Rogue talent to cast spells?

Homebrew and House Rules

How many rogue talents would be needed to a rogue to grant him the ability to know and cast spells like a sorcerer of half his rogue level?

I was under the impression that the only talents that let a rogue cast wizard spells were major and minor magic, and you can only take each once, so a rogue can only cast one cantrip and one first level spell, no matter how many rogue talents he/she has.

To get a whole lot more spells, dip a level into sorcerer.

Yeah, to get the amount of spellcasting you want, you should really multiclass.

To get that many sorcerer spells? Perhaps every single rogue talent.

Symar wrote:
To get that many sorcerer spells? Perhaps every single rogue talent.

Again, I don't think you can take either of the talents that give sorc spells more than once. And I only see two, one for a cantrip, and one for a first level spell.

I must be missing something huge to not see how rogues can get lots of sorc spells. I mean I'm looking at one cantrip and one first level spell and you guys are talking about getting half of the spells a sorc gets.


Liberty's Edge

Be an Arcane Trickster.

Seriously. This is EXACTLY why that class was made in the first place.

brassbaboon wrote:


I think the original poster is asking "How many rogue talents would I have to give up to get 1/2 sorcerer spellcasting", not "What rogue talents can I take to get sorcerer spellcasting".

He is asking for an optional class feature to replace rogue talents, I guess.

Jeraa wrote:

I think the original poster is asking "How many rogue talents would I have to give up to get 1/2 sorcerer spellcasting", not "What rogue talents can I take to get sorcerer spellcasting".

He is asking for an optional class feature to replace rogue talents, I guess.

Yes, exactly!

Any suggestions?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
LukeZ wrote:
How many rogue talents would be needed to a rogue to grant him the ability to know and cast spells like a sorcerer of half his rogue level?

Can't be done. There is no such vehicle within the rules otherwise there would be no need for multi-classing or PrCs like the Arcane Trickster.

Don't like that answer? Make up your own rules and try to bluff it past a GM.

LazarX wrote:
LukeZ wrote:
How many rogue talents would be needed to a rogue to grant him the ability to know and cast spells like a sorcerer of half his rogue level?

Can't be done. There is no such vehicle within the rules otherwise there would be no need for multi-classing or PrCs like the Arcane Trickster.

Don't like that answer? Make up your own rules and try to bluff it past a GM.

I am the GM.

I need a character who is a rogue with some magical abilities, not a wizard with some "roguish" abilities (like an arcane trickster).
I was asking some suggestions on how to make it.

Liberty's Edge

I would still recommend using the Arcane Trickster as a chassis for this vehicle, rather than the rogue class. Also, are you willing to give up other rogue abilities like Uncanny Dodge, Trapfinding, or Trapsense?

Or perhaps you could take the Bard as a base, and replace some of their abilities with rogue abilities.


Sounds to me like a simple multiclass character. Take one of the tricksier sorcerer bloodlines and mix it with rogue to taste. That or a multiclass rogue / beguiler (from the 3.5 PHB II).

Lyrax wrote:

I would still recommend using the Arcane Trickster as a chassis for this vehicle, rather than the rogue class. Also, are you willing to give up other rogue abilities like Uncanny Dodge, Trapfinding, or Trapsense?

Or perhaps you could take the Bard as a base, and replace some of their abilities with rogue abilities.


It could also use the Paladin/Ranger spell progression, it would be enough.

I was thinking about a Rogue variant (Spell Filcher?) with Spellcraft added and Trapfinding (levevl 1) and Trapsense (level 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18) removed.
What else should be removed to remain balanced?
I thought about some Rogue Talents...

LukeZ wrote:
LazarX wrote:
LukeZ wrote:
How many rogue talents would be needed to a rogue to grant him the ability to know and cast spells like a sorcerer of half his rogue level?

Can't be done. There is no such vehicle within the rules otherwise there would be no need for multi-classing or PrCs like the Arcane Trickster.

Don't like that answer? Make up your own rules and try to bluff it past a GM.

I am the GM.

I need a character who is a rogue with some magical abilities, not a wizard with some "roguish" abilities (like an arcane trickster).
I was asking some suggestions on how to make it.

You might look into the Spellthief from WotC's Complete Adventurer

Grand Lodge

I personally would say one talent per level of spells granted.

Right, you could try looking at the spellthief or beguiler from 3.5 One of those might fit what you need.
Or maybe even the lurk, from the psionic book.

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