character out, I wanted a dual-wielding crossbows ass-kicking monster hunter (the dual-wielding crossbows thing proved impossible), so I worry about being ineffective for the group in fight situations because of a style choice. I think the gunslinger class opens up options for improvisation and cool stunts, and the firearms could also make my style choice both effective and cool.

That being said, the core of the character stays the same either way :)

Your concept is very similar to the witch hunters (from what I can tell) - I suppose Van Helsing is also another concept that could be similar, though I will not pretend to know much of either.

I agree that the concept is brilliant - but it is a balance issue. The Gunslinger gets both Dexterity to damage at 5th level - and they attack touch AC more often than not, from what I can tell. This easily stacks to become ridiculous - had it been attacking touch AC only, or Dex modifier to damage only it would have been fine with me.

Female Human Swashbuckler 5 (click for sheet)

Maybe houserule the whole "touch AC" thing out? I wouldn't mind.

edit: Or maybe I can use a single firearm with ranger levels, so I'll never apply Dex to damage?

Valerya Dragonsbreath wrote:

Maybe houserule the whole "touch AC" thing out? I wouldn't mind.

edit: Or maybe I can use a single firearm with ranger levels, so I'll never apply Dex to damage?

It's one or the other - so you can have a firearm as a ranger, or you can be a gunslinger but guns do not attack touch AC.

Female Human Swashbuckler 5 (click for sheet)

Wow thanks Patcher. I think I'll just use a single firearm with my ranger levels. That way I'll be useful to the party and don't break the game :)

Valerya Dragonsbreath wrote:
Wow thanks Patcher. I think I'll just use a single firearm with my ranger levels. That way I'll be useful to the party and don't break the game :)

To be fair, I don't think you would be useless as a Gunslinger. Enjoy your firearms - though don't rely entirely on that weapon. Silver-tipped crossbow bolts are also useful. And daggers. And lightsabres.

...wait, I may have delved into the wrong setting.

Crossbows, even heavy ones, are never combat inefficient, you just need the right feats. The crossbowman ranger combat style has many of them, and once you get the one that lets you reload heavy crossbows as a free action, letting you use rapid shot and iterative attacks, they can be insane.

Female Human Swashbuckler 5 (click for sheet)

Yeah but I like the skill side of the ranger (Stealth, Survival, etc) better. Will still bring an awesome crossbow to the table (although I probably won't have the cash for a repeating now) and lots of special material bolts. I plan to build one myself when we get the gold/time, though.

Also, can I get humanoid (shapechanger) as the Subject of Study trait to represent training against werewolves and such?

Valerya Dragonsbreath wrote:

Yeah but I like the skill side of the ranger (Stealth, Survival, etc) better. Will still bring an awesome crossbow to the table (although I probably won't have the cash for a repeating now) and lots of special material bolts. I plan to build one myself when we get the gold/time, though.

Also, can I get humanoid (shapechanger) as the Subject of Study trait to represent training against werewolves and such?

While it makes thematic sense, the trait also mentions non-humanoid. On the other hand, I don't see how it would break the game in any way. Feel free.

Female Human Swashbuckler 5 (click for sheet)

@Patcher: Yeah, I think it's more to prevent "humanoid (human)" or etc, seeing that it should be some kind of supernatural creature.

@Nazard: I took a look on them when making the sheet, but I still think it's quite inferior to a simpler, bow-wielding ranger (that can apply Str on damage rolls, don't need to spend feats on reloading etc). At most it's like a two-feat investment (Rapid Reload and Crossbow Mastery) to deal 1d10 instead of 1d8. I would love any suggestions, though (I'll probably end up using the firearm quite sparingly, mostly as a cool gimmick instead of regular attack).

All in all, good game to all, it's shaping up to be awesome!

Valerya Dragonsbreath wrote:

@Patcher: Yeah, I think it's more to prevent "humanoid (human)" or etc, seeing that it should be some kind of supernatural creature.

