Mr. Ed, the Cosmopolitan mount

Rules Questions

Here's a funny typo.

The feat Cosmopolitan is missing what should be a requirement of 3 Intelligence.

Being a specific rule, this seems to be an unintentional exception to the general rule about Intelligence that "Any creature capable of understanding speech has a score of at least 3".

I can picture a Cavalier having his mount take the feat to allow the horse to understand Common and one other language. (Clearly a feat alone would not give the horse vocal cords, so the animal would miss out on that benefit of the feat.)

Moreover, the horse could read!

"So many wanted posters in this town. You pick this time, Trigger."

I also had not noticed that Cosmopolitan makes two skills into class skills. Six skill points is as nice as any other feat! The two extra languages are simply icing on the cake.

it doesn't need to be listed with a 3 int. since it's not on the list of feats AC can take. it cannot be learned. your cavalier can always use it's advancement stat point on int o take it.

davidvs wrote:

Here's a funny typo.

The feat Cosmopolitan is missing what should be a requirement of 3 Intelligence.

Being a specific rule, this seems to be an unintentional exception to the general rule about Intelligence that "Any creature capable of understanding speech has a score of at least 3".

I can picture a Cavalier having his mount take the feat to allow the horse to understand Common and one other language. (Clearly a feat alone would not give the horse vocal cords, so the animal would miss out on that benefit of the feat.)

Moreover, the horse could read!

"So many wanted posters in this town. You pick this time, Trigger."

I also had not noticed that Cosmopolitan makes two skills into class skills. Six skill points is as nice as any other feat! The two extra languages are simply icing on the cake.

Humorously enough, many many years ago we had a druid in our group that would wander around casting "awaken" on any animal he found. Up to and including a dire horse we found. That horse would follow us through the adventure, providing Dead Pan Snarker commentary on everything we did. We eventually got around to asking the horse his name (Ironhoof) and found out some of his favorite foods (apple pie) and learned very early on his favorite threat ("Say dat again and Imma stomp a mudhole is yo A--!"). Too much fun.

davidvs wrote:

Here's a funny typo.

The feat Cosmopolitan is missing what should be a requirement of 3 Intelligence.

Nope. Not a typo. Oversight or error? Maybe. But nothing was misspelled. :P

An animal companion without an intelligence score of three can't take this feat anyway.

Animal Skills

Animal companions can have ranks in any of the following skills: Acrobatics* (Dex), Climb* (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly* (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Perception* (Wis), Stealth* (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim* (Str). All of the skills marked with an (*) are class skills for animal companions. Animal companions with an Intelligence of 3 or higher can put ranks into any skill.

So if your up your animal companions intelligence (either by upping his int stat as he levels or getting him a headband) he can take cosmopolitan. I should consider this for my dwarven druids pony.. his charisma is almost double the dwarfs...

BigNorseWolf wrote:
So if your up your animal companions intelligence (either by upping his int stat as he levels or getting him a headband) he can take cosmopolitan. I should consider this for my dwarven druids pony.. his charisma is almost double the dwarfs...

Hm. But part of the description of animals is "no creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher can be an animal".

So are Animal Companions an exception to this rule? Or do they, like Familiars, change their creature type when their Intelligences goes higher than 2?

All I see in the Animal Companion text is the unhelpful sentence "They remain creatures of the animal type for purposes of determining which spells can affect them." Does this mean they remain animals, or for spells they act like they remain animals?

davidvs wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
So if your up your animal companions intelligence (either by upping his int stat as he levels or getting him a headband) he can take cosmopolitan. I should consider this for my dwarven druids pony.. his charisma is almost double the dwarfs...

Hm. But part of the description of animals is "no creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher can be an animal".

So are Animal Companions an exception to this rule? Or do they, like Familiars, change their creature type when their Intelligences goes higher than 2?

All I see in the Animal Companion text is the unhelpful sentence "They remain creatures of the animal type for purposes of determining which spells can affect them." Does this mean they remain animals, or for spells they act like they remain animals?

They remain animals, they are just an exception to the rule that animals can't have int higher than 2.

So are Animal Companions an exception to this rule? Or do they, like Familiars, change their creature type when their Intelligences goes higher than 2?

Specific overrides general. The rules specifically mention animal companions with higher int scores than normal, and the devs have said that its legal.

Animal Skills

Animal companions can have ranks in any of the following skills: Acrobatics* (Dex), Climb* (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly* (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Perception* (Wis), Stealth* (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim* (Str). All of the skills marked with an (*) are class skills for animal companions. Animal companions with an Intelligence of 3 or higher can put ranks into any skill.

Animal Feats

Animal companions can select from the following feats: Acrobatic, Agile Maneuvers, Armor Proficiency (light, medium, and heavy), Athletic, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack, Improved Overrun, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Skill Focus, Spring Attack, Stealthy, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, and Weapon Focus. Animal companions with an Intelligence of 3 or higher can select any feat they are physically capable of using. GMs might expand this list to include feats from other sources.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Specific overrides general. The rules specifically mention animal companions with higher int scores than normal, and the devs have said that its legal.

How about monster cohorts that have ability scores increased by advancing CR?

If a halfling figher rides a monstor-cohort-mount bear, can it also achieve Intelligence of 3 or more?

Dark Archive

If an animal companion gains 3 Int, it can take whatever feats it wants, yes. And a beast with 3 Int learning to understand a couple of languages is a lot less bizzare than a fighter or barbairan who qualifies for Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, and Metamagic feats.

davidvs wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Specific overrides general. The rules specifically mention animal companions with higher int scores than normal, and the devs have said that its legal.

How about monster cohorts that have ability scores increased by advancing CR?

If a halfling figher rides a monstor-cohort-mount bear, can it also achieve Intelligence of 3 or more?

According to the pizao blog that works

There are many ways an animal can gain intelligence. It can gain hit dice and apply its ability score boost to Int. It can gain the advanced simple template. A druid could cast awaken on it. Regardless of the source, an increase in Int comes with all of the standard bonuses, such as additional skill points. Once a creature's Int reaches 3, it also gains a language. This is where things start to get tricky. "Really, now my pet monkey can talk?" Well, not really. Allow me to explain.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
According to the pizao blog that works

Thanks! Very handy. I'm sure a Druid would love to have a Companion that understands a language.

Here's the direct link, by the way.

Ignoring Animal Companions and their special rules, you can just give this feat to any ol' regular animal. When making/buying animals you can swap out feats, mentioned in this thread

James Jacobs wrote:
Feats are ALWAYS swap outable. You should be able to buy "specialty" horses with unusual feats anyway; maybe one with Toughness and Lightning Reflexes. Swapping out the feats is a cool way to model different horse breeds, in fact.

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