Pure Insanity!

Customer Service

Dark Archive

I'm having a hard time reaching you guys by phone. I have some weird stuff going on with my Paizocon tickets, and I may lose out on the lottery if nobody gets back to me!
Anything y'all can do to help out?

Lantern Lodge

kikai13 wrote:

I'm having a hard time reaching you guys by phone. I have some weird stuff going on with my Paizocon tickets, and I may lose out on the lottery if nobody gets back to me!

Anything y'all can do to help out?

I just got back from lunch so if you need to call, I should be here :)

Looking at your account, I can see you transferred a ticket and banquet ticket on May 20th.

sara marie

Lantern Lodge

Upon investigation, it looks like you became a venture captain after we had already assigned the paizocon badges. We have now assigned you your venture captain paizocon ticket so you should be able to rate events for the lottery now.

sara marie

Dark Archive

Thank you so much, Sara Marie! You are the best! Thank you thank you!

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