@Nazard: I took a look on them when making the sheet, but I still think it's quite inferior to a simpler, bow-wielding ranger (that can apply Str on damage rolls, don't need to spend feats on reloading etc). At most it's like a two-feat investment (Rapid Reload and Crossbow Mastery) to deal 1d10 instead of 1d8. I would love any suggestions, though (I'll probably end up using the firearm quite sparingly, mostly as a cool gimmick instead of regular attack).

All in all, good game to all, it's shaping up to be awesome!

Three words (and a tactic that never sees enough use): firing from prone. No attack penalty, huge AC boost, Vene with a reach weapon to cover you...battle magic.

Male Avari Magus(Bladebound)/Sorcereror (Wildblooded)

Sorry, guys. I meant to be here significantly earlier. From now on though, I should be fine to play for quite a while, at just about any time.

Could you please refrain from OOC-only posts in the IC thread? The OOC thread is here for a reason.

Male Avari Magus(Bladebound)/Sorcereror (Wildblooded)

Sorry about that, Patcher.

No need to apologise - I thought I had clarified this earlier, but I must have missed it.

This recently came up in my LoF game.

And I quoth:

Patcher wrote:
oops. I tend not to make checks unless asked. It seems presumptuous somehow. Would you like players to suggest checks? Things like perception are usually made in secret so the player doesn't realize they rolled a 2 and that may be why they found nothing. In any case i will presume only a cursory search and look again later.

This eventually boils down to preference. I agree that sometimes perception checks would be better made in secret - but when taking the effort to personally search, I think a declared roll from said player is better. Spamming skill checks constantly to cover every base would be presumptuous. But when Durant went to examine the wagon and search for clues, he is deliberately searching - when specifically doing actions like these, I would prefer that you declare your skill use, and roll / take 10 / take 20.

Is my logic flawed? Any objections?

Male Human - Ulfen Barbarian/1

I strongly recommend that if anyone wants to try Diplomacy, they do so...quickly.

Female Human Swashbuckler 5 (click for sheet)

Wow great rolls by Venedictos supporting awesome roleplay. Love when that happens :)

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7
Valerya Dragonsbreath wrote:
Wow great rolls by Venedictos supporting awesome roleplay. Love when that happens :)

To be honest, when rolling Diplomacy and supporting it with actual dialogue, I usually preview the roll to see what kind of speech should accompany it. This is why I absolutely LOVE PbP games, in many ways, even more than RL face-to-face games. Twenty five minutes to sit back and thoroughly think through what a 29 Diplomacy score should look like is priceless/

Oddly enough, this is the third time I've tried this character (the other two games both died soon after starting. Venedictos is always a Diplomacy guy, always has to make some important Diplomacy check early in the game, and is now three for three for natural twenties on his first check!

Good morning. Well, it's 12 o'clock but still.

I will continue the adventure shortly - but just after waking up I need a while to start the engine, so to speak.

I wanted to explain what's going to happen in the campaign, with minimal spoilers. Once the will has been read, the characters are asked to stay in Ravengro for a month. 30 days. And during this month events occur - and every day counts. As you stay in town you have to deal with a multitude of events that occur. In addition, the locals require some time to warm up to you - your actions will reflect this.

The first part in particular is more open than linear. As such, we will go through one day at a time, only ending the day when everybody is ready to go on. Do you have any objections to this kind of gameplay? Do you have any questions?

Male Human - Ulfen Barbarian/1

It's fine with me, Patcher. Looking forward to it. My only suggestion is that we develop some kind of mechanic for advancing the day without everyone having to check in and say "OK, I'm ready to advance the day". That could take literally forever...

Torsten Olæsson wrote:
It's fine with me, Patcher. Looking forward to it. My only suggestion is that we develop some kind of mechanic for advancing the day without everyone having to check in and say "OK, I'm ready to advance the day". That could take literally forever...

Yes, I agree. The question is how to achieve this.

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