Archetype abilities and feats / other things requiring class features

Rules Questions

For a bunch of archetypes, they only mildly modify a class ability. But in modifying it, they change the name of it and then, raw, feats or other things that require the original class feature no longer work with the ability.

Example 1: you make a crossbowman fighter and instead of getting weapon training, he gets crossbow expert which functions exactly like weapon training except you only get it with crossbows. RAW, the crossbowman does not get the +2 boost to his weapon training when wearing gloves of dueling because the ability is not called weapon training even if it is a modified version of it from an archetype of the same class that gets weapon training.

Example 2: several summoner archetypes replace the eidolon class ability with abilities that still give them eidolons but have different names(lesser eidolon, eidolon brood, and possibly even fused eidolon). These abilities raw also do not allow you to meet the prereqs for feats that require the eidolon class feature(extra evolution, resilient eidolon, and vigilant eidolon).

Now I find it strange that new abilities from the same book are not designed to work together. They were created at the same time and yet the feats/equipment do not work with most of the new archetypes.

I am not sure how many archetype abilities are out there with slightly changed names but it seems to be a consistent issue which makes me wonder, is this an accident or is this the developers intent?

I think this is the intent of the developers. They substitute something for what they may consider a "power boost". Consequently you might not qualify for certain items or feats.

Now some would question why they'd do that, and I imagine they have their reasons, but yes, I think it was on purpose.

Yeah, if it is how they desire it to work, I am interested to know their reasoning.

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