fighter multi-classing barbarian

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Dwarf Fighter
level 2

18str, 15dex, 16con

so at the moment i want to take 2 levels of barbarian for Fast movement and uncanny dodge. Because at level 4 i will have 16 dex, and dodge feat probably, it would be nice to have the FULL AC against surprise rounds and when i would normally be flat footed, what do u guys think about that.

would be able to rage 9 rounds as well plus more skills per level =D

Morris Chan wrote:

Dwarf Fighter

level 2

18str, 15dex, 16con

so at the moment i want to take 2 levels of barbarian for Fast movement and uncanny dodge. Because at level 4 i will have 16 dex, and dodge feat probably, it would be nice to have the FULL AC against surprise rounds and when i would normally be flat footed, what do u guys think about that.

would be able to rage 9 rounds as well plus more skills per level =D

You only get the extra skill points for the barbarian levels. The rest of your idea is solid for what you want to do though. Just remember you only get the barbarian fast movement for medium armor or lighter, IIRC.

You could take your third level as a fighter to get Armor Training. Then take three levels of Superstitious or Elemental Barbarian (Unless you want Trap Sense). This way your Will Save progresses normally and you can move the full 40ft in medium armor while getting more skill points.

Edit: I just noticed it was a dwarf fighter so the armor training wouldn't matter and the movement would be 30 ft.

Liberty's Edge

Also, you won't get your favored class bonus, so it's really only a difference of one skill point per level.

I would be surprised if a fighter (with or without barbarian levels) would ever use favored class features for skill points rather than hit points. Of course, if you have fighter as your favored class, then you get the same number of HP with a fighter level as you do with a barbarian level (without favored class). On average, I mean, assuming you roll. If you go with fixed HP per level it's precisely equivalent :)

I'm actually considering this a little bit from the other side. Whether it's worth (as a Barbarian) to take three fighter levels so as to get feats and full movement in medium armor. Bravery doesn't hurt, although it's not a huge deal, obviously.

Scarab Sages

Wont help you with uncanny dodge, but you could also take a single level of inquisitor and pick up 1/day judgments, 1 spell, plus fast move and ignoring difficult terrain if you take the travel domain, plus you get increased skillpoints. Its a smaller dip, just depends on what is most important to you. You have a lot of flexibility with judgment also.

Liberty's Edge

redcelt32 wrote:
Wont help you with uncanny dodge, but you could also take a single level of inquisitor and pick up 1/day judgments, 1 spell, plus fast move and ignoring difficult terrain if you take the travel domain, plus you get increased skillpoints. Its a smaller dip, just depends on what is most important to you. You have a lot of flexibility with judgment also.

That gives up a point of BAB, though. If you do go for Inquisitor, 2nd level, with Cunning Initiative and Detect Alignment looks definitely worth it for the high-ish Wisdom character. And if your group are using Teamwork Feats, a third level can make you the ultimate team player, having whichever one is most useful to the party at the moment. And 4th level gives you 2nd level spells...

Honestly, anything between 2 and 4 Inquisitor levels is a pretty good dip for anyone willing to forego a point of BAB.

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