The Synthesist Patch

Homebrew and House Rules

Looking over Synthesist with a couple of friends, we figure it's a bit underpowered due to Summoner's initial balancing being done with double action economy in mind. Beyond that, the Split Forms and Twin Eidolon abilities just don't make much thematic sense for the Synthesist archetype. Therefore, we've built this little patch, as well as two side options, that we're seeking critique on.

Synthesist Archetype Patch


Bonus Feats The Synthesist receives a bonus feat at 4th, 8th, and 14th level. These bonus feats may be any Combat Feat or Monster Feat that the fused Synthesist/Eidolon would otherwise qualify for.

True Synthesis (Su) The Synthesist can remain in his fused form indefinitely. The Synthesist's eidolon does not dismiss if he falls asleep or otherwise loses consciousness. This ability replaces Split Forms.

Fusion Celerity (Su) The Synthesist can call his eidolon or dismiss it as a full-round action, instead of needing to perform a 1 minute ritual. If the eidolon is killed, the Synthesist must wait a full 24 hours, as normal. This ability replaces Twin Eidolon.

New Feat

Tenacious Summoning

Your summoned entities are particularly tenacious, and refuse to turn from or leave you in a time of need.

Prerequisites: Ability to utilize a spell of the (Summoning) subschool

Benefit: Any creature you summon gains a +4 bonus to its saving throw to avoid dimissal or domination. This bonus also applies to a Summoner's eidolon.

New Summoner Option

Prepared Casting

While many Summoners draw arcane magic from the link they have forged with an outsider, there exist other Summoners who followed a different path to the link. Many Summoners began schooled in the arcane arts either by traditional paths, or by study of wizardry. These Summoners gave up much of their arcane potential to forge a bond far stronger than that another wizard's familiar or bonded item--the bond with the eidolon. Such Summoners prepare spells ahead of time and use a spellbook, as other prepared arcane casters. A prepared casting Summoner uses Intelligence as the primary ability for his spells (the Summon Monster class feature remains based on Charisma), and gains access to spell research as any other prepared caster. However, a prepared casting Summoner's spellcasting progression for each slot stops at 4 spells per level, instead of 5.

Comments, critique, and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Bumping, I'd really like some critique on this.

I would say that Tenacious summoning should be something along the lines of..

Requirements: Spell focus Conj

Then the benefit is reliant on the DC for your Conj spells. The more focused you are in Conj they harder it is for the enemy to dismiss or otherwise command your summoned creatures.

Ævux wrote:

I would say that Tenacious summoning should be something along the lines of..

Requirements: Spell focus Conj

Then the benefit is reliant on the DC for your Conj spells. The more focused you are in Conj they harder it is for the enemy to dismiss or otherwise command your summoned creatures.

Hm. That's probably a better option. I think I'll change it over.

EDIT: Gack, why can't I edit my original post? x.x

yeah the lock the editing out about 20 minutes or whatever later.

The best thing to do is re-post the current rules later in the thread. This looks interesting. Not sure if I'd use it or not yet, but it looks pretty good to me.

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