Eberron: Party Formation

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Lyre swiftclaw wrote:

Wouldent go as far as that. She helps people (Shifters) but she is not realy a hero.

Ok I think I have enough to go on then to get started, thanks.

Quayne Dovarr wrote:
How are we doing experience? Just curious. :-)

Because XP mechanics have been removed in PF I use a simplified XP system where you need only 15 XP to level. Any challenging encounter nets you at least 1 XP. I also hand out XP for roleplaying so any long in character discussions will also help you level.

Alright I'm ready to start on my end once everyone in a given group tells me "let the adventure begin!" we will start that game.

Female Gnome Artificer 6

Good to go

female shifter (reincarnated elf) Rogue 1/Druid 5 (Pack Lord, Reincarnated Druid)


@Ulvak -- You're right, I haven't yet added my list of connections to the other characters. I have it started but ran out of time yesterday to finish it.

Female Shifter (Razer claw) Witch (moon patron) 6


Male Human Rogue [Acrobat] 2/Alchemist [Vivisectionist] 4

I'm good to go as well.

Lordjimbo wrote:
Ulvak Thirkuira d'Phiarlan wrote:
Raeli, unless I'm missing something, I don't see anything about us working together or even knowing each other, beyond the one comment about being near me should a Shadow Hunter with Sense Shadow be attempting to sense you.
For the purposes of the opening gambit you will have been in an adventuring band together for several weeks having been assigned by The Twelve to perform a mission after that player autonomy takes over and you can figure out where you stand.

Apologies, not trying to butt in on your conversation, just being informative.

I'm gonna be out playing around all today but if when I get back tonight one or both groups have checked in completely I will launch their game!

NA(looks female) NA(looks human) ?


Male Human Conjurer 6

All good. Added in some traits, moved a skill point, checked spells. Will add in stats for a small earth elemental later as it's the creature Quayne most commonly summons.

Male Elf Sorcerer 4(Shadow and Rakshasa)/Dragonmark Heir 2

busy day with both work n stuff around the house, so I was unable to finish my stats tonight. However, if you want, we can begin, and I'll just finish on the fly, shouldn't take me too too long.

Ulvak Thirkuira d'Phiarlan wrote:
busy day with both work n stuff around the house, so I was unable to finish my stats tonight. However, if you want, we can begin, and I'll just finish on the fly, shouldn't take me too too long.

Nah we need to wait for Auzshial's stats too, it's all good, tomorrow or Thursday perhaps=)

Male Elf Fighter (Archer) 5 / Wizard (Foresight) 1
Lordjimbo wrote:
Alright I'm ready to start on my end once everyone in a given group tells me "let the adventure begin!" we will start that game.

let the adventure begin!

I still haven't done the stats on attack bonus/damage for Elvom's weapons. I'll do so after making this post.

Should have done this sooner, but I just kept thinking I could make it all work. Going to have to bow out of this, just too much going on. Sorry guys. Definitely going to lurk when I've got the time though.

Female Shifter (Razer claw) Witch (moon patron) 6
Lordjimbo wrote:

Siberys group will begin the adventure in the den of a crime boss who is looking for "volunteers" for a particularly dangerous Mournland excursion. If you'll accept his proposal or just trash the place depends on how ornery you're all feeling...


It occures to me that if you are doing the "Volunteer" thing with the crimeboss she could simply have been 'recruited' (ie jumped) heading between shifter villages

female shifter (reincarnated elf) Rogue 1/Druid 5 (Pack Lord, Reincarnated Druid)

Bummer you have to bow out, Fraust! :(

I'm heading up to PaizoCon tomorrow morning, so intermittent posting at best through the weekend. Should be able to keep up if the game gets going before then, but there will be long stretches where I won't be able to check in.

Fraust wrote:
Should have done this sooner, but I just kept thinking I could make it all work. Going to have to bow out of this, just too much going on. Sorry guys. Definitely going to lurk when I've got the time though.

It's all good dude, I regret not being able to play with you as you seemed cool but definitely lurk all you like and comment on any about the game ooc threads we start if you like.

Raeli wrote:

Bummer you have to bow out, Fraust! :(

I'm heading up to PaizoCon tomorrow morning, so intermittent posting at best through the weekend. Should be able to keep up if the game gets going before then, but there will be long stretches where I won't be able to check in.


