How about but for Mutants and Masterminds 3E?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hey gang!

I'm John Reyst, the original creator of and I've recently started setting up a similar type of site but for Mutants and Masterminds (Third Edition) using the Open Game Content portions of the rules (basically everything.) I want this site to support and promote the Mutants and Masterminds game as does for the Pathfinder game, by getting more people into the system by letting them see the system before they buy.

Anyway, the site can be found at It's not 100% complete yet as the tables still need formatting and a ton of linkage still needs to be added but it's getting there. I'd love to hear any comments pro or con about the site. You can email me at if you've got any thoughts!

Thanks and good gaming all!



Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


It's a shame I run a 2nd Edition game. Or this would be really grandly useful. I didn't know M&M was so OGL (due to the Super Powered by M&M licence). In any case this site will definitely see some use from me as there are 3rd edition rules I totally want to crib for my 2e Game XD.

I did not know it was OGL, but neat.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
I did not know it was OGL, but neat.

Other than the product identity stuff (character names, places, etc) its 100% open game content (since its basis is 3.x SRD.)

Hopefully people find this site useful and possibly will send a few more sales to Green Ronin for an awesomely made game system.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:


It's a shame I run a 2nd Edition game. Or this would be really grandly useful. I didn't know M&M was so OGL (due to the Super Powered by M&M licence). In any case this site will definitely see some use from me as there are 3rd edition rules I totally want to crib for my 2e Game XD.

The Super Powered License is if you want to make and sell books and products etc. If you don't use their IP (names, places, art, etc.) and only use that which is declared Open Game Content, you're good to go.

Anyway, yeah, check it out and maybe even consider converting now that the rules are there so easily and readily available! I plan to get all the errata applied soon and finish the formatting and linkification too. It'd be neat if this site ended up as a popular destination for MnM players.

I must thank you twice. First, for the excellent pfsrd, which as of now is my primary source for Pathfinder related stuff, good job.

Second, for this new herosrd: I loved the 2nd edition of Mutants & Masterminds and it's a shame that a lot of people don't play it. This hopefully will create a bigger player base for the 3rd edition, count on my support.

The site looks fine, but it's incomplete (no power list) and it still reads too much like a copy paste from the book (no hyperlinks and sometimes you can see those "see page x" around). Hyperlinking everything would make the site perfect, and a bit more images wouldn't hurt.

I'm not web savvy in the slightest, so I have no idea how to help to actually improve the site. How did pfsrd worked? Sort of like a wiki, where user can put their own stuff into?

Other than that, good job and thank you again.

I like the idea of a M&M SRD (though, like DM_aka_Dudemeister above, I only play under 2E rules), but I feel obliged to point out that while Green Ronin appears to recognize that people can make a M&M SRD, they would really appreciate it if people wouldn't do that.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

@JEB1981: Hmm. I had done some searching on the subject but clearly not enough since I missed those threads. However, given the level of success Paizo has had, either in spite of, or partially because of, the existence of, I'd hope they'd reconsider their feelings. I still plan to keep the site up and will work diligently to ensure that a) it is legally compliant with the OGL and b) it promotes and encourages the Mutants and Masterminds game, and the many great products Green Ronin produces.

@Pixel Cube: Thanks for the thanks :) Yes, it IS incomplete. I know. It will get there though, I promise. It will see the same level of completion that has. Right now its in "construction phase." Sidenote: The site is hosted on Google Sites and non-technical, non-web editor people can even work on it. Knowledge of html and css is certainly helpful but not required.

Is there a downloadable, html version of either (or both)?

I like the ease of use of links, but would love to be able to edit it for my own tastes and especially have it available on the off chance I find myself deployed at sea for several months with no internet access (go Navy!)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Fletch wrote:

Is there a downloadable, html version of either (or both)?

I like the ease of use of links, but would love to be able to edit it for my own tastes and especially have it available on the off chance I find myself deployed at sea for several months with no internet access (go Navy!)

A downloadable version is very likely once the site is complete yeah.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Lot's of formatting progress made over the last few days on the Mutants and Masterminds 3E SRD site at

Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think!

jreyst wrote:

Lot's of formatting progress made over the last few days on the Mutants and Masterminds 3E SRD site at

Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think!

Neat. Actually, even neater than the pfsrd. It would be nice to also have some non-copyrighted art to show too (with the archetypes for example), I'll scout the internet to see if I can find something that can be used.

By the way, did anyone from Green Ronin expressed approval/disapproval for this new SRD?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I posted a note about it on the GR Atomic Think Tank messageboards 7 days ago but have not as yet received any sort of response pro or con from anyone from GR. While (as helpfully pointed out by JEB1981 above) they have previously been on record as being against the idea of an SRD site, the posts linked to were quite old and prior to the massive success that Pathfinder has seen. Since Paizo is basically 100% open with their content, even going so far as to set up and pay people to maintain the PRD, I would hope that the GR folks might have a different opinion now.

In any case though, while I'd love to have their support and have a positive relationship with GR, so long as we only post the Open Game Content portions of the rules we're legally in the clear. I plan to massively promote GR and any 3PP creating products for MnM3E just as we do for Pathfinder on, with free advertising for publishers and full linkage back to product purchase pages etc. The site isn't 100% complete yet but it should somewhat resemble at least in that regard (promoting and trying to help expand the 3pp market for the game that is.)

As for non-copyrighted art, there was a very extremely cool Kickstarter project recently that released several dozen nice "head-shot" type images as free and open to use. I've already added a few of them throughout the site, AND there was at least one book released during the 3.x days of DnD that included ALL of the art as part of the Open Game Content declaration. The downside of that book is that its all generally fantasy-themed and while some of the pics could be usable, most are not. So, in short, yeah, if you find very nice hero- or modern- oriented art that would fit on a hero site, that is not copyrighted or is otherwise open to use, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! Hell, I can even just add you as a collaborator on the site and if/when you find art you can post it yourself :)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Lot's of updates!

Check 'em out at!

Check out the nifty archetypes! :)

Dark Archive

Oh man, how did I miss this?!?

*runs off to check it out*

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Matthew Winn wrote:

Oh man, how did I miss this?!?

*runs off to check it out*

Heh :) Just in time for lots of updates I posted today too!

I like second edition. Having a quick look at the 3rd thanks to this. It is making me consider picking up third.

Thank you for both pfsrd and this. I'm about to start running a game of DC Adventures and while I already have my own book of it, it's convenient for me that the players can access the rules independently of the book. =)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Glad to be of service! Spread the word!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Lot's of awesome super hero art by the artist Storn A. Cook is being added to the site today. Storn Cook graciously gave permission to use his art and I think it really evokes the super hero feel don't you? His art is scattered throughout the site (the ones without the creative commons logo) so check 'em out!

I was,at one time,against the idea of SRDs. I felt that they would hurt the companies that were making great products. But, as time as gone on I have cometp realize that these have actually lead to the purchase of more books. Being that I am unable to go to a local game shop and pick up the works to flip through, due to being stationed overseas, they really give me the chance to try them out before hand. I was looking at buying the M&M rule set and this has provided me the opportunity to look over the system. Thanks for the work,J.

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