Trscroggs |
I have a level 4 Eidolon of the quadruped type. To my understanding I can only have four natural attacks.
As a quadruped he already has a free bite and I bought claws once. Can I buy him another set of claws? If not, can I 'give up' the free bite could I do it then?
Or does the double claw attack count as one attack because they are purchased together?
I addition, you don't need to purchase the 'free' evolutions that come with each base form, correct?
SlimGauge |
I have a level 4 Eidolon of the quadruped type. To my understanding I can only have four natural attacks.
Max. Attacks: This indicates the maximum number of natural attacks that the eidolon is allowed to possess at the given level. If the eidolon is at its maximum, it cannot take evolutions that grant additional natural attacks. This does not include attacks made with weapons.
If I understand you correctly, your eidolon currently has 3 attacks, a bite and two claws. At level 4 your eidolon is allowed 4 attacks, so your eidolon is NOT at the maximum. To me, this says it can buy another pair of claw attacks, since it is not at maximum. However, it can't use all of the resulting attacks, due to the restriction of 4 attacks.
Elyza |
Since the claws is purchased as two attacks, and that would put you over the limit, I would say it is not possible at this level. My reading of the rules on Max Attacks is that you cannot go over. And, the second set of claws would have to be attached to arms, because claws can only be attached to legs once. And there is no option to drop a free evolution. There are options that replace a free evolution, but not simply drop it.
So, at this point, look at growing some horns and use the gore attack as your fourth attack for a while. It is two points for Gore, or three for Arms + Claws. So, going with gore would give you an evolution point to spend elsewhere.
Trscroggs |
Since the claws is purchased as two attacks, and that would put you over the limit, I would say it is not possible at this level. My reading of the rules on Max Attacks is that you cannot go over. And, the second set of claws would have to be attached to arms, because claws can only be attached to legs once. And there is no option to drop a free evolution. There are options that replace a free evolution, but not simply drop it.
So, at this point, look at growing some horns and use the gore attack as your fourth attack for a while. It is two points for Gore, or three for Arms + Claws. So, going with gore would give you an evolution point to spend elsewhere.
But doesn't it have TWO sets of legs for free?
Elyza |
The claws evolution says it can be selected multiple times, up to the number of limbs evolutions you have, but can only be applied to the legs evolution once. So, your quadruped critter can have claws on its forelegs, but not on its back legs.
The Rake attack is how you get the physical addition of claws on to the back legs. The Rake is two attacks for d4, if and only if you have a grapple in effect. Think four wheel drive house cat. Fore Claw, Fore Claw, bite, grapple, and then rear claw rake and rear claw rake. The rake evolution interestingly states itself as two attacks, but counting as one for the natural attack limit. The claws evolution does not do that. The requiring a grapple is probable reason for adding the exception.
Since you are fourth level, and that is the level requirement for Rake, you can do a Bite, Claw, Claw, Rake. But, you will have to initiate a grapple in there somewhere before getting in the rake, and unless your eidolon has Improved Grapple, the grapple attempt will provoke an Attack of Opportunity. So, possible, but not easy to pull off every combat.
The tail and sting option above looks better to me than taking rake.