Avalon Game's June Preview

Product Discussion

Avalon Games here with all sorts of great games and gaming stuff for you.

June has a new How-To book coming out. Continuing in our examination of the traditional character classes we look at how to play a great cleric. This book and others in the series look at ways you can use a standard class to create a great character, and do it with some fun and flare.

Our next Mini-Games series, Airships is here as well. This little gem is based on the Landships rule set, so it can be played alongside Landships or all by itself. Take to the skies with this great series of steam punk battles.

Infinite Aliens 5 will be out later this month. Ten more alien races to play and shoot with your ray guns.

Avalon Pathfinder with a new adventure, encounter, magic and treasure will hit this month.

Well, this is June, of course, and that means a new issue of Infinite Horizons is here. Great sci-fi stuff and its all free. In this issue we have all sorts of great stuff: IF gaming, a paper model by Fantasy Cutouts, comics, some incredible fiction and oh so much more. This has been a popular e-zine so far and we hope to continue to release issues every three months. So help us out and do your part - spread the word and post in forums. Tell’m all about Infinite Horizons and our other free e-zine, Game Geek. (Which is also out this month with great gobs of gaming goodies.)

Use the links below to get your copies of these great e-zines.

Game Geek…

Infinite Horizons…

Last but never least, our first Avalon Model should be coming out this month when we release our Fantasy House series. The first product will include a free download of the basic house followed a little later in the month with a full-blown version of the model. I have to say it was a lot of work getting this ready, but it was well worth the time and labor - this paper model looks great.

Avalon Games

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