Advanced Kingmaker - Episode IV: Blood for Blood


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Nikolai swoops down to land near Ameon, his sword still drawn and at the ready a wicked grin on his face. 'Now, now old boy. Nice and easy. Let us bind you and you'll be a fairly taken prisoner of war, try anything and I'll show you how little I care for the formalities of war.'

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Monk of the Four Winds / Lvl10

Zalana moves towards the man and frowns, staring up at him. "Leading Trolls against your own kind? What kind of a person does that? You sicken me!"

Male Human, Andoran Ranger 10

Bors has a seat on a larger piece of debris, and patiently waits for the invisibility to end. He then will follow the others as they lead the prisoner back to town, unless bits and pieces of the trolls begin to twitch around, unfinished.

Ameon snickers at Zalana's comments and offers no resistance to his arrest. He is led to the townhall, while the villagers and soldiers tend to the clean up of the dead warriors on the battlefield.

Captain Lowry congratulates you all on your efforts in saving the village and leaves the questioning of the prisoner in your capable hands.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

Alright guys, we did very well in battle. Let's see how we do in questioning a prisoner. I'm gonna be out for a day or so, so someone else probably needs to take the lead. I'd expect this guy is gonna be quite boisterous and ready to talk, though. Typical questions would probably include who send him, why, who else is coming, how far the second round of soliders are from the town, etc.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Monk of the Four Winds / Lvl10

I dont think Zalana would be the best person to ask questions.

Male Human, Andoran Ranger 10

Bors will offer to lead the interrogation, if no one else seems interested. Off from Ameon, Bors mentions it will be rough, but time may be of the essence, if more troops are coming.

Approaching the bound Ameon, addressing our group and hopefully a couple of villagers/leaders/ Do tha' folks 'ere 'ave a slaughter'ouse? A stone floored out-buildin'll do. We'll need three, nay, four buckets o' water an a couple a' mops.

Looking to the ladies, Lady Elisen, Lady Zalana, ye mae nae wanna see all this. Tha' barbarian scout we caught tha' days ago dinna give much at first, just mostly bled an' cried.

Turning to Hrafen and Nikolai, Lord Hrafen, hae ye 'ad lunch? We'll hae time if'n ye want a snack a'fer ye join me. Lord Orlovsky, ye may find this interestin'. A close up look at a man's organs, still in action so ta speak. Plus, I may need a bit o' yer magics, I nae wanna dig deep at first, 'e mae up an try ta die on me. T'will give ye a chance ta practice all those little spells ye types nae use much any more. I na'er asked, did ye prefer acidic o' fiery orisons?

Leaning down to look Ameon eye to eye, We'll get ya a comfy chair and bind ye good an' tight a'fer we begin. Do ye wanna drink, a bite? We'll go as quick or slow as ye desire. Tha' folks 'ere need answers, an they care little fer 'ow I get 'em. Thay wanna know 'ow safe or unsafe they are, wat this be all about, what brings ye ta this neck o' tha woods. Just little things like that.

Standing straight, Bors then backhands Ameon, hard, across the face, still gauntleted. Me, I wanna know why I am out o' me own bed, dealin' wit invadin' scum, when I hae a couple pretty ladies tha' was needin' me attentions. Ye are nae pretty, a lady, or deservin' o' me attentions. Yet 'ere I am.

Turning to any villager/soldier/elder available, Well, shall we begin. Lead on, and mind ta' get me me tools.

Intimidate Check:
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

Nice work!

Nikolai only grins a macabre grin and cracks his knuckles, flexing his fingers in preparation for spellcasting, his eyes dark and hollow.

Aid Another for Bors
1d20 ⇒ 8

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Monk of the Four Winds / Lvl10

Zalana nods softly, before wandering off. Taking a seat, crosslegged, on the ground, she closes her eyes, and slumps a little forward, praying, furiously, in thanks to still being alive.

"One more day on this mortal coil..."

Ameon spits out blood after Bors' backhand to the face and his hardened mood softens. "Hey old boy, no need to get physical or descriptive as to all the torture you're going to inflict on me. I'm willing to spill the beans. My employer ain't the nicest of people and if I return, I'm as good as dead for my failure here today, so I own him no loyalty."

He adjusts his seating on the chair. "Baron Drelev is behind the attack. He's made some alliance with the Tiger Lord barbarians in the west and he thought an attack on this newly found kingdom would win him some favor with the powers in Pitax. Never knew it would be so well-defended!" Ameon smiles a little. "There's no second wave of attacks planned, to the best of my knowlege. We were just sent to stoke the fires of an invasion, nothing more. As for the Baron, he's tossed the former baron in the dungeons and taken his daughter as prisoner too. Like I said, not the nicest of guys."

Kissandra screams: "You bastard, that's my father and sister you're talking about!" She moves up and kicks Ameon in the balls and he doubles over in pain.

"Sorry, didn't know", says Ameon, through pained teeth. "He's holed up in Fort Drelev to the west. He's got a cadre of hill giants as guards. Please stop hitting me."

Male Halfling Sorceror (Crossblood [Orc]/[Elemental(Primal)] & Tattooed Sorceror) 5 (AC 15/14/12; HP 32/32; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7; Init +7; CMD 15; Perception +19)

Hrafen strokes his chin thoughtfully.

"What about the civilians? Are they still extant, or have they been... dealt with... as a result of the power shift.?"

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Monk of the Four Winds / Lvl10

We still on the go...?

Hrafen Vormenghast wrote:

Hrafen strokes his chin thoughtfully.

"What about the civilians? Are they still extant, or have they been... dealt with... as a result of the power shift.?"

"Yes, they're still there, afraid to even leave for fear of reprisals. I can take you there, if you'd like."

Zalana wrote:
We still on the go...?

Still here, was on a cruise to the Caribbean last week. Game's good to go, if you guys are still interested.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Monk of the Four Winds / Lvl10

Im still game. Have nothing to do at the moment, Zalana is so not able to be apart of this. Haha

Ditto on Zalana. Nikolai isn't cut out for interogation.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

"How do we know you aren't going to double cross us on the way?" Elisen asks the prisoner.

"No reason to, sweets. I owe that bastard no loyalty. And you guys kicked my ass but good. But if you don't want me, that's fine. I'll just rot in jail."

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

"Be mindful of that tone, or I'll have some of the others here make it so you'll struggle to speak for a few days." Elisen looks around for any advice from t he group.

Looks like thread is dead. Oh, well. Fun while it lasted.

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