Lyre swiftclaw wrote:
Lordjimbo wrote:

Siberys group will begin the adventure in the den of a crime boss who is looking for "volunteers" for a particularly dangerous Mournland excursion. If you'll accept his proposal or just trash the place depends on how ornery you're all feeling...

Lordjimbo* spoiler

Ok that'll be what happened.

Alright everyone from Khyber group has checked in so I shall begin the game shortly the thread will be titled Eberron: In Deepest Shadow (Khyber Group) I shall begin it shortly.

Lordjimbo wrote:
Alright everyone from Khyber group has checked in so I shall begin the game shortly the thread will be titled Eberron: In Deepest Shadow (Khyber Group) I shall begin it shortly.

Wow that is super super irritating I placed the first post (the prologue)up but now I can't enter the thread to begin the adventure. I not sure if it's my computer glitching or the website, bear with me as I contact tech support.

Lol I dunno what is happening but there appears to be a plague of "Zero Posts" going on. Will continue messing around but we might have to just wait a bit thank you for your patience.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Your not the only one it's happening to, last count there was 14 all over the boards, in a variety of topics. Then I tried to post a thread about in the website section, but same happened to me.

Monkeygod wrote:
Your not the only one it's happening to, last count there was 14 all over the boards, in a variety of topics. Then I tried to post a thread about in the website section, but same happened to me.

lol blah, and I was in such a good DMing mood too=(

Man what a bummer, oh well I'll check in tomorrow to see if I can access my own thread or just see if I can start a new one. G'night cruel world!!!

Dark Archive

Sadly I think you will have to re-post the intro since as far as I'm aware they have to deleate the o post threads. (for example checking out your posts in your profile shows the post to be none existent.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Actually it seems like they might be able to repair the posts so u won't have to repost. Check the website section of the boards and link your Kyber thread to see if they can fix it.

The Khyber thread is repaired and the game is up and ready to begin, post at your leisure. Siberys group will begin once our friend the Harbinger checks in=)

Khyber Group

Dark Archive

Lordjimbo wrote:
The Khyber thread is repaired and the game is up and ready to begin, post at your leisure. Siberys group will begin once our friend the Harbinger checks in=)


Just had a look at Harbringers profiles and he hasent posted in any of them in over a week so not sure if he is still around to post.

Hmmm your right. Here is what I will do I will begin the game now but work under the assumption he will join at some point. The thread will be called Eberron: The Days of Future's Past (Siberys Group)

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

LJ, forgot to mention this before, but PF has NOT done away with XP, just XP for crafting. if you don't have access to the bestiary, go here for monster XP.

Male Human Conjurer 6

Just testing dice.

1d3 ⇒ 11d3 ⇒ 11d3 ⇒ 2

1d3 ⇒ 11d3 ⇒ 21d3 ⇒ 2

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 111d6 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 171d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 251d6 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 121d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 131d6 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

What about criticals?

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 281d6 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14

I see- it holds your rolls.

Well, that totally screws up my awesome real dice rolls. I wondered why I was rolling so well. Because they don't count! :-)
So much for summoning 3 elementals and having them all probably hit, one with a double 20 crit. Let's go find out what really happens.... :-)

Monkeygod wrote:
LJ, forgot to mention this before, but PF has NOT done away with XP, just XP for crafting. if you don't have access to the bestiary, go here for monster XP.

I was referring to XP mechanics like spell costs and crafting as you mentioned. With this gone XP isn't directly tied in to player power as an expendable resource as before. My simplified XP system levels you after fifteen challenging encounters(which includes RPing) it's just easy book keeping. Thanks for the heads up though.

Male Human Software Engineer 15 / Project Manager 2 / Cleric (FSM) 1
Lordjimbo wrote:
Hmmm your right. Here is what I will do I will begin the game now but work under the assumption he will join at some point. The thread will be called Eberron: The Days of Future's Past (Siberys Group)

I was at a family reunion two states away over the weekend, but I'll make a Elvom post on the Siberys thread in 4-5 hours (after I get home from work).

Also, can we have a OOC discussion thread for the Siberys game?

another_mage wrote:

I was at a family reunion two states away over the weekend, but I'll make a Elvom post on the Siberys thread in 4-5 hours (after I get home from work).

Also, can we have a OOC discussion thread for the Siberys game?

It's all good. Yes the ooc thread will be called LordJimbo's Magnificent Mansion: OOC for Eberron Explorers(group name)

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