Aldori Name

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

According to the Inner Sea World Guide, Sirian Alodri made his immediate pupils change their name to Aldori. I've seen reference to one NPC using the Aldori name in the NPC Guide, and one swordlord in Mivon who does not use the name. Do people still take the Aldori name? Is it hereditary or titular, both or neither?

The Mivoni swordlords specifically do not use the Aldori surname. Part of the reason they exist is so that they can have the Aldori swordlord training without the Aldori swordlord traditions. The Aldori swordlords from Restov/Brevoy, however, use Aldori as a surname (so long as they're following tradition - there's been more than a few examples of swordlords not using the Aldori surname specifically breaking tradition.)

And it appears to be mostly titular - if you're an Aldori swordlord, you are Whomever Aldori.

Edit: Information was mostly gathered from the Guide to the River Kingdoms, the Kingmaker AP, and some comments by the designers on the boards, shaken and stirred to come up with the above conclusion. I may well be wrong.

i don't know about what atrus said, but i know all my swordlord characters have the surname, specifically my fan fic dayn' aldori

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