Paul Barczik |

Might be another thread like this, but I didn't see one. I also figure this doesn't spoil much, as it happens early on in the Howl of Carrion King 'chapter' and honestly doesn't affect the storyline all too much.
One of my players is a half-orc barbarian. Going out to rescue poor Rombard, said half-orc rushed headlong into the cactus patch. She freed the goat, and noted that it was spooked & looked like he was going to dart through the cacti and probably kill himself in the process. Thus, the most epic quote I've ever had the pleasure of hearing in a game to date:
"This is probably going to hurt... but I'm going to grab the goat."
...Probably loses something if you weren't there.. but it was quite hilarious and our group still gets a good chuckle out of it.

Halidan |

I suspect a lot of groups have an interesting time rescuing the goat and learning about the fearsom pug-wumpis. It's actually a great forshadowing encounter. In my game, after they finally killed the pug and saved the goat, the cleric in my groups was heard to say, "Good thing there was only one of the **** things. We're in a heap of trouble if we ever run into a group of them."
It was later that night that they asked the NPC ranger if the pug-wumpis were solitary or social creatures. They didn't like his answer.

DMFTodd |

When my players went to rescue Rombard, one of them was tripped by his rope (due to the unluck aura), the PC fell off the ledge, landed on the cactus and nearly died. The PCs didn't put 2+2 together to blame the unluck so instead blamed the goat. Rombard was the victim of a revenge killing, taken back to camp, and eaten.