[Clockwork Gnome Publishing] Free Review Copies Available of Finwicket's Bestiary: Along the Faerie Path

Product Discussion

Clockwork Gnome Publishing

If you are interested in reviewing the latest book from Clockwork Gnome Publishing, then I have a free review copy for you. I do have a limit on how many I can offer, roughly 5-7 is what I am thinking.

So if you want a free PDF and think you can take the time to give us a review for Finwicket's Bestiary: Along the Faerie Path then drop me a line at


allen (dot) bard (at) gmail (dot) com

and we can arrange for you to receive a copy.

Clockwork Gnome Publishing

I am not one to bump my own threads, but I just wanted to make sure this did not get lost in the shuffle. So please forgive me. :)

Liberty's Edge

I would review it, but I already got a free copy. :P

email sent.

Clockwork Gnome Publishing

Cizin` wrote:
email sent.

I sent you the information. But if for some reason you do not see it, just drop a line here and we can get it worked out. Thank you greatly for offering your time and services.

Also email'd. :3 Very excited to read and review.

The Exchange


Clockwork Gnome Publishing

I sent out the information for the review copies and the two of you should see something soon.

Thank you so much for the help.

Clockwork Gnome Publishing

It looks like I have filled my review quota. Thank you to all of you who volunteered your time to review the book. I will be interested and excited to see what you have to say.

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