Wiggz |

This is how the character is going to be built. Its my level 15 feat that has me going back and forth and back and forth...
1st - Weapon Focus: Falchion, Power Attack, Cleave
2nd - Dodge
3rd - Mobility
4th - Combat Expertise
5th - Spring Attack
6th - Whirlwind Attack
7th - Lunge
8th - Greater Weapon Focus: Falchion (retrain Cleave to Weapon Specialization: Falchion)
9th - Improved Critical: Falchion
10th - Critical Focus
11th - Sickening Critical
12th - Dazing Assault
13th - Staggering Critical
14th - Greater Weapon Specialization: Falchion
15th - ???
16th - Stunning Assault (retrain Dazing Assault to Critical Mastery )
17th - Stunning Critical
18th - Step-Up
19th - Following Step
20th - Step Up and Strike
At the moment, my cadidates are Iron Will, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Fleet, Shield of Swings and Sidestep. I know that the knee-jerk reaction is Iron Will, but considering that I'm getting it so late and that the benefit is only +2, is there really no better consideration? I'd love to hear arguments for pretty much anything to be put into that slot.
Just to complete the picture, here are the Attributes and Traits (Human Fighter, Weapon Master option):
Str 19 (+2 racial bonus)
Int 13
Wis 14
Dex 13
Con 14
Cha 7
Defender of the Society (+1 AC with medium or heavy armor)
Freed Slave, Andoran Region (+1 Will saves)

Wiggz |

Ævux wrote:He doesn't have power attack though.
Sure he does- at level one no less.
I have to second furious focus, and take it early!
I originally had it in there, but at later levels even without it it seemed as if my first attack always hit anyway, so I wasn't sure I was getting the full benefit out of it. Then at level 19 I get Unstoppable Strike which almost seems to make it superfulous...
Perhaps something like this instead?
1st - Weapon Focus: Falchion, Power Attack, Cleave
2nd - Dodge
3rd - Mobility
4th - Combat Expertise
5th - Spring Attack
6th - Whirlwind Attack
7th - Lunge
8th - Greater Weapon Focus: Falchion (retrain Cleave to Furious Focus)
9th - Improved Critical: Falchion
10th - Critical Focus
11th - Sickening Critical
12th - Dazing Assault
13th - Staggering Critical
14th - Weapon Specialization: Falchion
15th - Greater Weapon Specialization: Falchion
16th - Stunning Assault (retrain Dazing Assault to Critical Mastery )
17th - Stunning Critical
18th - Step-Up
19th - Following Step
20th - Step Up and Strike (retrain Furious Focus to ???)
Of course, that still leaves a question mark, albeit a much later one...

Wiggz |

Consider Deadly Aim, melee is not always possible.
For literally ANY other fighter I would, but as a 'Weapon Master', I'm going to roleplay this guy as melee only - either because he considers ranged attacks cowardly and pedestrian or because he's infamous for having incredibly bad aim to the point that its comical...